Since Mental is slacking....
Can't wait till I get a confuse purple as a drop, use one of these converter tokens to convert it to... another confuse purple
Seriously though, I think these might be entertaining.
Can't wait till I get a confuse purple as a drop, use one of these converter tokens to convert it to... another confuse purple
![]() Seriously though, I think these might be entertaining. |
I'm looking forward to 'em. Not just for purples, might be useful for rares too.
My Char. List and Market Transactions
HeroStats Developer
Legion of Valor
Iron Eagles
Bah, this news was unworthy of a Mental post.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Are you kidding me? The first thing I did was buy 200 cheap purples at <50 mill a pop.
Now I just have to start getting A-merits to trade in for a stack of 10 IO converters. |
I find it kind of interesting that they are okay with this, but not changing all IOs into the auto level shift ones. This is potentially quite powerful as well.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Actually GP, prices won't go up. Low purple prices will, or more likely all those purples that have been sitting on the market not getting bought will be gone by tonight.
However, once everyone converts all their sleeps and confuses to damage types the market on those purples will most certainly fall.
Simple supply and demand. We will be taking spam and through the magic of IO conversion turning it into Kobe beef.
So cheer up!
Actually GP, prices won't go up. Low purple prices will, or more likely all those purples that have been sitting on the market not getting bought will be gone by tonight.
However, once everyone converts all their sleeps and confuses to damage types the market on those purples will most certainly fall. Simple supply and demand. We will be taking spam and through the magic of IO conversion turning it into Kobe beef. So cheer up! |

But I still liked having my cheaper sleep and confuse sets. Only ones I could really afford, hehe. Hopefully this means I'll get some other types soon.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Forgot my /em joke part, too.
![]() ![]() |
Maybe we just don't like you pouring lemon juice in our sweet cool-aid!
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Actually GP, prices won't go up. Low purple prices will, or more likely all those purples that have been sitting on the market not getting bought will be gone by tonight.
However, once everyone converts all their sleeps and confuses to damage types the market on those purples will most certainly fall. Simple supply and demand. We will be taking spam and through the magic of IO conversion turning it into Kobe beef. So cheer up! |
It may have some effect on the PvP io market as there seem to be sets that aren't used much by either PvP'ers or PvE'ers. But considering the drop rate outside of farming, that too is unlikely.
As I see it, the only way the prices will drop on either purples or pvp ios is if those that have large numbers of them stored up, convert them and then dump them on the market. As your previous post suggests (buying 200), that is probably not what you are planning on doing. Nor do I see anyone else in a similar position doing that either.
Also, the period that would have any effect would be brief. It would be akin to pouring a glass of water into a desert and expecting a 7 year flood.
Demand far exceeds supply. The only way prices will go down is if the drop rate were to increase.
Remember, a little more than a year ago people also believed that the price on purples would go down due to more players running their 50's for the incarnate salvage. That hasn't been the case. If anything, the costs have gone up.
The only time I've seen prices for top tier gear in this game decrease over time is when it is superseded by something more rare and desirable. (i.e. What happened to rares when very rares were introduced)
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
@JohnP - Victory
Remember, a little more than a year ago people also believed that the price on purples would go down due to more players running their 50's for the incarnate salvage. That hasn't been the case. If anything, the costs have gone up.
How many people on the server have Masque-like resources to scoop up all these "cheap" purples for later conversion purposes? Probably enough to mess things up for the rest of us.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Oddly enough, I seem to get far more Purples in regular content than iTrials. I'm sure this is just my experience, but I agree with everyone running Trials all the time I would expect more Purples to get on the market.
How many people on the server have Masque-like resources to scoop up all these "cheap" purples for later conversion purposes? Probably enough to mess things up for the rest of us. ![]() |

Alignment merit farming was made easier IMO. This will just incentivize others to do it as well.
I can't say I really care one way or another. I have a lot of purples. I have quite a bit of inf. I don't make a lot of builds for 50s that use purples anymore. A lot of people will take advantage of this. The "chance to get crap" factor would be my only sticking point for the "costs" involved.
I've already forgotten about most of you

I agree with Flux for the most part, however I think this will have a lesser effect on the market than most people think. I do think supply will take a hit on less desired purples in the short term as people try and convert them, however I think after a while it will level out.
When they introduced A-merits everyone said "Purples, LOTG+, Numinas, and PvP recipies will all crash in price". There may have been a small decrease, but overall the most sought after will always be the most expensive. PVP still go for 3B. Why isn't everyone farming Amerits? Because the other part of the equation is the investment in time. While Masque may buy 200 Purples, how long will it take him to earn all the tokens needed to convert? And as with most things, Masque is the exception. It sounds great and people may try at first, but eventually may will decide the time to influence ratio isn't worth it.
I make my influence crafting and selling on the market. The return is worth the time I spend doing it and I enjoy it. If it is so easy, why doesn't everyone do it? Because many people find it boring or find it to be too much trouble. That is how I feel about farming, but many others enjoy it. My point is, the time investment will go a long way in limiting the impact this has on a major scale.
