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Quote:While it may not be the wish-fulfillment of what everyone has listed so far, I think Interface did an good job of creating closure by utilizing what is currently available. Link to full info.Quote:Originally Posted by XieveralA warm, fuzzy feelgood ending for the blues but what about us reds?
Always overlooked ._.
We'll show you... we'll ALL show you!
You haven't seen the last of us redsiders!
But just so no one thinks I forgot our villains, the three arcs I wrote before this, the Trilogy of Moderate Evil, were written for villains, the player working for Lord Recluse. Ironically these are the complete opposite of 'Your Final Mission', written just for laughs.
Two Chicks at Once: mission arc #83920
Longbow has launched a cunning and tittilating operation to undermine Arachnos' influence in the Rogue Isles. It's up to you to beat them at their own game.
Curiouser and Curiouser: mission arc #167567
How can Lord Recluse's latest plot be so secret, even he doesn't know about it? What does Malta want, and who invited Nemesis?
Cat: It's What's For Dinner: mission arc #530511
A parody of the LRSF. Such a simple plan: steal the Orestes Rifle, kidnap Ms. Liberty, defeat Stateman. What could possibly go wrong? Choose from two possible endings. -
If you're set on Dark Melee, go Brute instead of Scrap. The first two attacks have very fast animations and good recharge, building Fury very fast.
I haven't taken either to 50, but Invul and WP are both generally good. Invul has a big PSI hole but otherwise makes you godly; it's rough on the END bar, but DM has Dark Consumption to fix that. WP falls to alpha strikes and isn't great against lone AVs, but it's still fine overall.
An alternate choice is a Defence based set, Energy Melee or Super Reflexes. Since Dark Melee debuffs tohit, this synergizes well. Take Touch of Fear (-15% tohit) and add some tohit debuff boosters, and even AVs will be whiffing nonstop.
Or, go onto Beta and do Bio Armor. It has a PSI hole as well, but covers all the other bases well and keeps your END bar full. Plus double XP and free amplifiers! -
A big thanks to everyone who played and left comments. I never really participated in the community much, other than making a few comedy AE arcs a few years ago, so this makes a good final way of giving something back. I fixed a few typos based of feedback, thanks!
Yes the Battalion boss is tough. I though of him as CoH's ultimate final boss. Of course, I could always make him Mace/EA for a real challenge -
Quote:Posi stated in his Lore post that it was Manticore. It would have been revealed later on. He was becoming frustrated with Longbow's passiveness toward Arachnos, and was going to turn Wyvern into a damn-the-rules vigilante group.Interface proposed it was Manticore.
I was going to argue that Synapse would fit the bill better, but that was the catch: The bill. Manticore is the one with the discretionary private funding needed. He also has set precedence for both interfering in the Rogue Isles as a Vigilante (see Mendor Silos TF/SF for example) and in funding others to do his work (see Rising Star story arcs for another example). -
I always wanted to create a Mace character named Herbie Popnecker, but this thread inspired me to reach for the stars...
http://i.imgur.com/hqFED.jpg -
In case anyone doesn't want to (or can't) go on Beta, here's a quick rundown:
1: For some reason, there's a Nemesis Jaeger in Steel spewing propaganda, which when spoken to kindly informs you that Nemesis is planning to attack City Hall. You relay this tidbit to Positron, who agrees to send the Freedom Phalanx to City Hall with you... but what if that's a diversion? A-ha, he's also planning to attack Talos... but wait, that might be a diversion as well! Why look, he's also attacking a radio station! Basically, based on your dialog choices, you can have all, some or none of the Phalanx accompany you to City Hall. Sadly, there's no badge for doing it alone.
You arrive and clobber three Jaeger that are powered by Pandora energy, but aren't too hard. Then an empowered Warhulk, who also isn't too hard.
2: You need to cut Nemesis off from the Pandora energy, so you go to Harvin's lab. You battle some Nemesis, push some buttons, then battle more Nemesis, during which you can push more buttons to prevent more Nemesis from coming. Then you push another button and the lab blows up, although all you get is a message that the lab blows up before the mission ends. Maybe they were planning to add SFX later.
