Question for Purple Farmers
Drop Listing & analysis
Of course that's a somewhat old thread, from before the Dominator "buffs" (which icluded a BIG nerf for PSW).
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
Drop Listing & analysisI can make on average over 60M/hour farming.
I haven't farmed since before the Dominator changes, so I don't know what my current kill speed would be. I expect it would be somewhat slower, but no idea how much. Plus prices have changed considerably. I specifically listed the IOs I got, so take a look through there and figure it out.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
Nifty data that I missed in previous attempts to fiddle with data....
this changes my estimates on the economy significantly.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
You also have to consider some other facts.
Old or new server ?
Hero or Villain ?
Not to mention that some servers are simply more active on the auction house.
On Justice/Hero, many recipe's sell rather badly, while invention ingredients sell surprisingly well. While on Freedom/Villain, I have better luck selling recipe's than ingredients.
Why ?
I have no idea.
you do know the BM/AHs are cross server right? Even up to EU servers and US servers. The prices are the same wether your on Union or Freedom or even the moon.
There are new servers?
"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off
you do know the BM/AHs are cross server right? Even up to EU servers and US servers. The prices are the same wether your on Union or Freedom or even the moon.
But that just makes my observations even more peculiar!

Not really, Villains and Heroes have different markets. But those two markets are cross-server.
I farm both. I have a level 49 demon farm that i farm with my fire/kin. I use mobs of 3-4 atm due to everyone being in AE and i can't get fillers so i use my 3 accounts.
As far as how much per hour, it depends. If i get a full team and farm purely for tix, meaning reset every time i hit max, and use gold rolls only, i make out pretty good. I've gotten 2 miracle recovs this w/e. On my farm, i got 1 Rag purp and a ton of salvage and common recipes. With 3 accounts, all teh goodies add up quickly.
So, about 400mil for the 2 miracles and about 300mil worth of salvage, recipes and the purp. I say it really depends on the luck of the drops and rolls.
Note: i didn't do boss AE farms either due to the lack of speed. Find a lt. one. The inf isn't too much worse and with the ease and speed, you can run it 2 times or more compared to a boss farm. (in my experience anyways)
How much do you make, on average, every hour?
I know the drop rate is very low for purples. But a lot of people have been saying recently that purple farming is more lucrative than farming in the AE.
I'd be interested to hear from the veteran purple farmers.