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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by admiralphilip View Post
    Kicking off a new contest

    Event will run for 24 hours you'll need to submit two screenshots in order to qualify.

    Am I right in assuming one screenshot from each contestant?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    I might actually enjoy football if it were more like that!
    Insert the George Carlin joke about the Flaming Fast Break HERE

    (Basically a 10 ft fire pit along the basketball over and back line)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ruby View Post
    My base is attacking me! HALP!

    Seriously, all the items in my group's base which have attacks are attacking anyone who enters. And they can be destroyed. It's funny, but should really bed fixed ASAP.
    Agreed , my base has turned heel on me!
  4. Needs more Mr. Socko and Pete Rose in a chicken suit.

    To be honest, I wouldn't call going F2P a gimmick, I would call it keeping up with the Jones. Even that Azeroth thang is adding a form of F2P, aren't they?

    That being said, some of the content is looking mighty long in the tooth, especially the 30-50 blue side arcs.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
    Rather than farming normal missions, we farmers have been hitting up the secret CoT level. You have to find the guy with the peg leg on the island that ... Oh well, that would be telling.

    But once you find First Mate Wirt, before you know it youll be farming up the CoT King and his ghostly CoT minions fof sweet rares.

    Boo. BOO!

    Don't you need Freeze Frame, the 1,000 cutscene badge for that? Don't forget, red-side the contact is underneath the Fab in Grandville.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Go play the game, dude! Farming is for chumps. :P
    Having to BEG someone to pl/farm for you is for chumps
  7. Huron

    10 Years of CoH

    A buddy of mine let me test drive his beta account while the game was in early beta, I got my own beta account as soon as I could after that. Been sticking around ever since. Still enjoy the fact that I'm a Day 1'er (if that's a term), although I should lord it over people more often (the people I team with know my old buying vet badges joke).

    To this day, I still get a rush zipping around AP hearing that music.
  8. Happy Birthday, Elric

    (You can reimburse me for the bail money later)
  9. Dibs on filming the first reality show there.

    It's like the old Larry Miller bit "If we pooled our money together, we could buy our own bar and do this every night!"

    Are they going to ban weapons? This was tried on one of the Tonga islands in the 70's -- it didn't last long (

    Apparently this is being set up by Milton Friedman's grandson
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    Any serious purpler

    I am sooo stealing that
  11. Remember folks, this is on top of the Time Manipulation powerset, so all kinds of new support combos out there waiting to be made.
  12. Huron

    Keyes iXP

    Agreed, there is something wrong with IXP in general right now. I got 5% Judgement on a 24 man Baf twice last night. A friend got even less.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
    Something like this worked on the only Keyes trial I attempted. We were extremely light on healers, so were requested to add our team number as in "Team 3 DIS". That way at a glance the healer could tell what team to scan.

    Is there a macro variable that refers to your team number? Like $Target refers to who you're targeting?
    As far as I know, there is no $variable to use for team number (or even which member of the team you are), however you can manually edit the macro/bind to insert your team number:

    /macro disn Request Help! I'm on team 2, and I'm being disintegrated!

    unfortunatly, you would have to redo the macro every time you changed teams.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chuckles07 View Post
    How about the disintegrate target simply type something to indicate that they and the whole team are in trouble?

    /macro disn Request Help! I'm being disintegrated!
  15. Ran a small Lambda with Frietag Friday the 10th. I logged into RWZ, a moment later Frietag popped in, asked if there were any trials forming, so we both joined one that was forming. He was on a elec/elec Tanker.
  16. For all the efforts we've put in lately, it's about dang time!
  17. Little late on this, but Happy Birthday nevertheless.
  18. I love my brute Oh No Not Him.

    "Get Oh No Not Him!"
  19. First time in 4 days I've been able to load the Website, let alone the forums. We'll see how long this lasts. Win 7; Firefox 4, Chrome 10.0.468
  20. This is not meant to be a comprehensive breakdown of all the aspects of the Lambda trial. It is intended to be read during the first minutes after you zone into a Lambda trial that you just used the LFG queue to join.

