War Mace + Energy Aura: Th Final fasecrak
Can't believe that thread is over 4 years old already.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom
/em salutes the first and greatest of the Strong and Pretty, the original, the one and only.
my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I always wanted to create a Mace character named Herbie Popnecker, but this thread inspired me to reach for the stars...
I always wanted to create a Mace character named Herbie Popnecker, but this thread inspired me to reach for the stars...
http://i.imgur.com/hqFED.jpg |
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom
Thanks for the smile
Thelonious Monk
I remember the first day I saw the Strong & Pretty thread (not necesarely the first day it was around) I sent a PM to Castle, a joke mostly, asking him "how dare you buff Mace AND Energy Aura so amazingly?? You just make every other build in the game obsolete!!! Now everyone will play solely war mace and energy aura!" I think I made mentions of Mace being insane AoE and ST damage now, and that Energy Aura became unbillable.
I can’t remember his exact reply and can't find the PM, but it was, perhaps, a smiley? Not sure, it was short and silly.
I happened to do this the morning of the same day that the War Mace changes (where the AoE got boosted and Clobber became an insane attack) and Energy Aura changes (where Energy Drain started to heal) made it into the Beta server.
When the buffs hit a few hours later I sent him another PM, telling him "What the... you realize that was only a joke and I had no clue this was happening, right?? What the!?"
At that he replied that yea, he DID get puzzled and had to double check the news feed and make sure it was not out yet. Was a rather funny exchange.
Mace DID become an insane AoE set, with very good single target. All the changes he implemented were changes I recomended in the past, down to the number (radius changes, exchanging target caps between the last two attacks, giving Clobber propper damage scale) but I never intended all changes to be done, my goal was always to do one or the other (buff ST or AoE.) In many ways, for it's time, War Mace ended being a bit OP but darn I loved it! I'm cure Acemace also loved the heck out of the changes.
Sometime later I sent him suggestions on how to fix Fire Aura and he asked me "OK are you somehow getting into my email??" Among other things, i recommended Fire Embrace to somehow give every attack a fire damage proc.
I always wanted to create a Mace character named Herbie Popnecker, but this thread inspired me to reach for the stars...
http://i.imgur.com/hqFED.jpg |
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
A single tear in memory of the awe-inspiring greatness that is EA/WM...
Thy came at us. But we wer so strong. We craked all ther fases like nothing.
Finaly I got out of mace hevn.
There ws only one thing left to do.
Fase arach nose and crak his fase.
(start here for the first part of the comic. I am locked out because of VIP. They are scattered through the topic)