435 -
That looks TERRIBLE!
In a great way, of course... -
Welcome back. And yeah, I think it's great that you've brought some new people in with you.
Most of all, congratulations on your impending fatherhood. While Mrs. Lantern and I have no children between us, it's been pretty amazing watching my grandchildren grow.
See you (and your friends!) around the city! -
Has there been any official or unofficial count of Paragon City's population? I get the impression it's a rather large place with a population in the millions...I even want to say I saw/read something giving its population at 7M...however its real-life counterpart Providence only has a population of about 1.6M. 7M would put it in the neighborhood of New York City with its current pop at about 8.1M.
This leads me to my next question; how is Paragon City viewed on the world stage? There's always the thought of "New York, London, Paris," etc. when discussing the world's great cities, but perhaps on Primal Earth it's "New York, Paragon, London, Paris," etc. Let's face it, Paragon has the world's only crashed Rikti spaceship, is a major technology hub with the Crey Corporation and Portal Corp., not to mention Statesman, the Freedom Phalanx, and is known worldwide as the "City of Heroes"(tm).
I'd argue for those reasons alone Paragon would have a larger population than Providence, but maybe not as big as 7M. Anyone got some thoughts? Evidence? -
Holy Opportunities! A newb!
Welcome, Fansy! I think you'll find most people both on-forum and in-game helpful and (relatively) curteous! Don't be shy of asking questions, and have fun!
Oh and watchout for SteelClaw... -
Okay, I'll bite...
1) Subscribe? Depends on how deeply you want to get into it. When I was young and Dad was paying for my comics, I had both DC and Marvel titles on my pull list. Prices eventually went up to the point that Dad said I had to make a choice, and I decided I'd rather read about the Justice League than the Avengers so I pulled my Marvel titles out. In short, that's a personal decision based on how much people like reading about Statesman, et al.
2) Contradictary? On occasion? Messy? Yeah, probably. Poorly written? Not in my opinion.
3) Can't really answer that since the "Gathering Storm" stuff still seems to be intentionally vague. Specifically, I think changing Praetoria from the "Star Trek 'Mirror, Mirror'" universe into "Morally Grayville" is more interesting from a STORY perspective, but leads to the contradictions and messyness above.
4) I think they can BOTH fix old lore and still generate new stuff. In fact, I'd hire me as editor to rewrite the older lore.
...what? -
Quote:Mrs. Lantern and I have planned our weekend together AROUND 2XP weekend. You can do it too, Ossuary!First, congrats.
Second, does the future spouse play COH? If so, cue the short-short-version of the wedding and start your marriage off right with level-pacted characters conceived on your wedding night. Everyone lies about their wedding night anyway, so you may as well take advantage of the fact that people think you'll be celebrating the rites of spring all night.
Third, why not take a bit of time from that weekend and have an in-game wedding? Invite your COH friends who couldn't come to the actual shindig and party it up.
Um, I'd wait until AFTER you're married though. Just a thought. -
*sigh* I hate you, SteelClaw...
...I love you, SteelClaw. -
Quote:/signed and /cosigned to all who don't like the Toby Maguire "Spider-Man" pattern in Superman's costume. I think it worked for Spidey, but it's not for the Man of Steel.<QR>
I still think Brandon Routh should have been Superman again.
Out of curiosity, if they DIDN'T give Superman's costume trunks, then what's the point of him having a belt? This goes double for his upcoming Kraptonian ceremonial armor costume.
And yes, I know how to spell "Kryptonian".
On the plus side...the colors are not as dark as I thought. So...yay for that. -
Your opinion carries a lot of weight with me. Actually everyone's been a bit more positive than I imagined. I DVR'ed it as well, but so far have only seen one small preview bit with Jaga training Lion-O on the use of the Sword of Omens. I wasn't really impressed with the character design (in an admittedly brief clip), but I DID catch some familiar sound effects and musical stings that I felt were appriciated call-backs to the original series.
Gonna try to watch myself in the next day or two. -
Quote:/signedWhile badge hunting over the weekend I discovered I needed one more flashback mission to get the next Ouroboros Badge. Looked through my list of missions not done and found "Bad People, Good Intentions". What a great mission! Rescuing people from a fire, excellent. That made me feel like a proper super hero. The rest of the mission was good as well, but its nice to see some new game mechanics once in a while.
More of those please Devs! -
Yeah your CoX version of "Date My Avatar" is pretty brilliant.
Congo Rats, Michelle! You are a boon and asset to our comic book community and one of our best, loudest cheerleaders. Long may Samuraiko productions reign, and long may we both be daring and dastardly. I'll see you 'round the servers and YouTube.
Quote:And knowing is half the battle!If you're thinking "the dude is a big deal," yep he is; but believe it or not, he's a natural origin. Kind of like Batman, he learned training techniques from all over the world to toughen himself up. Unlike Bruce Wayne, he was a police officer beforehand. He's also connected to Blue Steel, who has been one of his friends since childhood and who was also a member of the Regulators before it disbanded.
There's your history lesson for the day. :P
Yooooooo JOE! -
Quote:Well said, Slick. Bravo.Atlas Park is "downtown" where Galaxy City is "old town". In an ideal world, we'd have both. However - The devs today seem to agree with the poster I mentioned, that the new player experience should be streamlined and funnel everyone into a single space. It's too bad. I'll miss the place.
Quote:Doc, I too will miss this. It was a great gathering of good characters, awesome to HILARIOUS costumes, and good RPers.The main thing I'll miss is the Arena. My SG has had it's annual Golden Age Festival there for the past six years and it's always been a lot of fine. Good memories there. It was easy to set up, low level characters could get there easily, and it wasn't too far from the trains, and since it's Galaxy, mostly had the zone to running the event.
Guess we'll have to move it to Talos or King's Row or something.
Sounds like it's time to move it to KR, or sneak in ONE more party before it's gone!
Oh and for the record, my main on Infinity is Galaxy City born and raised. He'll DEFINATELY be missing GC when it's gone. I'm thinking of him "turning to the dark side" as a result. -
Mrs. Lantern used to watch "No Ordinary Family" with me, and seems moderately interested in "Alphas". Good to hear they've made a big step forward so quickly.
I have never watched "Eureka", but might start for the adorable funkiness that is Felicia Day. -
Quote:probably since it is geoff johns stuff...but they also were strongly denying that this was a reboot , but rather a relaunch and now its a soft reboot...
Wanted to quote this 'cause it lead to EXACTLY what I was thinking...
Oh, DC...I have loved you, stuck up for you, and been with you for most of my life. This may be the end of our relationship. This makes me a sad, sad man. -
IMHO, this is what "Heroes" WANTED to be. And while a lot of people are going to draw a not unfair "X-Men" comparison, I got more of a "Doom Patrol" vibe. YMMV of course.