    1. Make sure you have league chat showing somewhere!

    2. The league should sweep some (if not all) of the perimeter, turning right from the entrance and following the road, clearing at least through the first group after the bridge to the Lambda facility.

    3. The league will enter and clear the courtyard.

    4. Some leagues may opt to clear the gun towers but this is a waste of time, to be honest (good xp, though). If you are a flyer, just fly low to the ground.

    5. After clearing the courtyard, enter the main building and defeat the War Walker inside.


    7. Your league should now be split into 2 teams (it's easier that way). Pick a person on each team that everyone will follow. One team goes into the lab, the other into the warehouse. Make sure each team goes together, and that people aren't taking the wrong elevator.

    8. Now the fun part-- each team needs to destroy the 10 glowies in their area (the glowies are not on the map, unfortunately). Your objective is to destroy the glowies! Don't stand around and skirmish the mobs, they do you almost no good. Once the glowie is destroyed, move on following the designated leader. Try to stay together. Your team is much more effective as a group . You are on a timer here, and for each pair of glowies that the teams destroy you will be awarded more time.

    9. Once the league gets all 20 glowies, or the timer runs out, you will be tp'd back to the room that you fought the War Walker in.

    10. As you destroy the glowies, your league will be awarded temp powers – either a molecular acid or a grenade (more on this momentarily). Any member of the league can be awarded either one of the powers. PAY ATTENTION! YOU CAN'T SNOOZE ON THIS! YOU NEED TO BE AWARE IF YOU GET THE TEMP POWERS. THEY WILL APPEAR UNDER THE TEMP POWERS SECTION IN THE POWERS WINDOW. If you have a free slot in one of your first 3 power trays, the power will appear there as well.

    11. Now the League needs to move out into the courtyard to begin the Marauder fight.

    12. Use the molecular acid to destroy the doors in the courtyard. If the doors are not destroyed, more mobs will come out of them. Each door not destroyed makes the Marauder fight that much more difficult (exponentially).

    13. The grenade is used to pacify Marauder. It gives brief windows when he will take damage like a normal mob. During the Marauder fight, you need to have one grenade on him as you fight. They do not stack, so use one and only one at a time.

    14. Temp powers can be dragged and dropped onto other players. Your league may choose to put grenades onto one person to make sure only one is used at a time. Some leagues may move acids around to ensure quick usage.

    15. If something goes wrong with getting the temp powers, there is a way to get more in the courtyard Each temp power's container will spawn (and respawn) in the courtyard with some mobs.

    16. If you die, there is a hospital on the map. That's why we cleared the first group after the bridge so you can get back easily.

    17. Defeat Marauder. Profit.

    Again, this is by no means a complete breakdown of the Lambda trial, it is intended to be able get you up to speed quickly.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Merit Rewards are based on the median completion time. If people stop speed-running everything, rewards should (this is the key word) go back up eventually.
    So.....Soon? For some of these it's been literally years.

    On a less snarky note, Barracuda needs a serious looking at, especially compared to Apex and Tin Mage. Their reward is over twice that of the BSF (40 merits and 2 guaranteed shards to 20 merits) for roughly the same effort.

    The RSF has been debated for years on this forum (how do we factor in failed attempts?), just bump it up to 32 or so then call it a day (somewhere between the ITF and STF).
  22. I have an odd bug going on a character. Every time he zones, 2 specific chat channels drop from his tabs, he's still subscribed to them however. The same 2, every time he zones, and only on this one specific character.

    Anyone out there have any suggestions/workarounds?
  23. I bid 1 infamy! I know that everyone else will bid far too much (MSRP is actually 1 million ) and I'll sneak in and steal it when you all go over! Showcase Showdown here I come!

    Wait, this isn't how this works?
  24. 35 minutes from scheduled start until defeat. Nice Job everyone, thanks for coming out