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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Incidentally, if there was no "Key" then why would Mycroft have been interrogating Moriarty?
    Because, like Sherlock, he was fooled into believing it existed.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Looks good. I don't know why Diabolique's new costume has been getting such hate, though. I like it, especially the fiery horn-hat.

    I saw the costume and thought, "Well if Diabolique wants to be Death Incarnate I say we give her a chance and see how she performs."

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
    A bit of the other.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
    If this is true...that's messed up.

    You're the worst kind of person for making someone pay for a name you were never going to use.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
    The SGs are about groups. Making friends, meeting others, and talking to people.

    Then all the facilities SGs provide to aid making friends and meeting other people were added to other game functions. Global channels for example being generally more useful.

    Then all the facilities SGs provide to support people in your SG (like storage devices and rez devices) where made redundant by 1) the stinginess of them and 2) the copious and often better alternatives.

    So currently the only "real" and unique benefit a SG provides is building the Base. Something that only one or two people in the SG get to experience anyway. This is why Dev reluctance to allow offline SG invites strikes me as foolhardy. Charge 120 points for the privilege and have done with it.
  6. I particularly enjoyed they way they fed blind leads to people that know the original story. Very naughty Mr Moffat
  7. I just dislike the whole 12+ thing. As far as I am concerned the number of people required to do these missions adds nothing to the game a takes a good deal away. We all know that virtually any pre-requisite for a mission is largely fake and requiring x people to do a specific mission in a game that automatically scales is doubly bogus. However forcing that requirement up to 12-24 no only highlights the ludicrousness of it all but also undermines the genre that we are "super heroes". That's even before you get to the design issues that mean they can fail because unknown-person-1 presses the wrong power button.

    I am quite sure I would enjoy these missions a lot more if I could run them with between 6 to 8 people.

    I also dislike the grindy nature of the things, but that is a reflection of the design of the Incarnate powers rather than the iTrials themselves. So they shouldn't shoulder the blame for that
  8. Definitely agree on about the Tips. I am a big fan of tip missions and would like to see them add more to the 50 set.

    However I am less sure about updating old content. It sounds great in principle but history suggests I am not always happy with the results when it happens. As long as they don't close off old content (like they did with Atlas Park/Galaxy) I would rather they just develop new content.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Always name variables with descriptive names.
    Like Bob.

    I had a boss many moons ago who always named one of his variables "Bob" and on a bad day "Bob2"
  10. Jagged

    Focused PVP

    I agree with your 1 & 2.

    I hate the LFG thingy

    For balance I would rather PvP was purely objective based and the objective was not accomplished by killing / defeating other players. I would change the nature of defeat so that you could always revive where you fell. There wouldn't be rewards for getting "kills" only for winning the match.

    The trick then would be to cleverly design the game play so that there is an objective that can be achieved using a variety of super powers and can be skinned in the genre. Which is lot harder than it sounds and if I could do that I would have a different job

    Its the nature of this game with its great many powersets and differently configured archetypes that players will vary greatly in capacity. For the PvE game that doesn't matter because they can all succeed. For the same to work in PvP players have to complete against each other for an objective without being pitted directly against each other. Easier said than done.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    My only problem with the Auction House is that it's literally an Auction House. It's not very superheroic. I would have put different skins over the market, like a science lab, mystic temple, and training centre.
    This. It could would exactly the same BUT pretend to be Star Labs or similar. Making it an auction house finally killed the notion that Influence is actually influence and not $
  12. Skyrim was a big success so thanks for all your sagely advice.

    Plus, now that school is back I can send my lad to bed earlier and play a bit myself
  13. I enjoyed it but I have a low threshold for silly action movies

    There was some awful acting in between the stuns. Jeremy Renner explaining why he wasn't a field operative any more was really really cheesy, for example.
  14. I enjoyed that immensely.

    I am still not sure about their depiction of Moriarty though. I expect him to be cold and unemotional, like Sherlock. On the plus side he is quite scary!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    From the shots I'd seen of the show-that-never-came-to-pass, E.N.Durance makes a better looking Wonder Woman anyway, in my opinion.
    Agreed. *sigh*
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Why are suggesting that (_alot_ of) people be forced to pay money for something we have for free right now? Alot of people like their personal SGs, and just because only 1 person is in it doesn't make it any less of a super group (especially if you have multiple of your own toons in it)

    Although I would be willing to pay "an amount" of paragon points for the account wide ability to invite alts. I don't think its unreasonable to pay for the privilege since buying extra storage for your character is pretty expensive and this is a way to achieve a similar benefit. Mind you, I would not be surprised if there was some discrepancy between what NCSoft would want us to pay and what I would be willing to pay (based on the cost of said extra storage).
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UNB0UND_4_LIFE View Post
    As a tank I always take taunt as soon as it's available (ie lvl 10).
    As a tank I always 6 slot taunt with Perfect Zinger by level 32 at the latest.
    As a tank I always shake my head in disbelief at tanks that
    1) haven't taken taunt,
    2) don't want to take taunt,
    3) say they don't "need" to take taunt,
    4) don't "like" taunt, and/or
    5) believe taunt is a waste of a power (for whatever reason they try to justify their belief with).
    This is just my opinion, but the fact is, as a tank, I think less of you as a tank if you don't have taunt. It's the first power I check another tank for when teamed as it lets me know how much of their slack I'll need to pick up for the team/league.
    Meh. I might pick it up at 49.

    Sad to see the return of these kind of threads to be honest.

    Any way I am going with Reggae Reggae Sauce
  18. /signed

    Like others in this thread I support this idea every time it comes up.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Hornet View Post
    9 of the worst hair fads for men of all-time

    I think the only one not in the game is the poodle perm.
    I really don't understand the emo cut. I see a lot of young kids sporting it these days. Just looks like they are trying to hide a bald spot
  20. Jagged


    It doesn't need to be server side. It could be entirely client driven but access a list of banned words from the server. A profanity filter you couldn't turn off, so to speak.
  21. I finally court up with the latest episode of OUT. Up until this episode I had been wondering whether or not the Mayor remembered being the Queen. The intro sequence says only one person knows the truth and I had always assumed that was Mr Gold.

    So what do you think, does Mr Gold remember the past as well or is the intro just lying?
  22. Jagged


    In another thread I suggested adding web sites to a content filter. They can get round it of course but any way that do that makes it more effort for people to work out their address, which means they are less likely to bother.

    Its also something that could be easily maintained through a server side list, rather than needing a client update.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Are you saying that you are not arguing in support of the OP's suggestion? Because the OP's suggestion is a nerf to the DfB, so I don't have to comb the thread looking for where you personally said it should be nerfed, You are agreeing to it in another persons post.
    That's the problem with your argumentative nature right there. So busy dividing the thread into two sides you can't afford the time to read what people are saying, quicker to just tell them what they think and argue against that.

    I was interested in this thread because I've been bumping into peope who just cycle DfB with increasing frequency and I do believe its a problem. I don't know the best solution so I hadn't suggested any.

    So well done, due to your "arguments" I have moved from partially agreeing with you to the position that if there has to be two sides to this thread I am on whatever side your arent.