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  1. Agree 100% with the OP -- Would an addition to the tutorial about global channels help? It's been a while since I actually bothered to read the tutorial content, so I can't say if there is something in there regarding this. Unfortunantly, there is SO much information that a new player "should" know that we vets take for granted, I could see it all being overwhelming at the start.

    I'll add something else to the gated community concept. Look at how many veterans play on perma-hide, even going so far as to brag about it both in game and here on the forums, as they do not want to associate with the great unwashed. Hard to develop a community under those circumstances.
  2. I suspected something like this was coming. Decisions, decisions......

  3. Huron


    I should have something witty to say here about where you've been and all that.

    But I got nothing.

    Welcome Back
  4. My apologies to the group I was with last night, as my cable went out. I didn't mean to just rudely disappear like that.
  5. Huron

    Open Beta!

    *Cough Cough*

    OMG a challenge? Sign Me Up
  6. Recently got a purple hold recipe on an ITF, on the same ITF got a Numina +regen/recovery proc from one of the Minotaur EB's. I then did an RSF where I rolled a Ribo for the reward roll. About 350 million right there in about an an hour and a half.
  7. Yeah, this is server issue -- we need another reboot
  8. I'll fill in for one or 2 if you need a hand, Vega, but I just cant commit to doing all 5.
  9. Elric and I will both try to make it.
  10. Double Gratz for the Mansion and a Yacht reference.
  11. LRSF

    25 merits (unchanged)

    Character completed RSF on live, was copied over if that matters any.
  12. <QR>

    Just one guys opinion:

    I think this is a bad idea, but for a reason I don't think I've seen before in the thread. Selling respec's discourages people from playing the game.

    The hero respec trial is a complete joke, as long as the team is sensibly assembled level-wise. I often see the Freak respec's advertised as a farming mission in certain chat channels.

    The villain trial, meanwhile, has a real have/have-not factor to it. I'm stunned as I sometimes see coalition mates or people in broadcast complain about failing the trial, or needing Warburg nukes or shivans to finish the mission. My regular group often accomplishes the trial without any difficulty, and when we bring someone new they often say something like "Wow, you make it seem so easy, I've never completed the trial before." It seems to me that there is a real barrier that has grown regarding much of the content in the game.

    Offering an easy payment option for a respec just lowers the overall skill of the playerbase.
  13. <QR>

    Although it's very nice that the dev's (or at least the community reps) are taking notice of this thread/sticky, I can't help but notice how many of these ideas and comments I've seen before on these boards. I mean really, it takes THIS list for the development team to realize that Patron pools are meh and Grandville is laggy? Nice to see that all the feedback given over the last almost 2 and half years was apparently falling on either deaf ears, or the dev's suddenly came down with laryngitis.

    Ok now that I've gotten my cynical side out of the way, let me add something to the unlockable contact feedback: A complete reevaluation of their requirements. Personally I find it difficult not to outlevel Doc Buzzsaw (3rd infamy badge), especially if you play in sg mode. In addition, many of the unlockables require hunting / farming of mobs far outside of normal play. Hunting paragon protectors, marcone capos, toxic tarantulas and tsoo sorcerers really loses it's appeal the 3rd time around. For example, if you wanted to unlock #204, you would have to spend much of your time at level 44 and 45 just to try to get the badge hunting in GV.
  14. Huron

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    Gratz on the stickied thread, Kitty
  15. Huron

    Top Issues 8.10

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    * Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.

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    This one actually scares me the means that there are so many bugged missions, it would be more efficient to make a way to drop a mission than fix em (I hope not....ouch! Thatza lotta bugs!)

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    Or, it could be that it's a feature that players have been requesting for awhile.

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    Or it could be an attempt to discourage players from using the (rumored) recently outsourced by NCSoft CS staff. The quality of my last three encounters with the GM's has really left me shaking my head. If this had been announced a year ago, I wouldn't be anywhere near as cynical.
  16. Well, I won't get started on having an EB Malaise show up in my mission on villainous . However, after he showed me a the inside of the ail cell, a police drone somehow walked through the jail cell door and started attacking me. He then teleported my Jack Frost out into the hallway -- where he was greeted by the PPD Mecha boss. Well, eventually I beat the door, the drone and the boss and freed Hollowpoint.

    It then takes me almost 10 minutes to get him and a new Jack out of the police station and back to the bank, as they wanted to say hi to everything on the street . Got Malaise down to 1/4 health (after blowing my 4 breakfrees on the first attempt).

    A good start, but this thing still has a ton of bugs. Devs, let's not allow Mayhem Missions out the door in the same borked state that arenas and the respec trial were when they went live.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Carnie Ring Mistresses pwnzzz all.

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    I had a big [censored] moment when running into just a Lt-class Ring Mistress during my Aura mission. [censored] is up with giving them a power that not only drains your health and endurance, but also kills your recovery and regen for over a minute?

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    Yeah, that seems to be about what it does. Doesn't miss either.

    My brute just tries to take her +0 self down ASAP, use all inspirations.

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    I found that it took 6 lucks to get an even level ring mistress to actually miss my brute with the Mask of OhNoRunNow. Ringers consistently hit me through 4 lucks.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    1) Longbow have an XP Bonus
    2) Flamethrower: The Multiple Burn Patches is a bug. I've put it on my list of things to fix.
    3) Spec Ops are limited to 1 per spawn point for generic spawns. There may be specific encounter groups designed with more than one, however.
    4) The Sonic Concussion power blows through anyones Hold protection, but it only lasts 1/4 of a second. It is working as designed, however, I'll pass this to geko to see if it is too strong of an effect.
    5) Arachnos is fairly tough, too -- especially if there are Fortunata's around.

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    You may want to check on Crey Plasma Scientists version of flamethrower as well. It seems they just let loose forever.


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    Yeah, I can distinctly remember putting both snow storm and infrigidate on a plasma scientist -- and he never stopped firing. Kept thinking to myself "Boy, that's odd"