Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Grey Pilgrim

    Who Will Die?

    I must say their revealing it out of game smacks of some type of trickery. I think if he were really going to die (or at least in a permanent way), they wouldn't have revealed it in this manner. And there are what... 3 more parts to go?

    Still, it should be interesting... the last two parts have been rather interesting in how they have ratcheted up the story. Easy to dislike Malaise, but I kinda didn't like having him die, either (well... assuming he did... darn comics).
  2. Ran TPN last night with MP, and it was pretty good. I can see why a few people complain about it being a little repetitive, but I do like the overall storyline and competing for the populace's favor. Just wish the Seers jumped in a little more randomly and there was less repetitiveness to the terminal phase. I wasn't a part of the terminal stuff, but from what I saw and have read about, it sounds like more and more of the same. Would have been nice if this was slightly different. Heck, if the Praetorians tried blowing up the antenna or other, slightly different targets. Just so it wasn't quite so obviously the same.

    But yes, as Voo said, it will be nice to move away from Praetorian mobs. Nice to see DUST troopers added to things in the TPN to vary it slightly, but it's still more of the same. I'm sure Mother of Mayhem is different, but I'm sure we have at least a Trial or two more to take care of Cole.
  3. I was thinking they're awesome more because they're fun and a decent challenge, as well as having a good story, but to each their own.
  4. Sounds good to me. I mostly just want consistent, effective behavior from the powers. KB in a melee aoe power, or even melee powers, is an extremely old hold over from how the game used to be... and it's not a good holdover. The design and behavior of powers has improved a lot, and I'd like to see Kheldians get to that level as well.
  5. Well, I think it'd be a disservice to your playstyle to NEVER use anything from human form, since your heals and Inner Light are going to add to your performance. But if you're okay using those and then playing mostly in one of the forms, that's perfectly fine. One nice thing about the Light Form change is that you can use it in Nova, which should make that form a lot more robust than the Blaster AT it's based on.

    For my own two cents, I frequently focus on just Nova or Dwarf when I'm on my tri-form build. It works well. Nova in particular is nice for when you need a lot of AOE on a team. Works great in a lot of trials and TFs.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Actually GP, prices won't go up. Low purple prices will, or more likely all those purples that have been sitting on the market not getting bought will be gone by tonight.

    However, once everyone converts all their sleeps and confuses to damage types the market on those purples will most certainly fall.

    Simple supply and demand. We will be taking spam and through the magic of IO conversion turning it into Kobe beef.

    So cheer up!
    Forgot my /em joke part, too. I was teasing. You and MP are taking me too srs bsns lately.

    But I still liked having my cheaper sleep and confuse sets. Only ones I could really afford, hehe. Hopefully this means I'll get some other types soon.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Are you kidding me? The first thing I did was buy 200 cheap purples at <50 mill a pop.

    Now I just have to start getting A-merits to trade in for a stack of 10 IO converters.
    Yes, but the actual news is how this going to drive already high purple prices even higher. Yay. /em sarcastic thumbs up


    I find it kind of interesting that they are okay with this, but not changing all IOs into the auto level shift ones. This is potentially quite powerful as well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I quasi agree with this. I would like to see another "beginner trial" added in. I think that would help out a lot. And maybe one will come! I do think though that for MM and TPN, you really do need to be +2 or +3 since the AVs in it are effectively 56. However, for Keyes/UGT as long as the entire league is not +0 or +1, it should be okay. However I will say... it is disappointing to me when people bring (or try to bring) brand new non-slotted(as in IOs) with no alpha shift and something no basic alpha even. I mean you get that stuff from regular game play... I know that the trials will unlock alpha for you, but honestly, a +0 character really does not add much in most cases.
    I dunno, I guess I would say that they should be setting up more of the current trials to be on the level of BAF, etc. I do like that some are more difficult, taking all the powers we can have into account, I just want them to add on to BAF and Lambda.

    Even more so, I'd like to see TFs and missions for incarnates. Huge raids have never really been my thing, and I love TFs. Apex and Tin Mage are awesomesauce, so it'd be great to see more there. TFs also kind of allow for more story than Trials do, or at least more naturally.