There are better people in worse shape....
Unlikely. It might be the case if people only had a few 50's. However, that is not the case. What this will do is put a lot of pressure on the less desirable purple sets and the price for those will go up as people will be converting them instead of putting them on the market.
It may have some effect on the PvP io market as there seem to be sets that aren't used much by either PvP'ers or PvE'ers. But considering the drop rate outside of farming, that too is unlikely. As I see it, the only way the prices will drop on either purples or pvp ios is if those that have large numbers of them stored up, convert them and then dump them on the market. As your previous post suggests (buying 200), that is probably not what you are planning on doing. Nor do I see anyone else in a similar position doing that either. Also, the period that would have any effect would be brief. It would be akin to pouring a glass of water into a desert and expecting a 7 year flood. Demand far exceeds supply. The only way prices will go down is if the drop rate were to increase. Remember, a little more than a year ago people also believed that the price on purples would go down due to more players running their 50's for the incarnate salvage. That hasn't been the case. If anything, the costs have gone up. The only time I've seen prices for top tier gear in this game decrease over time is when it is superseded by something more rare and desirable. (i.e. What happened to rares when very rares were introduced) |
Yes flux, demand is what is driving the current prices of purples high, well that and there are people who flip purples for profit, they may set outstanding bids for recipes at 500 million and craft and sell the same ios at 700 million.
As far as demand- I believe the demand will go down for these very expensive purples, prior to this post by posi, I had a lot of outstanding bids on various purples (mostly damage) because my with my recent characters I had seriously depleted my stock. I was bidding about 600 mill per purple (which was still 50-100 less than the buy it now price). With this news I removed all my bids from the market and used that inf to buy sleep/confuse/stun purples.
As far as the PvP IO market- yes the big three are going to take a big hit. Glad armor 3% def, Sheild wall 3% resist, and pan unique are all going to drop in 'value' if you look at the market the prices for the cheapest recipe in these sets (usually end/recharge) have in many cases doubled in price if not tripled. I think people are buying them to use to convert (with 3 tokens) to new IO in the same set. This isn't a bad idea I mean you are taking an IO that was selling for 20 million and you have in the case of pan's(if its totally random and not weighted):
1:5 chance of getting an IO that is currently selling for 2 billion(unique), 1:5 chance of getting an IO that sells for about 1.8-2 billion (heal)
1:5 chance of getting an IO that sells for 1-1.5 billion (h/e/r)
1:5 chance of getting an IO that sells for 100 million (h/r) and (h/e)
however, now prices on those same e/r pans have shot up 500% to 100 million.
This is what I would expect to see happen with purples- that the cheap sets, the ones that people have been selling for 5-20 million (uncrafted) people will craft and try to convert, I mean honestly I don't see why you wouldn't since the 'value' can only increase than sell whatever they end up with.
My demand for purples dropped considerably. Actually after yesterday I am hopeful that I will not have to buy another purple ever. So my demand has dropped to 0 and you are correct I do not plan on putting any of them back on the market so I am not contributing to the supply at all, however, that may change as well. I have been hording PvP IOs since the day they were released and only recently did I start selling them, it wasn't that the demand was high, if anything the 'value' of these IOs are much lower than they had been historically but I just didn't need them. The reason being I am just not making new characters like I had been.
Incarnate content has pretty much killed alt-itis (for me) I can no longer make a charater level it to 50, IO it and accolade it, in the span of lets say a couple of weeks. Now it takes much longer if I want to get all of its incarnate powers and grind enough threads/shards/components to make it a top notch character for level 50 content. Its not even that you can get t3 or t4 on each power and call it good. Now there are new powers in each slot that get released which are in many cases better than the original, so again, dust off all the characters and run them through more content.
tl;dr version:
I don't expect purples to drop to 20 million. I expect there to be a leveling in prices where the damage aren't selling for 6,7, 800 million and the cheapest aren't being given away for 20-60million.
Super expensive PvP IOs will be hit the hardest.
Incarnates killed alt-itis.
Oddly enough, I seem to get far more Purples in regular content than iTrials. I'm sure this is just my experience, but I agree with everyone running Trials all the time I would expect more Purples to get on the market.
How many people on the server have Masque-like resources to scoop up all these "cheap" purples for later conversion purposes? Probably enough to mess things up for the rest of us. ![]() |
If you can pay 20 to 40 million for a purple you have the resources to do this. There are still a lot of recipes and even more crafted IOs still out there for less than 50 mill each. I grabed what I thought I would need stashed it away.
As Voodoo stated he (and others) have purples stored perhaps they aren't the exact ones they need though this gives them the opportunity to try to get those and if nothing else if they get a desirable one they can offer to trade it for the one they need versus it just sitting there collecting dust.
Cy- prices have dropped a lot on those IOs
Glad armor which at one time was selling for 3.5 bill off market now sells pretty commonly in the market forums for 2 billion.