3. Nemesis is attacking Steel Canyon! You go to an instanced Steel map and defeat empowered Warhulks, who give you "Pandora Power" or something, which adds -res to your attacks plus a chance to proc EXTREME!!!!1 energy damage. Then you fight the Nemesis Monstrosity, a three story tall Warhulk. It looked really cool, but wasn't too hard: I beat it with the gimmick petless MM I made on Test.
After the fight, you blow up, pass out, and awake in Fort Trident, where Posi spends eight dialog screens filling you in on his affair with a Russian researcher... wait, that's not it. He actually congratulates you, says that Nemesis if defeated, and the Phalanx needs to shape up more.
Then, out of the blue, you go to Ouroboros to talk to Mender Silos, who gives you a bunch of vague, blow-off answers about how he could have helped you but didn't. He doesn't say or even hint that he really is Nemesis, which I found disappointing.
In Sharkhead, you find "Inconspicuous Female #23573", a Nemesis Automaton who thinks it's 2013 and is telling you how to live under Nemesis' rule. You speak to Lastri, who calls you to a debriefing on your ship. Along with Odysseus, Captain Castillo, and two other guys, she tells you that you need to name your organization "The Illuminati" because you work behind the scenes and stuff. Whatever. Then, she says you need to make a truce with Arachnos. So, you go to the Grandville instanced map, and meet Ghost Widow, Black Scorpion and Scirocco. They won't let you in to see Recluse, so you pummel them, which is not too hard with your allies' help. You then go in the tower and talk to Recluse, who snarls at you but agrees to a truce.
The second and third missions are the same as the hero ones. After that, another debriefing, where Lastri tells you she won't be working with you anymore. As she leaves, you drop a tracking device down her cleavage, treating you to a cutscene where she talks to her boss. Surprise- she was working with the heroes all along, to form a rival organization to weaken Arachnos. You aren't told who the hero is, but when he says he's off to an orgy tonight it's kind of clear it's Manticore. After that, you go to Ouro for the same vague answers from Silos.
All in all, it was pretty good but not as great as the first SSA. Maybe a few more coats of polish would have brought it to the same level. -
Starting a new studio would take a lot of money. Even if a whole bunch of ex-Paragon people got together, that probably wouldn't happen.
Still, I think that a 'spiritual successor' to CoH would be great, rather that trying to recreate the entire game from scratch. -
Thanks for the info. If this is going to be an 'ask a dev technical stuff' thread, two other things have always interested me. When Issue 2 launched, players were given a bunch of badges as soon as they logged in, which meant the game had been gathering data for a long time, probably since launch. My question is, in addition to the stuff you got badges for, what other information was datamined? Missions taken? Inspirations used? Blind invites received? Times jumped?
Second, something I was wondering since day one. Maybe it's my imagination, but it seems that when you use an inspiration in combat, and another drops seconds later, it's more likely to be of the exact type you used. Is there any mathematical truth to this, or just my whiskey-fueled ravings?
Once again, thanks to ALL the devs for a great time!! -
Gratuitous threadbump. If you are one of the ones who have played this, please, drop me some feedback, I'd love to hear it.
A few weeks ago, I clicked on an M pedestrian while playing my badge character, Purple Lovin'. Turns out I've logged 1224 hours on that character alone. And, I have 6 other 50s all fully IOed and T3/T4 Incarnated. And 8 other 50s in various stages of IO-ing and Incarnate-ing. And about a dozen sub-50s I've abandoned, and maybe another dozen I deleted.
Altogether, that's much, much too much time spent in the pale glow of a computer screen. I'll keep playing video games until the day I die (Dishonored, mmm...) but I think I've had it with MMORPGs.
As for where my characters will live, I'm taking the view that the City of Heroes will live on forever without us. I mean, from a storyline point of view, there are only a few ways that we can fit the shutdown in...
