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  1. James_Donner

    Hamidon Raid

    Thanks again to everyone who made it out to a great raid.
  2. James_Donner

    Hamidon Raid

    Reminder that the next Hamidon Raid is Feb. 23 @9pm Eastern
  3. James_Donner

    Incarnate badge

    Well I can give you at least 8 who got it on multiple toons. The error was server side and it was just dumb luck for the people who got it. We just happened to be running Khan speed runs atm so we were resetting every 20 min. I got it twice on 3 of mine. Only had the shards to craft the ultra rare on 1. The rest will just have an extra when I eventually get enough drops. The double reward merits were nice though.
  4. James_Donner

    Incarnate badge

    No, pretty much anyone playing last Tuesday before 5pm eastern and who had the stockpile of shards should be running around with the badge.
  5. James_Donner

    Hamidon Raid

    We actually started right on time last night and did two runs. Didn't really feel like it ran that late. We are scheduling them at 9PM EST so west coast people can have a chance as well.

    And yes they will get faster. I would love to run them more than once a week but I think the server needs to learn how to do them efficiently first. I'm also open to doing them redside but we'll have to move our raid toons to Vig. status first. If your interested in getting more involved in the process just hit me up in game.
  6. James_Donner

    Hamidon Raid

    Thanks to everyone who came out to help us with Hamidon. We took Hami down twice and had a great time.

    We'll be running our next raid on Feb 23rd at 9pm. Hope to see you all there.
  7. Since i19's release I have been experiencing total system crashes when dual boxing. The system would just shut off completely. When I reboot everything seems fine. Since i19.5 the crashes have expanded to when I am running a single instance. So far it only happened during the final Recluse and Kahn TF boss fights. I think the issue is related to my graphics card. I can tell a huge difference in my graphics cards volume, its just running louder. I am thinking I need a new card but I'd like to rule out any known driver or game related issues. I am unable to replicate the crash in any other game. Hope someone has a clue whats going on and can help me out.

    ---System information gathered by CoH Helper version

    DxDiag gathered at February 8, 2011 19:40 (-05:00)
    Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.vistasp2_gdr.100608-0458)
    System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
    System Model: Dell XPS420
    BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A04
    Central Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
    Memory: 3326MB
    .Net Memory Report: 2469MB out of 3325MB available
    Page File: 5641MB (1205MB currently in use)
    C Drive: (WDC WD5000AAKS-75A7B0) 257297MB out of 461523MB (55%) free
    D Drive: (WDC WD5000AAKS-75A7B0) 5358MB out of 15359MB (34%) free
    E Drive: (PLDS DVD+-RW DH-16A6S) zero-size drive
    Windows directory location: C:\Windows
    DirectX: DirectX 11
    DirectX Diag version: 7.00.6002.18107 (32-bit version)

    Display Notes: No problems found.
    Sound Notes: No problems found.

    No problems found.

    No problems found.
    Input Notes: No problems found.

    Monitor: Dell SP2208WFP(Digital)
    Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
    Video Device Name: ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
    Manufacturer / Chip: ATI Technologies Inc. / ATI display adapter (0x9588)
    Video Memory: 1648 MB
    Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1063
    Driver Date: 1/4/2011 10:02:28 PM
    Driver Language: English

    Sound Device Description: Speakers / Headphones (SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC)
    Driver File: stwrt.sys
    Driver Version: 6.10.5511.0000
    Driver Date: 9/12/2007 3:40:48 AM

    Sound Device Description: Line 1 (Live! Cam Virtual)
    Driver File: livecamv.sys
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 1/15/2007 4:57:08 PM

    Sound Device Description: Digital Output Device (SPDIF Out) (SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC)
    Driver File: stwrt.sys
    Driver Version: 6.10.5511.0000
    Driver Date: 9/12/2007 3:40:48 AM

    WMI Information
    Motherboard Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
    Motherboard Model: (empty)
    Motherboard Product: 0TP406
    Motherboard Version:
    BIOS Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
    BIOS Name: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A04
    BIOS Version: DELL - 15
    BIOS Release: 20080327000000.000000+000

    Registry Information for Current User
    Resolution: 1680x1000
    3D Resolution: 1680x1000 (Not using renderscale)
    Full Screen: No
    Maximized: Yes
    Screen Position: 0, 0
    Refresh Rate: 60Hz
    Vertical Sync Enabled: Yes

    Physics Quality: None
    Maximum Particles: 50000
    Max Particle Fill? 10.000
    Physics Card Enabled: No