    And yeah... I don't bother doing Trials until I have a level shift form the Alpha. Makes a huge difference, and using a trial for the alpha just seems like a waste: you already have to run enough already with the other 4 powers.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    To GP: Keyes is freaken awesome, don't you hate on it.
    To GP: UGT is also awesome, it's just stupid long.
    To GP: I didn't think they were that gimmicky, I think they just take coordination, by my 3rd time on MM I was rarely ever dying.
    I like Keyes now that they have adjusted it. The only thing I disliked about it was the auto damage being so high. I still think damage that ignores resists entirely is a bad design decision (a melee character's ability to resist it is more than balanced by their probably having many mobs hitting them), but I can live with that. Going to try to run some the next couple times I'm on, if there is interest.

    I dislike UGT for its anti-confuse requirement. Reason Lambda and BAF are nice is that they don't require you to build your team precisely, which is kind of a time-honored CoH thing.

    I'll give the new trials a shot, I just hate the auto damage/auto death gimmicks I see happening in them. See the above complaint: it's negating components of the game that work everywhere else.

    Originally Posted by Patient_V View Post
    Given our survivability threshold these days (letting the level shift from the Alpha slot apply outside of incarnate content = holy moley), they've got to do something to balance us out. So far, nothing has registered on the "Hey, that's cheap!" scale - auto-hit damage is manageable, unresistable damage is avoidable, the time limits and seemingly arbitrary mission goals are fair (if a little odd at times), and good use of inspirations is, as always, a game-changing ace-in-the-hole.

    The only trial-related items that have irked me thus far are the UGT's length and the time sink of setting up trials. I'd prefer smaller team content - I'll form a TF in a heartbeat, but I don't have the patience to set up a trial.
    I think I mostly would like some other trials to play that don't PRACTICALLY require you having most, if not all, of your incarnate powers unlocked. My Fire/Fire Dom has been stuck running Lams and BAFs while he gets his Rebirth unlocked and slotted, as he doesn't have a heal for Keyes, otherwise. He could help some on a UGT, but not against the most annoying stuff, and even then, he only has his alpha level shift. The devs have seen fit to up the level of some mobs in that one, suggesting that you're supposed to have most, if not all of your level shifts there as well.

    I'm not saying some characters can't do it, but rather than adding on to our trial options, the devs are mostly upping the difficulty and adding another tier of trials beyond BAF and Lambda. I would rather see that be applied to new trials that start unlocking the new powers we're going to be getting eventually.

    In essence the "lack of diversity of trials being run" issue that they see is of their own doing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Viking698 View Post
    The XP boost I have been using all the time. More then likely the reason you are all behind. Hit level 38 with even trying last night.
    I'd say you're trying if you're using the xp boost if you're not behind, but... whatever you want to call it. Hit 37 myself and started in the high 35s after some TFs over the break and had XP turned off.
  11. I ran with a WP Scrapper on Test, and that worked well. Extra end recovery to add to Stamina, and all the mass KD you do gives your Regen plenty of time to work. I didn't even have Tough or Weave going in the 30s and I did fine... and I know from experience that most sets WP gets paired with need Tough or Weave to be resilient in there. Darn exotic damage.

    I would only assume Tanks would do as well.
  12. Yay, more Trials with too many gimmicks and insta-death scenarios... screw those characters that are built/are supposed to be survivable. Maybe they play better in game, but that sure seems to be an apt description again. Didn't they learn anything from Keyes and UGT?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BoneBaby View Post
    I'll be back & online tomorrow evening. Got a lot of catching up to do I suppose... as usual.
    Eh, no worries. It's a game. Have fun with it!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Thanks so much!

    And YES! I demand he run Synapse for me while I do my nails!
    MP offered me 25 million per player on my Synapse team last night if she could just come in during the last mission and finish it up with us, so much does she hate that TF. I should have made her do it... our 8th disappeared after the first mission and never returned.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    I actually would never force anyone to pvp. I think that is the best way to make sure someone NEVER pvps again.

    As far as the people(person?) I 'bought' I pretty much will do like I've done that last 2 years, send MP a tell saying that they have met their 4 hour obligation and let them off the hook.