1) The Battalion destroys Earth.
2) Rularuu eats the dimension.
3) The heroes and villains of Paragon continue to fight on, they just don't have My User Dave looking over their shoulder anymore. -
Quote:Thanks for the info. This, right here, embodies two of the best things about CoH; that the devs were constantly coming up with more quality of life improvements, and that they actually talk to to the players. Most game designers seem to think the players should be thanking them for taking their money.Likely all of them. We may have done some sort of partial thing where each 1 character you had with the accolade counted as 20% of the benefit from that accolade - the idea being if you had 5 of them you'd get the accolade on all your characters. I think the level restriction would have been something small, like 4, just to keep you from getting them in the tutorial or really early on.
If you're still there, there's one tiny thing that's been bothering me for months now. In Studio 55, on the middle floor is a small off the way bar with a pair of restroom doors. Over the ladies' room door is a select volume (the cursor turns to a blue hand), although clicking it does nothing.
What was planned for this? Would Bobcat run over and attack if a male character clicks it? An unmarked mission where Snakes slither out of the toilets? Personally, I was envisioning a Deus Ex type scenario the next time you talk to Calvin Scott. "By the way, $name, stay out of the ladies restroom. That kind of activity embarrasses the Resistance more than it does you." -
Quote:First off, thanks for all you've done. It must have been a nightmare trying to fix eight+ year old code, especially if a lot of the original authors aren't there anymore.Hello Villains and Heroes,
Things I Wanted To Fix
- Incarnate components and other rewards could have been greatly simplified. More account-wide aspects. I wanted to do a currency consolidation and revamp project across multiple systems, and some true salvage consolidation.
More account-wide stuff would have been great. One of the few things that irked me was, for people with alt-itis (i.e. everyone), grinding out the accolades on every alt was sometimes a chore. 100 Fake Nemesi here, six Task Forces there, and don't even get me started on Geas of the Kind Ones.
If you don't mind going into what-if land, would it have been within the realm of possibility for Accolades to be account-wide? (subject to level restrictions).
Farewell, and thanks again! -
Quote:You know, looking back I think I did rely on smilies too much. I'm a really, really awful typist, so all my characters had keys bound to :) and :(, which I used an average of 7 times per mission :)Posting here cause I can't post in the Champ forums.
Was always good running with you smilies (interface). Take care out there!
If you're not VIP anymore, I guess you can't run the mission I made. If you're curious, let me know and I'll email you a summary. -
I'm kind of glad that CoH never advertised on mainstream media. Our playerbase was never huge, but it was composed of fun, smart, vibrant people.
Offhand, the only MMORPGs I can think of that advertised on TV are WoW, SWG, and SW:TOR... and just take a look at their players.
Like most of us, I was hit pretty hard by news of the game closing. I've been trying to wrap my head around it for the past month, and getting nowhere really. The past few weeks, I decided to deal with it the best way I could; by making an AE arc designed to give closure to the game's diehard players.
Your Final Mission, #554396 by @Interface
You take the role of a longtime hero, summoned by the Well of the Furies to deal with the end of the world, the Coming Storm. Since most of us will want to play it on their main, it has EBs, or AVs depending or your setting. Still, despite being 5 missions, it should be easily beatable within 15 minutes. READ ALL THE CLUES, that's where the story is told.
In particular, the arc lets you choose the path of a hero or a vigilante. In the first three missions, check your clues after the mission ends. You have a choice to make before leaving.
Any and all feedback is welcome, here or ingame.
Thanks to everyone who fought by my side for the past 8 years! -
Like most of us, I was hit pretty hard by news of the game closing. I've been trying to wrap my head around it for the past month, and getting nowhere really. The past few weeks, I decided to deal with it the best way I could; by making an AE arc designed to give closure to the game's diehard players.