    Anti-aliasing: Off
    Anisotropic Filtering: 4x
    Texture LOD Bias: Smooth
    Water Effects: None
    Bloom: 1.000 (turned off)
    Depth of Field Enabled: No
    Desaturation Effects (Sepia) Enabled: Yes
    Shader Detail: Unknown (5)

    World Texture Level: Low
    Character Texture Level: High
    World Detail Level (Vis_Scale): 0.800
    Entity Detail Level: 1.000
    Shadows Enabled: No
    Shadow Mode: Stencil shadows
    Shadow Map Shader: Unknown (0)
    Environmental Reflections: Disabled
    Advanced Occlusion Settings: No
    Ambient Occlusion: Off
    Occlusion Strength: Off
    Blur: Bilateral
    Ambient Resolution: Performance

    Gamma Correction: 1.000
    Geometry Buffers (VBOs) Enabled: Yes
    Suppression of FX When Camera Close Enabled: Yes
    Close Suppression Range: 3.000
    Show Advertisements: Yes

    Audio Mode: Performance
    3D Audio: No
    FX Sound Volume: 0.098
    Music Sound Volume: 0.000

    Show Advanced Graphics Options: No
    Overall Graphics Quality: 0.250
    Reverse Mouse Buttons: No
    Save Login Username: Yes
    Transfer Rate: 80277 bytes/second
    Current Game Version: 1950.201102010039.0
    Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\City of Heroes

    Mod files in the Data directory
    .\texture_library\GUI\Icons\Powers has 247 files
    .\texture_library\MAPS\city has 1 file
    .\texture_library\MAPS\Midnight_Squad has 1 file
    .\texture_library\MAPS\Safeguard has 9 files
    .\texture_library\MAPS\sewers has 44 files
    .\texture_library\MAPS\static has 40 files
    .\texture_library\V_MAPS\City has 1 file
    .\texture_library\V_MAPS\Outdoor_Missions has 9 files
    .\texture_library\V_MAPS\Static has 16 files
  8. My search fu is week so could someone please help me out and explain how/if the level shift impacts the defense soft cap? Since we could potentially earn additional level shifts with each incarnate slot how much benefit might we see in the future?
  9. James_Donner

    Hamidon Raid

    Originally Posted by Mindscythe View Post
    9pm eastern, I take it?
  10. James_Donner

    Hamidon Raid

    Originally Posted by Wulfman View Post
    A raid can be done any time someone wants to step up and lead one. The basics of the strategy we use to lead public raids are posted on these forums for anyone to use. The problem is that most people that don't raid on a regular basis don't want the hastle of trying to organize one...they want to just go and participate.
    Since We all had so much fun with TA, Jagged Legion is planning on hosting a Hamidon Raid on Wed Feb 9th @9pm Eastern. We have several experienced raiders who have volunteered to lead teams and help coordinate things. Our hope is for a reasonable turnout so we can start teaching people just how fun the new raiding style can be. Plus I can't wait to see what some level shifted scrappers do to the yellows.

    I would encourage everyone to read TA hamidon guide. Its an easy read and gives an excellent outline of the current strategy.

    Hope to see you there.
  11. For once I am actually excited about a Dev decision. I think the WTF is a great idea and will help people get used to finding TF teams. I've haven't seen so many people running TFs on pinnacle in years.

    I also hope they decide to remove a few from the rotation. Some like the Caverns, Katie, Hess, Eden, Sewers and the Shard TFs, just don't have a Red counterpart. A part of me does hope they slip in Moonfire and Mender Silos.

    I Wish they would revamp the Shadow Shard. Make it co-op. Add some light bridges, those jump jets just suck. Clear the fog of war and rework the TFs so they never leave the Zones. There is some great content out there that is just such a pain to access that relatively few ever bother.
  12. James_Donner

    Hamidon Raid

    We all had a blast and look forward to doing it again soon. Thanks for taking the lead on an excellent public raid.
  13. Awesome! A Booster Pack with costume pieces we already have! Alright, Yeah! Amazing use of development resources. Are you sure you can spare the time to put this together? I mean, someone is gonna have to skip a coffee break or something crazy like that!
  14. DM/Shield/Blaze

    Its everything anyone could ever want in a scrapper. Awesome single target dps. Insane AOE with soul drain +shield charge +fire ball. Softcap Def and just enough resist help in a pinch. Can't go wrong with either the Cardiac Radial or the Spiritual Radial.