LoTGs were up to 250 million at one point and the last I checked they were down to 100?
Numinas were just selling at 50 million thats down from 120.
I am not sure that the "casual" player will even know about or what to do with this change. After reading what people think, I am disappointed with the doom and gloom!
I foresee currently "crap" purples gaining value, which is a good thing. And damage purples lowered a bit in price. Some people will have less demand (as they turn their sleep IO into a ranged dmg IO) and no longer need to buy one. And some people who just want to sell will now sell their "crap" purples for a higher amount.
Yes if you only ever use Sleep and Confuse purples and you never play 50s to get a purple drop, this will affect you negatively. If you are playing the game and do occasionally add to the supply (overall or personal) this will be a positive change for you.
I think people often ignore basic financial principles when playing, and that's why they "never have resources." If you want a Numina R/R, don't buy it with A-merits or R-merits. Buy something worth more, sell it, and but in a lowball bid for 3 Numinas. If you need something for a build, bid on 3 (lowball price) then craft all 3, keep one and sell 2 back... I bet you got your IO close to free.
I'm still excited for this and I like that it's something for "VIPs" only. I also like that there are in game ways to do it instead of just buying points.
Oh and Mental, Masque had like 9999 reward merits, so I think that might be close to enough to convert the purples :P
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Cy- prices have dropped a lot on those IOs Glad armor which at one time was selling for 3.5 bill off market now sells pretty commonly in the market forums for 2 billion. LoTGs were up to 250 million at one point and the last I checked they were down to 100? Numinas were just selling at 50 million thats down from 120. |
That is true with Glad Armor, however there is a much smaller demand for PvP then purples and other items. Things like LOTG, Numinas, and Miracles will drop as much as 50% during the week, and be right back up over the weekend. It's the BUY IT NOW mentality combined with increased demand due to more players playing and leveling up on weekends.
There are better people in worse shape....
That is true with Glad Armor, however there is a much smaller demand for PvP then purples and other items. Things like LOTG, Numinas, and Miracles will drop as much as 50% during the week, and be right back up over the weekend. It's the BUY IT NOW mentality combined with increased demand due to more players playing and leveling up on weekends.
No no... Cy I was comparing pre-A merits to post A merits.
LotG lvl 50 7.5 recharge were selling for about 250 pre A merits, I'm not at home to check the market but I believe they are selling for about 100million now.
Numina were selling for 100-150 pre A merits and now are like 50 mill (for the recipe at least I didn't check crafted yesterday).
Masque speaks truth, I may have personally doubled the cost of a "crappy" PvP IO in an otherwise good set just now by buying 60 of them.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
No no... Cy I was comparing pre-A merits to post A merits.
LotG lvl 50 7.5 recharge were selling for about 250 pre A merits, I'm not at home to check the market but I believe they are selling for about 100million now. Numina were selling for 100-150 pre A merits and now are like 50 mill (for the recipe at least I didn't check crafted yesterday). |
There are better people in worse shape....
Then you would be horribly wrong, as you are underestimating the filthy rich. :|
They have dropped some, but my point was that I don't think it will have the radical impact to prices that some people do. Short term will be a bigger shift, and then it will level out. If the higher sought after purples drop by 30% in price, but the sleeps, etc, increase 30%, it isn't going to change the market as we know it. I actually agree with you on the effects long term, just saying I don't think it will be as extreme as others.
Hew in drag baby
There are better people in worse shape....
OMG.... Squee!!!!!!!
I've been following a ton of stuff that the board have been talking about since the Player Summit we held a couple weeks ago. We've taken a close look at your feedback on the various things announced, and are in the process of making changes where we feel it's appropriate and good for the overall game.
This thread is about Enhancement Converters. These are tokens that you can use to change Set-based IOs into other random Set-based IOs. The original thought was that the only way to acquire these would be through the Paragon Market. Several of you disagreed with this exclusivity to this item so we took another look at it.
We feel pretty comfortable in allowing these to be obtained in-game by VIPs. These will be sold on Reward Merit, Alignment Merit, and Endgame Merit vendors with the following values (subject to change):
10 Reward Merits buys 1 Enhancement Converter Token
1 Alignment Merit buys 10 Enhancement Converter Tokens (20 hour cooldown)
3 Astral Merit buys 2 Enhancement Converter Tokens
1 Empyrean Merit buys 5 Enhancement Converter Tokens
In addition, they will be rare drops from enemies for VIPs.
Remember, it costs 3 tokens to convert a Set IO into another, random, enhancement from that same set. It costs 2 tokens to convert a Set IO into another, random, enhancement of the same category, and it costs 1 token to convert a Set IO into another, random, enhancement of the same rarity. Basically the more possibilities it has to change into, the lower the cost.
Because of this, we're not going to initially sell these on the Paragon Market as we had first planned. These will be available exclusively in-game to VIPs by the above means for the time being.
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon