Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The day I'm universally considered a detriment for using knockback on teams is probably the day I go looking for a game with a saner playerbase. However, on a scale from one to a hundred, where one represents minimal complaint and a hundred represents universal complaints about knockback, I am currently safely experiencing a zero.

    These changes do come along right as I've started leveling a Grav/Time controller (because gravity/time, just gotta). It'll be interesting to see how these changes affect my ability to deploy everything in my arsenal, because I always try to.
    I personally love KB (I have a an En/En Blaster whose battlecry is "This calls for more knockback!"), but there are times where it's not all that great. I don't think it's very good for Wormhole... I have a Grav/Time as well, and while Wormhole is up far more often than Gravity Distortion Field, I'm far more likely to use the latter because it doesn't have all the issues that Wormhole does.

    Not sure what to make of the "use it with Dimension Shift" idea of Hawk's, either. Other aoe mez powers that you can kind of equal Wormhole to don't call for using other powers with them. They hold their foe, or KB them, etc., in a far more simple manner. I think that's my main beef with it is that it behaves so differently from similar powers and is more difficult for it.

    If nothing else, I wouldn't mind a lower cast time on it. I feel even worse about the KB and disappearing of foes if it's not going to throw off my teammates as easily. I know I could run ahead of my team more, but I'm often buffing between mobs and have a hard time making sure I'm so far ahead that I can use Wormhole and find a good place to toss mobs.
  2. Made it back home last night... after a day that was nice for driving, until it got dark and then it started snowing (after two weeks of abnormally high temps and little precipitation in my part of the Midwest, I might add).

    Grateful that we made it home safely to enjoy a new year, though! Have fun, everyone!
  3. Grey Pilgrim

    Question on EM

    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    EM has one thing going for it, it has the single hardest hitting tanker attack.

    The cost of this is -HP, the lowest AoE damage of any set and the longest animating tier 9.

    In a game where Fast/AoE damage is king, that one hardest hitting ST attack doesn't really matter all that much.
    And yet, EM still can do okay. I would certainly argue that it could use some buffs, but it's not nearly so bad as some would make out, especially since they are still so upset about EM being nerfed way back when.

    ST damage is pretty nice... I think some forget that when they rave about AOE cutting through swaths of minions. There are plenty of bosses and EMs out there that are nice to take care of quickly, too.
  4. I could only wish for a slightly different, casting animation for the emotes (for those of us that would like these to be a part of our powers somehow), but these are still quite fun. Good idea for a pack!
  5. Where is the horse gone? where the rider?
    Where the giver of treasure?
    Where are the seats at the feast?
    Where are the revels in the hall?
    Alas for the bright cup!
    Alas for the mailed warrior!
    Alas for the splendour of the prince!
    How that time has passed away, dark under the cover of night,
    as if it had never been.

    --The Wanderer

    Tolkien adapted those lines into The Lord of the Rings, and they are more than appropriate here. Farewell, DC. We'll miss you.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
    ...a week after a 25% discount ended. Try to keep up here, sweetie.
    You've been replied to, amply. Sales are going to happen, we all know that. We don't know what they are, so like with any other purchase, you make the best decision you can at the time. Like with any sale, you don't know if it's the last time it's going to be that price, or if it will be lower at some point.

    They may not have gotten enough bites on the 25% price, so they decided to go lower. Or they wanted to make players in need of slots happy and go for more. Who knows.

    I for one am grateful that the sale happened again, as I missed it by accident the first time around. And I'm sure plenty of players are happily buying extra slots at 50% off. Buyer beware and enjoy your stuff that you got... sometimes you get it sooner, sometimes you get it cheaper, sometimes you pay extra. It's the nature of any business. Just live with it: it's the nature of the thing.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Horatus View Post
    I'm in Germany and Finland until Jan 5th.. I'm going to miss a few sessions.
    Think we're at least taking next week as a by... sounded like a fair amount of us are going to be gone.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
    I'm agreeing with you on this one THB. I've heard alot about this buff making light form a power that can be made perma...

    I've often heard that the devs say the game is balanced around if this buff was intended to make LF perma (which is only available through the IO system) then I doubt it will be a long lived buff or even considered a "fix" to Kheldians if it does stick around.
    Simply put, the buff was designed to put Light Form more in line with Eclipse. That's all. The two are roughly equivalent now and there's no reason to swap it back... any adjustments needed are in other powers or setup for the AT.
  9. I suppose that a powerset based entirely on staff attacks like the Carnival of Light uses might not be feasible, but I still kind of want it. Mistress Nadia always looks so cool with her powers.

    If nothing else, an animation option overlay using a staff or other weapon types with multiple power sets would be awesome.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    When did I argue that human form was lacking? It's bloody well the dominant form on a Peacebringer after the current changes went live. Or are you referring to the open beta forums for them, where I argued somewhat vehemently that the changes favored human form too much? I still feel that way, and the statement you quoted was bolded for sarcasm as much as for truth. It can compete with nova for damage (exceeding it in single target damage) and is more survivable than dwarf.
    I used the quote tool so you would know what I was responding to. Here it is again.