    If they want to help me run TFs or accolades teams for pvp events that is always appreicated but I wouldn't want to force anyone to do something they hate during their play time.
    Who are you and what have you done with Masque? You're acting too nice...
  16. So... what were the results? I wasn't able to be around during it, but it's always fun to see where things ended up. Sounds like Justaris bought me for some AE feedback, which I'm more than happy to do.

    Just glad Masque didn't buy me to do PVP like he said last night. I don't mind PVP in some games, but it's not really my cup of tea here in CoH.
  17. /Energy works pretty well also. Boost Range is nice for a couple of the lower range powers, and it's nice to have a couple solid ST attacks for when things get close (not to mention a little KB... I call the Power Thurst followed by Executioner's Shot approach "skeet shooting." Good times).
  18. Gratz! Have a good one, coz!
  19. I love that comment thread "people know we are going to be nickeled and dimed with Freedom, but they're complaining about that here." There's a difference between putting things out for a decent value, and just bad implementation. That's what I'd call this... even with the early adoption incentive, it's still not that great of implementation. I've been okay with the other powersets and even separate costume packs, but a costume pack solely focused on weapons for a new set is just... blech.

    I could get behind a pack solely focused on weapon sets (so more than just TW), but just one... yeah.
  20. Could always join the 2 hours only club like me.

    Hang in there, and gg on the Hami run!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    ill prolly get titan weapons, but with the news of the recently planned titan weapons pack to make us pay for 4 additional weapon options its kinda sickening

    plus i need more secondaries to play it with
    Woah... what's the source on the extra pack for more weapon options? Can't see it in the dev digest anywhere... at least not in the two pages worth of Noble Savage comments I can see. Yikes.

    That's pretty poor, though, I have to say. I'm rather disappointed they didn't fit in at least a weapon or two with the Barbarian set, since these two were so close in release time. I'm okay with a weapon or two being in a set, but that many in one pack is too much of a money grub.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War_Hammer View Post
    Maybe us 34s are just on the good team (not Hamsters).
    Uh-oh. Them's fightin' words!

    See you all in a few.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Scientist_JC View Post
    Just curious on who's looking forward to Titan Weapons when they go live? I never got a chance to try them on Beta, so anyone out there that tried it out and just didn't like it? I've been watching it and one possible complaint I'd have is the attacks don't look like they connect. Saw one vid where someone was beating the snot out of some Council and they barely flinched. I don't want to buy a giant rocket hammer that doesn't feel like a giant rocket hammer when I hit stuff with it.
    What video were you watching? The Titan Weapons animations are pretty dang massive, and do lots of KD that makes it look like you are making a big dent (and the damage numbers are good as well). It has a lot of AOE, so you should be able to increase the number of enemies you need pretty well and take care of them easily.

    My only beef with the set is the windup (well, and I'm not partial to the tier 9 animation, but the rest are awesome). It makes sense and it's a unique mechanic, but it doesn't match up with my playstyle as much. Keep in mind that you don't have slow windups much of the time, since you can chain about three attacks with Momentum going, and the set's build up power lets you earn Momentum just by activating it.

    If you like the idea of the set, you'll probably like it.

    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Maybe when tanks get Energy Aura or something. There are so many attack types and not enough armor types I hate to double up on stuff if I don't have to.
    True enough. I do like having new armor sets, even if sets like that aren't quite as flashy as attack sets. I'm at least going to give SR a spin for Tanks when the Staff set goes live, but I'm kind of out of armor sets that I want to try... leveling my StJ/EA brute right now.

    Willpower went pretty well with Titan Weapons, but I'm not sure I want to use the set again or not.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Panzer_ View Post
    but what about a general electric 30mm mini gun huh? How to i replicate that
    It'd be nice if they gave Assault Rifle that model... we do have a mini gun temp in game, after all. Still, I think the Assault Rifle set is the closest you are going to get to this. For power armor, that's the great thing about CoH... you can make your costume look like it and have your power armor do whatever you want it to.

    Just played some... other game's beta, and it's not nearly so customizable.
  25. Grey Pilgrim

    Find my Mouse!

    I believe it is a setting in game now, but I'm not sure if there are any out of game settings you can do it with.

    Oh, and welcome back, Viv!