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Quote:I have no idea what you're talking about with regards to the OP. It doesn't appear to be a leading question. As to the inf cap: if it raises prices, then those were prices that needed to be raised. CoH has an inflationary economy, and adjustments need to be made to compensate for it. Raising the inf cap would be one of those adjustments.increasing the infl cap does nothing. all it will do is raise prices on the market higher then they already are. we have been over this several times. as for why the op asked: he wants things handed to him for little to no effort and has started mutiple threads about it.
1) Change the death penalty at level 50 from 'xp debt' to 'inf debt.' Characters receive half the normal inf (or maybe none) from defeating mobs until the debt is paid.
2) Reduce the price vendors pay for white recipes to 10% or the current value.
3) Increase the inf cap.
4) Give lvl 50+ AV's and GM's an increased chance to drop purple recipes.
5) Make the consignment system transparent. Show the bidding and selling prices. -
Quote:I wouldn't care that much either way, since I don't live from paycheck to paycheck. And the guy who does would probably have a cow if, on Tuesday, he only got paid $50 or $100 instead of the $150. There's an argument that can be made here for the time value of money, but my guess is that anyone who can make significant profits in only 2 days probably wasn't jonesing for that extra cash in the first place.Not true at all. If they are identical in value then there is also the advantage to getting your income faster rather than slower. If you could get paid $150 on Tuesday and $150 on Friday, or $300 on Friday, which option would you take?
Quote:Also, if you have a bajillion alts, the random rolls are helpful because you can use a lot of what you roll saving you time and effort by removing the purchase step. -
If that's the case, then the pick option would be better since it poses less risk. The roll option is attractive only if the average payout is higher than the pick option.
Quote:Darkest Night can be nice. I have it on a brute, and was thinking about picking it up on my tanker. The only problem I have with the power is that AV's and GM's have high resists versus to-hit debuffs, so DN is least useful versus the mobs I'd most want to use it against.I took soul on my widow and picked up Gloom and Darkest Night. Gloom is a nice ranged attack with good DPS and Darkest Night was a choice because of how I built her. I built her as a hybrid DPS/Team Buff toon perfect for AVs.
Darkest Night accepts a cheap 5% rech set and that helps keep Mind Link perma. Perma Mind Link, double maneuvers, double assault, darkest night and a high dps claws build makes me popular on AV teams.
I switched my night widow to Mu, and so far I really like it. Electrifying Fences and Ball Lightning add a bit more AoE punch, which is exactly what I wanted. -
I dislike memes. I just call it capitalism.
Also, it's in bad taste to mock poor people. While they're in earshot, at least. -
Double Maneuvers could be nice on a low-level team, since tankers and brutes usually aren't very good at mitigating damage at those levels. IMO it kinda diminishes in usefulness as the levels rise though.
Double Assault, on the other hand, is lovely all the way up to 50. -
Quote:Yeah, I seldom use it. The only reason I originally chose it over DO was that Gloom would have been a 'wasted' power since I didn't really want it and couldn't spare any slots for it. Taking Dart Burst let me play around with Placate, which I ended up never using; and more recently Smoke Grenade, which is occasionally nice for the -perception but still not as useful as I'd hoped. At this point I'd rather have better AoE damage.Incorporating any of the Dart attacks into my attacks tends to actually decrease my DPS, so I don't even have them on my main hotbar.
Hmm, is Electric Fences new? I don't remember that being an option when leveling my widow, though I may have overlooked it. EF and Ball Lightning could make an interesting 1-2 AoE combo. I might even be able to spare a second slot to boost its damage. Hmmmmm... -
I expect that you're right, I simply posted it here for the mild amusement of others. Not sure how often mail mix-ups like that happen, but I get the feeling they're not common.
I mailed your inf back to you. Now, pick a different name!!
Ditto, although I'm thinking about getting Dark Obliteration for some more AoE punch. I have Dart Burst atm, and its cone isn't very handy for a melee type.
Wouldn't you know it, I found one just last night. First time ever.
I'm not sure of the total extent of the changes you'd have to make for this new build, so I'm just going to throw this idea out for consideration. You might want to hold off on any major changes or expensive purchases until we see how the incarnate system is going to shake out, unless you are absolutely dissatisfied with your blaster and must change it now. Capping defense for blasters can sometimes be a game of inches, and the incarnate slots have the potential to give us a mile.
Well, the BoTZ nerf he mentions reduced the ranged defense bonus of the set. I know that it dropped my Arch/Nrg blaster down to about 42.5% ranged defense. Maybe the build shown is a proposed build instead of his current one? I assumed it was the current one.
Is my math off? It looks like you're sitting right at the cap with Hover and Weave running. How much ranged defense do you show in-game?
Actually I haven't touched it since the downtime yesterday, was waiting to see if my missing emails would be restored.
A quick update, the GM escalated my petition to a senior CSR. We'll see what happens, but they're aware of the problem at least.
*edit* Just tried it, I can send emails to my global handle. Looks like the mail system may not be entirely stable... -
Yep, I lost a few recipes too including a couple of purples. Guess I'll petition and see what happens.
The pets don't bother me much. It's the people that leave their AoE heals on autocast that I find annoying. The Praetorian-style consignment houses are less convenient than WW or BM, but if that's what it takes to get rid of the heal spam then so be it.
Quote:You know that Mind Link is a team buff, right? I'm just pointing this out because you may find yourself using it a lot on teams even when you personally don't need it.What I am trying to do is come up with a soft cap build for both widow and fortunata but without having to take alot of powers outside of what those powersets get. Price is pretty much no object since we have the new merits now. So what ever you can come up with is good. My main concern is that I want to kill as fast as possible and be soft cap without mind link. Mind link is there to fall back on if I get debuffed a ton. I was gonna go the perma mind link route at first but I wanted to skip hasten on this toon. I might have to rethink things on it. Also would tough and weave be a good idea for those final power picks since the epic pools suck ***?
Not worth the effort to raise S/L resists if you have defense at or near the cap, since you'll rarely get hit in the first place. Defense alone is enough. You're not tanking anyway; mainly, you want enough defense to survive the alpha strike. If you go with archery, you probably wouldn't even have to worry about that too much since it's possible to front-load so much AoE damage.
Quote:All mobs have a base of 50% chance to hit. They receive multiplier bonuses (or penalties) based on the level difference, same as they do based on rank. However, the multiplier bonuses for rank and level are applied AFTER any adjustments for defense and debuffs. For example, if a +2 mob has a 20% bonus (can't remember the actual bonuses, they're probably in a wiki somewhere) and you have zero defense, the mob has a 50% * 1.2 = 60% chance to hit you. If you have 45% defense, then the mob has a (50% - 45%) * 1.2 = 6% chance to hit you.Question: If I have softcapped Defense, how often will a +1 hit (say, a boss) hit me compared to a +2, a +3, and a +4? Just curious if going after higher baddies makes me a lot more squishy, or just a little
So to answer your question: higher-level mobs don't have much more of a chance to hit a character with capped defense. Although, if a +3 mob does manage to hit your blaster, you'll feel it. -
I also recommend making a chat tab exclusively for hit rolls. This makes it easy to scroll through and see what happened in a fight, if you're just getting unlucky with the RNG or if the mobs have a higher-than-expected chance to hit you.
OP, best advice I can give is to post your build and give us a general idea on your strategy, and folks can brainstorm in this thread to try to come up with some ideas. I, and certainly some others, have soloed AV's before but not with fire/fire, so my build tips may not be relevant to what you're trying to do.