1767 -
Played the CoW and I must say I liked it. Especially the fact that I, a common hero try to do my utmost in those dark horrible days. No glory, no songs will be written, no parades, no speeches, just me and my sorrow, me and my duty, me and that tiny part of the war I fought in.
We got Mothership, Hamidon, Banners, GM's like Lusca and in lesser need Rikti and zombie raids. -
Against the idea of making the whole body invisible as we have powers to do that properly. But part of it? Sounds interesting. I think it would give problems with the textures though as those are not designed to use without the other parts.
Quote:YwInspiring someone to make a special costume in order to better fit in with the story is pretty terrific in my book
Thanks for playing it!
I was first going to use myself to run this. But a Thug mastermind happily blazing away while agonizing about the wrongness of bringing guns to a medieval zone? that felt to wrongSo I used My DB scrapper, let her change into that samurai costume and a katana wakizashi combo and felt right at home.
It was funny though to get a remark from one of the bosses that I looked out of place.
Ps. I did the same with the consequences of war and geared myself up with a partial Vanguard Outfit. Which was fitting because Vanguard did not have much special gear right then. -
Quote:Bah, you are just jealous that we have a cool helicopter to fly in, instead of those trains that do not even stop at every zone.Because you know the Rogue Isles better. I mostly play blue-side. When I play a villain, I often have to ask teammates for the fastest route to a mission in a different zone. Why is there a ferry AND a helicopter???????
But seriously. Red side has less zones and every normal zone can be reached in 2 hops. So it is much easier to travel. On the hero side you need Ourosbouros, Pocket D, Vanguard shortcuts and Superbases to travle conveniently from zone to zone. Imagine having to move from PI to say Galaxy wtthout any of those to help out.
And lets not even start about those trial zones. From the Chantry to Boomtown?
On the red side, those shortcuts are not as needed because every zone is two easy hops away. -
The mauser has been used in one of the Marvel Comics as well. One old silver age hero who is helping Spiderman out in his old days.
Then there is a comic series from about a western gunfighter http://www.comicstripshop.com/images...4twpIeMOpkV37q
And finally, if it is good enough for Han Solo, then it is good enough for me!
I think that the mauser would make a good addition to the any of the dual pistols set (including the MM) -
Quote:Glad I wasn't the only oneYou're telling this to the guy who stopped going to bed, booted up the test server, and was little spasming with purest glee in his chair, over a simple character walk animation.
I had to test on all body types so i created a few toons to see it in action.
Things like that, makes me feel warm and thingly. -
Can you imagine having to do this one with only training enhancements, temp powers or an extensive array of powers? Say a level 6? For me that arc failed because it was not a TO arc in the first place. AV's do not belong in a lowbie arc.
For a similar reason, I agree with your assesment of Paulas tutorial. I think it is an excellent arc but it is not designed for lowbie play. It is designed for AE Noobs and it does an excellent job there. -
Here are my votes for the best multipart arcs.
#1 The Consequences of War Part 1 #227331 and Part 2 #241496 @Dalghryn
This gave me a good ipmpression of the desperation and madness of the Rikti War. I liked it enough to not be upset with the map I absolutely hate. I must admit that I was lucky with the objectives in that one.
#2 The Audition Part 1 #221240 and Part 2 #221241 @MRCaptainMan
Funny arc. Whacky looney tunes humor.
I have to confess that I did not play The Lost Choir #123675, 136959, 141011 @MrSquid. Simply because the arcs contained extreme AV's. And that disqualifies the arc for me. It might be the best story-arc ever but unless those Extreme AV's get downgraded to normal levels I will not know.
But this means that I amj done with the voting. An epic task has ended! But it was worth it, I have enjoyed a lot of the arcs during the voting. -
Well who can tell one of these apart form the other? Unless you are one of those factions of course.
I would not mind if this idea was implemented. -
I think that there might be less EU woman playing this game compared to US servers (even though that is not my experience) because the American Comics are less popular here then on the other side of the pond. We got a thriving 'comic' industry here but at least for the continentals that consist more of the Belgian, French and for me Dutch comic artists.
The concept Superhero is considered to be one for nerdy little boys with big glasses and pimples. Not very attractive to woman. -
This is a broadcast from Loyalist Television.
Emperor Cole: "Have no fear dear citizens, there are no Nemesis plots here. Nemesis, the plague of that sad other dimension died in our beloved country as an old but content man. So so not worry. No Nemesis Plot." Bzzzttt.
This broadcast was sponsored by The Thought Police. Happy thoughts are good thoughts. -
Quote:I am sure BaB is working on the walk with Rollator Rolling Walkers thing shortly.Just visited test server...the female walk is quite, um, sultry...