    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    4. Heh. Nothing on the planet is wrong with PB human form. NOTHING. Come to think of it, I don't have any heartburn with Warshade's human form, either.
    There is something wrong with Pulsar, blatantly so (and you have argued that... which is what I was calling you on). Warshades have superior mez (and not just their equivalent to Pulsar) and can do as well or better in the damage department.

    We've also argued that the KB IS an issue, and it's not overpowering. The human powers and Solar Flare in particular are what we have focused on. So that's all I was reminding you of.

    I have no clue what Arbiter Hawk is planning or thinking. He seems like to like playing things close to the vest and not post much until something is "done" or in test, unfortunately. I can understand why, given how some players respond, but it is something I have liked devs doing in the past.

    I don't think I21.5 was a target for anything, though. These ".5" issues seem to be more about trials, etc., than big power tweaks. I certainly was not expecting our new formshift animation before I22, given what he said about it this summer. Trust me, if I22 hits and I don't see anything for Kheldians, there is going to be a post on the subject in the beta and main forums.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
    I think he's got a point, tho. Once you stack up enough recharge from the sets + Hasten to get perma-lightform, you're probably better off getting the musculature alpha for the damage bonus.
    The amount of recharge needed is still pretty high to do that. Of course it makes sense to go for other bonuses once more recharge isn't doing you any good... but the recharge bar is pretty high to get those perma, even if you're using some purples. I think they're ALMOST perma on my all human build, and that has Hasten, 50-60% global recharge, and the Spiritual alpha rounding things out.

    Depending on what you are used to building and affording, that might not seem like much, but it is something more than I build for my Peacebringer's tri-form before. I kind of got to 40% global on that without focusing on it too hard, and that was fine by me, since getting more at the time would just have put Dull Pain or whatever closer to perma.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
    late game:
    WS mesh better with the incarnate and inventions system due to recharge bonuses. Though I would argue that you could be just as effective on a PB with +dmg and +res bonuses, since PB really don't need to stack recharge.
    Inner Light and the new Light Form would beg to differ with you. Making those perma or darn close to it is worth it, which does mean a decent amount of recharge. I know Spiritual helped out my PB with that considerably.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    4. Heh. Nothing on the planet is wrong with PB human form. NOTHING. Come to think of it, I don't have any heartburn with Warshade's human form, either.
    Now don't paint yourself in a corner, because I know you have said and argued different in the past. I also think this is flat out wrong, as there are human powers that are very much not working well.

    Sorry. Just had to jump in on that.

    Since people are discussing them... I'm not sure why VEATs do not mesh with me so much. When I play them, I just think about how much more I could be doing with another AT type. They step on every other AT's toes too much, probably, but I still feel like I'd be better off just grabbing a Stalker, Scrapper, Blaster, etc. I have the same issues with Defenders and Corruptors usually, though. I tend to be an "all in there, I don't really care how much I'm debuffing, I want to be smashing or tanking" kind of player.

    Kheldians are much more in the enemy's face, to my mind, and I like that.
  14. Not really forum sparring, MP, just talking.

    Anyway, timer for Maelstrom is quite different from the Keyes and MoM stuff. Mael always pops up in the same place, and you'll just be helping drop a solitary telepathist. Keyes, you have no clue where that stupid obliteration beam is going to pop up, and it could be obscured by any number of things. I'd say the terminals in the last phase are actually the most dangerous parts for that trial... really easy not to see the obliteration beam if you are in close to those with a bunch of people.

    I wouldn't suggest it to just anyone, but if you're capable of reading any strategy and applying it, it's a pretty tame thing to do, and better than sitting and twiddling your thumbs.
  15. I'm dismayed to hear this, and as I said to MP, I don't know what to say. I've had bad personal news this December and past December as well: it's being far too much of a dark month lately.

    I live just down the road from a hospice. It's in a beautiful location, peaceful. What you want at that time. I hope DC has the same.

    DC was never super talkative with me, but he's the solid type of guy you always want around. I know he liked Stargate SG-1, so I think it's more than safe to say he was like Teal'c to me. He knew what was up and was willing to help others, and I love that he kept Hami raiding with us even up until a couple of weeks ago. Such pillars of strength are always missed when they are gone, and surely this thread shows this his avatar title will not be a misnomer (though I pray that he has much, much longer to be with us).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    So glad I bothered to get the 25% off character slots when if I had just waited 2 weeks I could have gotten them for 50% off. That's a pretty crummy move. Pick a sale price and stick to it, quit jerking us around.
    I was just thinking I was glad I didn't grab two slots when they were 25% off, and then sorry for the people who had bought those.

    It's the old buyer beware thing, though. You never know when sales are going to happen, or when you are going to buy an iPod and have a newer version come out before it even finishes shipping to you (this happened to my wife). Knowing you have had the character slots for a little longer is not much help, like it hopefully is for those that pre-purchased GR for Dual Pistols.