Your Final Mission, #554396 by @Interface
You take the role of a longtime hero, summoned by the Well of the Furies to deal with the end of the world, the Coming Storm. Since most of us will want to play it on their main, it has EBs, or AVs depending or your setting. Still, despite being 5 missions, it should be easily beatable within 15 minutes. READ ALL THE CLUES, that's where the story is told.
In particular, the arc lets you choose the path of a hero or a vigilante. In the first three missions, check your clues after the mission ends. You have a choice to make before leaving.
Any and all feedback is welcome, here or ingame.
Thanks to everyone who fought by my side for the past 8 years! -
I was hoping for the past month that things could be salvaged, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. So, here's a big goodbye to all my friends on Champion.
I started playing in late beta. At launch, I made a few throwaway characters on random servers before making my first real one: an Ill/Emp troller named Gaia, based on an obscure Marvel character I was intrigued by. I even checked to see if she was copyrighted; I can't remember where, but somewhere on the web is a list of all characters that Marvel has copyrighted (several thousand).
I got to know most of you at Hami raids. Eventually I started recieving tells asking me to join, since Illusion trollers were vital for the Hami strategy back then. I even led the PA drop team a few times, a cool experience since I usually shy away from any leadership role.
Other characters on Champion were Shadow Kitty, Purple Lovin', Luminious Kitty, Bewb Widow and Operative Fuzzypaws. Yes, I'm a guy who likes playing catgirls. There's probably a word for that somewhere.
I played almost exclusively on Champion from '04 to '09, and got to know a lot of awesome people. Sadly, even before the shutdown notice, the game eventually began to decline. I took a break from CoH in late '09, came back in '11, logged into Pocket D at 9 on a Saturday night and found it completely deserted. I almost cried. I played on Virtue for a while when I came back because that's where people were. I even moved a few characters over, although I couldn't bring myself to move Gaia and Purple. Champion was their home.
Anyway, shout-outs to a few particular people:
Zubligunubli: I never knew anyone who enjoyed played a blaster so much. Also, 'Running of the Bulls' was hysterical.
Redorthy: I'm going to miss your Big Bubbles.
Bud: We disagreed, but still being in PoN was lots of fun.
Mistress Shaana: if you had just playtested your AE arc once, it would have been... well... playable.
Dollmistress: It seems you moved on from CoH a few years ago, but on the off chance you see this, being in your VG was a lot of fun. You clearly put an incredible amount of work into the base.
A big hi also to Neuronia, Witty, Netminder, Placta, and Amygdala. -
...give them Hostess Twinkies?
Quote:They fixed her? I was fighting her just today, and she has Overload the same as an Elec brute. No real choice but to wait it out.2) Shock Therapy, once she hits her Tier 9 she's a ranged sapper with 90% res to everything... They fixed her recently, but for history's sake, she deserves a mention;
My personal annoying mob is Master Illusionists. It seems unfair that they can Phase Shift even when mezzed. Even Fake Nemesi can't activate PFF when mezzed, and Paragon Protectors can't MoG.
("Nemesi" is the plural of "Nemesis", right?) -
Quote:PA used to summon 2-4 decoys at random, then it was nerfed to always summon three! Crap!None, to be honest. Illusion Control is kinda stupidly overpowered, with personal tanks distracting all the aggro from me. To this day I'm surprised that Phantom Army survived the entire run of the game unnerfed.
Also, the decoys used to be invincible, but now the Hamidon Nucleus can damage them! An outrage, I say! -
Holy crap, I knew SoAs were awesome, but duo-ing the mothership? Way to go!
My personal moment of SoA awesome was soloing a 8x4 paper mission with my psi Fort, before Incarnate. No temps. -
You hit the debt cap at lvl 6.
There's a note by the register at Image Inc. "Do not take checks from $name".
A new badge comes out, "Defeat $name 100 times."
Mobs can get that badge too.
You get Ouroboros mission "Go back to Outbreak to find out who is undoing your work". You arrive to find Statesman, Mender Silos, and Rularuu.
The Mediporter sends you to Grandville. If you're a villain, it sends you to Steel instead.
The first power of your secondary is Absorption.