A Quick Start Guide to the Lambda trial.




This is not meant to be a comprehensive breakdown of all the aspects of the Lambda trial. It is intended to be read during the first minutes after you zone into a Lambda trial that you just used the LFG queue to join.

1. Make sure you have league chat showing somewhere!

2. The league should sweep some (if not all) of the perimeter, turning right from the entrance and following the road, clearing at least through the first group after the bridge to the Lambda facility.

3. The league will enter and clear the courtyard.

4. Some leagues may opt to clear the gun towers but this is a waste of time, to be honest (good xp, though). If you are a flyer, just fly low to the ground.

5. After clearing the courtyard, enter the main building and defeat the War Walker inside.


7. Your league should now be split into 2 teams (it's easier that way). Pick a person on each team that everyone will follow. One team goes into the lab, the other into the warehouse. Make sure each team goes together, and that people aren't taking the wrong elevator.

8. Now the fun part-- each team needs to destroy the 10 glowies in their area (the glowies are not on the map, unfortunately). Your objective is to destroy the glowies! Don't stand around and skirmish the mobs, they do you almost no good. Once the glowie is destroyed, move on following the designated leader. Try to stay together. Your team is much more effective as a group . You are on a timer here, and for each pair of glowies that the teams destroy you will be awarded more time.

9. Once the league gets all 20 glowies, or the timer runs out, you will be tp'd back to the room that you fought the War Walker in.

10. As you destroy the glowies, your league will be awarded temp powers – either a molecular acid or a grenade (more on this momentarily). Any member of the league can be awarded either one of the powers. PAY ATTENTION! YOU CAN'T SNOOZE ON THIS! YOU NEED TO BE AWARE IF YOU GET THE TEMP POWERS. THEY WILL APPEAR UNDER THE TEMP POWERS SECTION IN THE POWERS WINDOW. If you have a free slot in one of your first 3 power trays, the power will appear there as well.

11. Now the League needs to move out into the courtyard to begin the Marauder fight.

12. Use the molecular acid to destroy the doors in the courtyard. If the doors are not destroyed, more mobs will come out of them. Each door not destroyed makes the Marauder fight that much more difficult (exponentially).

13. The grenade is used to pacify Marauder. It gives brief windows when he will take damage like a normal mob. During the Marauder fight, you need to have one grenade on him as you fight. They do not stack, so use one and only one at a time.

14. Temp powers can be dragged and dropped onto other players. Your league may choose to put grenades onto one person to make sure only one is used at a time. Some leagues may move acids around to ensure quick usage.

15. If something goes wrong with getting the temp powers, there is a way to get more in the courtyard Each temp power's container will spawn (and respawn) in the courtyard with some mobs.

16. If you die, there is a hospital on the map. That's why we cleared the first group after the bridge so you can get back easily.

17. Defeat Marauder. Profit.

Again, this is by no means a complete breakdown of the Lambda trial, it is intended to be able get you up to speed quickly.

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off




"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



13. The grenade is used to pacify Marauder. It gives brief windows when he will take damage like a normal mob. During the Marauder fight, you need to have one grenade on him as you fight. They do not stack, so use one and only one at a time.
To extrapolate on this, don't start using the grenades until the assault on Marauder has truly begun. Pacifying him beforehand isn't going to make the hits from him or his crew any softer while you're still working on shutting down the portals and will only be wasting the grenades, for instance.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



After last nights run I suggest the following for the maurader fight.

Have 2 people designated as the grenade throwers. All grenades go to those two people to have in their slots. Only one person throws at a time and you have a back up if he/she goes down.

This way it is easier to control the fight, as well as the blame .

Also designate a few to leave the fight to pick up more grenades.



Good quick guide. This should help some people get the basics and leaves room for some people to expand and try new things.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



An idea that came up in the last few Lambda attempts I've been involved with had the two teams working in opposite directions on the street clearing. It ended up clearing the streets much quicker, and when we did the same thing clearing the courtyard and the guns, we were a far more coherent and functional unit for the glowie hunt.

I will admit, however, that as far as I know, I was the one who came up with this idea, and I've since seen it adapted by several of the groups I've been with. That's what I love about this game; the creative types can come up with strategies which make things so much easier. I imagine down the line someone else is going to come up with a strategy which makes this one look like a fool's mate.

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



8. Now the fun part-- each team needs to destroy the 10 glowies in their area (the glowies are not on the map, unfortunately). Your objective is to destroy the glowies! Don't stand around and skirmish the mobs, they do you almost no good. Once
the glowie is destroyed, move on following the designated leader. Try to stay together. Your team is much more effective as a group . You are on a timer here, and for each pair of glowies that the teams destroy you will be awarded more time.
That bolded part. That can NOT be stressed enough. Splitting up only gets you killed quick (and lonely). Once you have your teams designated for who's going for what, that should be the end of the splitting up. Stick together to survive the +3, +4 Praetorians.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Eldritch_Knight View Post
An idea that came up in the last few Lambda attempts I've been involved with had the two teams working in opposite directions on the street clearing. It ended up clearing the streets much quicker, and when we did the same thing clearing the courtyard and the guns, we were a far more coherent and functional unit for the glowie hunt.
Since enemy defeat rewards aren't shared between groups, you'd have to split the teams themselves or suffer from fewer thread drops.



That's a good point; I didn't consider that aspect of it. It certainly resulted in plenty of Incarnate XP.

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



That's because Xp/Inf/Prestige is distributed based on team damage. When traveling all together the two teams will do about half damage to each mob, where as traveling apart each team will do full damage to each mob, but will only engage about half as many.

As far as Xp/Inf/Prestige is concerned, it should be the same either way, probably just faster split up due to less overkill strikes. But without "tagging" just about every enemy, random drops will be fewer.