Soft Cap & Level Shifts
You won't. Future content is going to increase in levels, most likely. If you want to run current content after being level-shifted, you will see a benefit, but it would be unwise to plan your build around being a level 60 fighting level 54's because everyone will want to run level 60 content by then.
From this post, the defense equation is: Bounded[ NetToHit = (InherentAttackAccuracy) * (1 + AccuracyEnhancement) * Bounded[ BaseToHit + ToHitBuffs - ToHitDebuffs - (Defense - DefenseDebuffs) ] ]
Enemy accuracy and to-hit modifiers can be found here.
My search fu is week so could someone please help me out and explain how/if the level shift impacts the defense soft cap? Since we could potentially earn additional level shifts with each incarnate slot how much benefit might we see in the future?
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