...my Crazy Old Cat Lady is going to break a hip walking like that!
Lovely work BAB!
In the meanwhile, I enjoy the walks as they are. -
Lets endorse this and say please change Serum for anything really. It is a pretty useless power. Anybody here using it? Anybody? Echo....
And what is wrong with summoning a cottage? The things you can do with a nice cottage.. -
Quote:Not really. Because when you hit 50 you WILL have given LR his hat and say to him thanks but from now on, I do not consider you to be a person that van give me orders. Now if you ask nicely and pay handsomely you can hire me. And no I will not attempt to take over your spot yet.But isn't that what a gun for hire would do? If it pays well, isn't that all that matters? Like if helping maintain that order makes you rich and powerful, you should be happy to help
With Cole I doubt this will work out. He got a vision and he is ruthlessly enforcing his ideas of Utopia's. So he expects his hired flunkies to jump when he twitches his little pinky. Most high level villains will not bow to anybody anymore. Including self styled Emperors. So they end up as being enemies to the system.
Some will join the resistance but a lot will consider that a folly and check out how to improve themselves. -
Quote:It has the right personality to fit a lot of my Toons. Just as the Huge one is suitable for most of my huge Toons. The male one walks with confidence and once more fits with most of my male toons. I like them as they are. I do not want the animations to be changed.The male character doesn't strut like he's on a catwalk - he has a nice neutral walk that says nothing about his personality. It's just a walk that anyone would do. The female walk basically has too much personality in it, and it's not a personality that fits all characters.
It is impossible to make a thing that suits everybody, every toon, every situation. Use them if it is suitable, ignore them if it is not. -
Quote:That's a shame. I am interested in other peoples view about some of the arcs I played and so I like to read what people like you have to say. Especially7 when I disagree,then I really want to know what made them choose an arc. On the TO arcs however, your views correspondent mine.I was planning to skip the multi-part section anyway (as far as I'm concerned, there are none), and will probably skip everything after TOs (except Serious which I've already voted on). I don't like what I'm seeing in the public votes and I'm beginning to think there's not much point to it.
And I think there are some categories with very good arcs in it that are worth of playing. -
My votes for the best Epic Arcs:
#1 One Million Eyes #71933 @minimalist
#2 The Most Important Thing #266877 @Aisynia
This category gave me some tough opposition. It even made me change the cossie of one toon. Because when you go to medieval Japan you dress accordingly and you don't bring your own guns. -
* Is the final fight too hard? Too easy?
The endboss was a tough fight but with enough inspirations I got him. His damage reduction might be a bit toned down.
* It's meant to be a Miami Vice homage, but are parts of it over the line and into infringement?
I missed the yelled at bit
* Does the writing style I used work? Or is it too weird?
I like alternate writing styles. This worked for me. Only minus is that you rely a lot on us reading the clues (which is the purpose of course) but if you are less religiously reading those, you will miss a good part of the story and why things are happening.
* I place words in the mouth of the player in a few places; is this too much powerposing, or is it OK?
No problem with me.
* Is the ending (final debriefing) satisfying? I found this hard to write, because I like the protagonist to "win", but the heroes "winning" is not in the spirit of Miami Vice.
I liked it. -
Besides the 'walk' toggle is a frequently asked suggestion from us. The players. It so happens that BaB managed to do this inbetween his other projects. Those spare minutes where you must wait for someone to make up your mind?
So, he did not create the walk instead of some other animations. He did it while working on those animations. -
Because this is a superhero game. This is not Average Joe and Jane's. We walk like that because we can in here, because it looks good, because we have confidence in who, what and where we are. Just as we fly, teleport, superjump or superspeed all over the place. Why we bounce bullets of our chest.
I think that it is best if this weekend will be the last chance for us to vote. Extending the period won't lure many more players to this event. Plus I feel it is nicer when you canaward everybody simultaneously.
Tested it on females, males and big ones. The walk looks good on each of them. They all move quite different. Great job there.
3 things.
The power comes at level 1 now.
When you activate a weapon before you start walking, the weapon remains in your hand. Which looks cool when you walk nonchalantly with your Tommygun through the streets.
I couldn't resist and tried it on my MM as well. While I walk my pets hop silly after me, but most importantly they behave as badly as ever. Including attacking pasers by who dare look funny at me.
No biggies and I don't mind if it stays this way but just thought I mention it. -
Quote:Well walking is on the test server as we speak. So this suggestion can be struck from the list.Walking
Yes walking. We jog all the time we must have like 2000 pecks. walking will probley help the RP community. So they can just take a nice walk instead of it looking like your running as fast as possible to save someone in distress.