    Put the influence into it, its worth every bit.
  15. Check to make sure you didn't change your personal setting to No Bosses.
  16. Single target damage only while taking down the pylons, just ignore the rikti, they will run in and help with mitos. Once the pylons are down all your melee should attack the yellows, have them all attack the same one and go clockwise. While they work on the yellows the rest of the team should take down the blues with ranged damage. Again, have one person as the targeter and work clockwise. Once the yellow and blues are down the entire team works on greens, again with a single targeter. Gather the leftover rikti and attack hami. Stack holds on hami while you kill him.
  17. My opinion.

    Your overcompensating for End in the wrong places and leaving a lot of cheap +rech,+def, +damage and end on the table.

    I had a friend do the same with his ss/sr. His problem was that he had to much recharge and not enough end reduc in the powers he found himself spamming (knockout blow and footstomp) and overstacking his Rage. H would constantly find himself with no end and popping blues as he tried to steamroll with the group. He had to modify both his build and his play.

    Personal opinion but I think your just wasting inf with the PVP ios in the passives. 3 Slot them with LOTG's and your toggles with 5 red fortunes. I'd also loose Taunt, or at least use the slots else where. Play the brute like a scrapper, not a tank.

    Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.90

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    Not for nothing, but not everybody plays this game based on (Rewards/Time).

    Not changing the merits was an oversight, yes.. but killing the TF, no.
    Agreed, Katie was fun to use and abuse but I don't mind steamrolling out of another map. Just Att the team to her and steamroll back to the door. Thats what, 5-10 tops.

    If you want the merits changed start a thread about new average times for TFs. Just don't be upset if this burns some of the heavily run favorite. Personally I would just say eh and enjoy it for the fun quick TF that it still is.
  19. why would a lead out for the 2nd mission kill the TF? I would be more upset that a the change was not included in the patch notes. If it was I missed it.
  20. James_Donner

    Too much Alpha?

    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    Your missunderstanding what your quoting...

    What they are saying is that if the Devs datamine specific things their results will get squiffed by min/maxers. For example they datamine TF/Arc times to determine merits rewards.

    If 1000 teams complete a specific TF 4 hours. but 100 teams complete it in 15 minutes.

    Then the results arnt too squiffed, average runtime is about 3.65 hours. But if those 100 teams each decide to farm the TF 10 times because its soo easy. then your average runtime for that TF drops considerably. to 2 hours.

    Now all they have to do is heavily farm that TF at a rate of 15 minutes a go more readily than casual players who know it will take them 4 hours to run it will do it in. And you've got a steadily decreasing time in the TF.

    Look at the Crystal Titan (Eden) TF. 4 hours time limit and then it fails, do the Devs count failed attempts in their calculations? possible when it is timed, but also likely not. Why? well the whole TF gives a lousy 7 reward merits.

    Why because you can do it in under 25 minutes with a half decent team that knows what they are doing.

    This can and will also be applied to how tough enemies should be. if a large enough (while still being minority) proportion of the playerbase trivialise enemies (softcap at 45% on squishies, perma PA etc etc) then you will find more enemies with defence debuffs, or massive tohit. Or recharge Debuffs, or taunt resistance.
    Nothing you are referencing here has much to do with IO's. Your talking about strategies that people use to manipulate the mechanics of the TF. Prime example; Katie Hannon TF, Run this TF with a dark/* def and an cold/ice def. The ability to A. know the exact spawn point of the witch mob B. drop a tarpatch +sleet +any rain power and the apply tohit debuff -def -res and -regen to Mary and this tf goes from 30-45 min down to 15-20. Add in melee AOE, 1 stealth character with ATT and it just gets faster. No IO's or fancy builds or anything. People were doing speed runs of katie, eden and the sewers long before IO's and now the tactics learned LONG ago are just reapplied. Don't blame IO's for players who expose weaknesses in the games design.
  21. I've found that a Fire/Dark Corrupter is always a force to be reckoned with. You get fire damage plus -resist from tarpatch and lots of -tohit to keep you safe. As an extra bonus you get a great AOE stun that also does -regen.

    Cold/Cold is nasty on either a Corr and a defender and there really is nothing better than a soul drained blizzard for killing everything in the room.
  22. Where do people keep finding these horrible teams? I run into belligerent players from time to time and I've heard lots of stories but I just don't see this actually happening very much.

    However I will add that the team that wanted no melee on their LGTF and turned away Beef Cake was just totally incomprehensible to me. I want the best players I can get regardless of what they are playing at the time. 99% of the time thats all you really need.