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  1. Easter eggs. Tell us allll the easter eggs, while we have time to go in game and peek at them.
  2. Quote:
    Hold your ground, hold your ground! Citizens of Paragon, of the isles of Etoile, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear mag that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the tier nine of invuln fails, when we forsake our globals and break all bonds of supergroups, but it is NOT THIS DAY. An hour of pain domination and shattered shield mastery, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is NOT THIS DAY! THIS day we FIGHT!
  3. Dunno. I've got nowhere else to go.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Psi_ View Post
    Not fair. Pure and simple.

    I'll miss everyone, though I hope to keep in touch with some people, it just won't be the same.

    It's hard to imagine not having CoH. A game I've been playing since it came out in 2004, when I was 14.

    CoH, Virtue in particular, has done so much to help me. The people here are the best. Bar none.

    Virtue helped me grow up and learn good values.
    Virtue helped me develop amazing friendships.
    Virtue helped me in a time that I thought was so hard, when I had to come out to family and friends.
    Virtue's always been there. And it's... mind boggling to think it won't be around in a few months.

    I suppose all I can really say is "I will truly miss you all. Devs included."
    There's always RE5, Psi.

    There's always RE5.

  5. To everyone who told me there'd be no one on a defender when corruptors were available to everyone:

    I'm still on mine. Suck it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Oh I cried. I cried when I was in the middle of talking Melissa and thanking her.
    Really thought this said tanking.
  7. Will Arbiter Slater ever come forward?
  8. I'd give them another five years of my time at the drop of a hat.
  9. I don't think now's the time to attack people for their weight.
  10. I haven't yet.

    I don't doubt that I'll get around to it.
  11. I only use emulators to play entirely legal roms/isos.

    Stop looking at me like that.
  12. I found a match between NCSoft and Paragon Studios.

  13. IndyStruck



  14. Which is saddening. Among other things.
  15. IndyStruck

    Swan song

    Carry On My Wayward Son

    I've got a weak spot for it.

    Alternatively, probably more appropriately, Dust In The Wind
  16. Well... for the first character I grew attached to... I'm going to close out her game fighting infront of Mot in DA, probably.

    Seems appropriate, anyway.
  17. Sounds ambitious... but, your art is awesome. All it'd take is time. ... of course with that list, a lotta time.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
  19. I've never been a man who's great with my words, but, one of the joys of this game to me has always, always, ALWAYS been the fantastic costume creator. People in globals with me know that I've gone on about it, and how the only game that offers close to as much customization are actually wrestling games... but those are more body slider freedom, less clothing customization freedom. But, one thing I always did was snag screenshots of an outfit if I thought it looked pretty snazzy. Doesn't matter, from supertech to Golden Age style, I like a good costume. Some of these didn't come out too well, but, if you see yourself, don't hesitate to speak up.

    And feel free to share the costumes of people you saw passing by and made you go "Whoa."
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I thought that was NCSoft?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Is that like "There's no crying in baseball"? Or haven't you seen that movie?? (LOL, sorry!!)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    And Black Pebble.