    So... I feel your pain. But it's kind of inevitable with things being sold and put on sale. I could have gotten another $20 off of the Nook I bought for my wife's Christmas present if I had waited a week, but it was already cheaper than it had ever been when I bought it. It is what it is.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    NO! Every heard of "scrapper lock"? Tanks can get it too. And then half the squishies on the league get killed. Just don't do it.
    If a player can't pay attention and do what I suggested, you don't want them tanking Maelstrom or anywhere near all those protestors. They probably are using AOEs all over the place.

    I'm assuming if a player is reading the forums about Master of TPN (and on a server forum), they have the brainpower to watch a timer, move, and not use AOEs stupidly.
  18. I'll probably get myself a little ahead levelwise, so I'll be on par with everyone else when I get back. Going to be gone a bunch over the next few weeks.
  19. Oh, you certainly want to narrow it down to two levels, with the new requirements (which I love, by the way... I think you could possibly get away without a personal heal on the new setup). I was just curious about why the top and middle over the bottom and the middle. Consistency makes sense there.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Oh definitely! It takes... omg, movement! A good emp or pain and people who actually listen (don't attack terminals) can get you Loves a Challenge. We did both together on Thursday I think. Was a league of 12, which is imo the way to go. Also had one of the people stand way back, so he diverted green from us a few times which was kind of cool.

    To wacamole: glad you finally got it! <3
    I still wish the Obliteration beam had a stronger visual indicator. Its audio works well (depending on your sound system... I know I could tell when it was off to my left or right), but it's too thin. Other powers obscure it (hello Rebirth, a quite likely Destiny for people to be sporting on that Trial), and people flying should not make it harder to see. Not sure why they haven't tried to change it up more: it's a common complaint.

    One curious question, something I noticed on last night's run. Why do you have people clear terminals on the top and middle only, rather than the bottom? Is there some merit there over the bottom rung, or is it just a personal preference thing?
  21. Wow, lots of people. Have fun, and I hope someone makes the birthdays fun, despite their nearness to Christmas.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Did TPN the first time the other night with MP running and we managed to get the Fair and Balanced and Television Addict badges despite a number of us not really knowing what to do and a few incidents of people not realized that no AOE near the protestors REALLY meant no AOE near the protestors. I was on the Maelstrom fighting team so I can't make any good observations about activity in the building, but here are a few observations about the outside fighting:

    When Maelstrom is despawned, everyone but his tank should scatter out to help the telepathists team. It should be fairly easy to have them at one or none by the time MS pops back.

    If you have any toggle debuffs on MS when he despawns, make sure to turn them off immediatly. If they are left running then when he pops back in he will shoot you to bits because of the debuff aggro unless the tank is inhumanly fast at grabbing him. I found this one out the hard way.
    Good points. I would say everyone can help drop telepaths quickly, though. There is a timer for Maelstrom's return, and he even seems to phase in rather slowly, so as long as you are on the spot when the timer reaches zero, it's easy to start fighting him right away without missing a beat in that regard. I think his slow phase in is the usual "you can't attack a newly spawned mob" script, so you can hit him with PbAOEs, which is worth noting for tanks. You obviously want to make sure no protestors are about, but I rarely saw them around Mael in my one run.
  23. So... where did we end up? Looks like we have some 39s and a bunch of 38s. Also, what are we doing the next couple of weeks? I'm around next week, but won't be the week after. Are we taking any off, or what's the plan?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    It's never a bad thing to have a tank set up to be multidimensional especially if you intend to use it on most of the vast array of unique content in the game, and even in general mission use ranged attacks can allow you to easily snag runners, delicately pull within a mob, etc etc.

    Some others mentioned pyre mastery and it's a good choice, my fire tanks got fire blast 3slotted and fireball 6'd, in addition to the vet reward nemesis staff and black wand the tank can go from up close melee to ranged character seamlessly.
    It's a worthwhile path to take with your tanks build plans.
    They're nice to get, but not so nice it's the only way to build for. I picked up the ranged attacks on my offensive fire build, but they wouldn't be much help on my defensive one. I'd rather Maneuvers and my hold, for instance. And I've run plenty of Apex TF's with Grey Pilgrim, so it's not like you need to stay at range all the time.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I really don't understand the point of announcing it early. Even if it could have been spoiled by people breaking the EULA to find it out, it makes no sense to me to end-run that by announcing it formally this far in advance.

    It bugs me.
    My interest in mystery stories thrillers leads me to believe this is probably a red herring or a way to throw us off the scent. And it's the comics, too, so is he "dead" or "dead dead?" I'm guessing the former. No matter what, I'm doubting this is quite the spoiler some are thinking it is.

    It also potentially leaves things open for our particular character to take his place, which is interesting. Not sure how his TF is going to work with him gone, either. We'll see how it goes.