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  1. I can bring either a stone brute, elec brute, or a rad corr, All a have the alpha slotted.

  2. I'll bring someone...probably my controller again. She hasn't been getting as much play time as the others.

  3. I can bring either a brute or a corrupter. Not sure who yet. Both have either a rare or very rare slotted.

  4. I'll either bring a brute or a rad depending on who hasn't run it yet, or who I feel more like playing. If you want the other, I'll switch.

  5. Golgothen energy/stone brute, or Screamin Adam sonic/rad corrupter

    I might have a preference, depending if I've already run the other one.

  6. I'll try to be there with Screamin Adam, sonic/rad corr. Saturdays have been hit or miss for me lately.

    Never done it before, but I'll make sure to read the guide

  7. Thanks for setting this up, I got Invader on 3 toons.

  8. I need to change Screamin Adam's status to *maybe*

    Sorry, something came up and I might not be done by one.

  9. Never run this one since I only ever got 1 hero to 50. So, if I can bring my Rogue, I'll bring my sonic/rad corr Screamin Adam.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    And unfortunately I have a consistent hankering for a superhero game, and even more unfortunately this game is the best offering overall in the genre (he says, having just rejoined after taking a month or so off to Beta DCUO).
    After fleeing from there myself, I have to agree.

    I'm not really grinding anything out anymore. I did for the first few days after I19 release but now it's back to running Tips in the afternoon and if anyone is trying to form a TF I'll usually try to join...or I'll log off and find something else to do.

    I got rid of my second account so am down to 10 or so 50s. And as far as I'm concerned most of those can be deleted. I picked one character and uber'ed her with a bunch of purple sets and originally she was to be the only one who is an Incarnate. Now that she's got an Uncommon slotted and is sitting on a few dozen shards I'm thinking I'll go ahead and Incarnate my /rad corr just for those times when a team absolutely must have a debuffer.

    So hey, don't like the grind, don't do it. Pick 1 or 2 characters and focus on those. It's really easy to get enough shards from casual play as long as you're not trying to build every Alpha path.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    You do get the new Morality mission.

    It is possible to get the 2nd one to drop after getting the 1st, so you can choose which one to run.
    I got the second one to drop while I was inside the first one. For a couple minutes I thought I'd hit a bug that would give me 2 villain merits that day. Alas, when I finished the first one, the second had disappeared from my tips list.

    The Hometown Hero alignment mission definitely makes me feel more like a villain than My Other Selves.

  12. Golgothen

    Tips Question

    Some are definitely easier than others. Of the Tips for a lvl 50 villain, I hate the Dagger of Cernoz since I hate Orenbega maps, and Annoying Ringtone since fighting Thistle so many times has occasionally overwhelmed me, but love the Destroy Longbow base since it makes me feel like a villain, even though it occasionally bugs and doesn't load the Bane Spider, at least not where I can reach him.

    The two with Polar Shift, and the Russian Ballad one are very easy compared to the rest since they are click a glowie and kill an ambush. Deal with Silent Blade used to be easy but it seems to be bugged since I19, Silent Blade stays a friendly after you kill the Longbow around her, restarting doesn't help.

  13. Golgothen

    cell phones...

    I used to have a Trackfon 6-8 years ago. They had a 1 year card that was something like 100 minutes for $120, but the phone was good for a year/you didn't need to add time every 1 or 3 months. You could buy the cards on ebay for $70-$80. If you used a normal card to add minutes then those minutes didn't expire until your year was up. If you still had time remaining at the end of the year, you could apply another card and the minutes would roll-over. I remember one year I used 19 minutes.

    They probably still have something like that, you pay a higher up-front cost for some minutes but don't have to deal with the 30/60/90 day crap.

    I'm considering switching back to it. I've used my phone 10-15 minutes total in the last 3 months. $60/month for an ebook reader is rediculous.

  14. Quote:
    Edit: You can see some datamined and estimated drop rates here.
    As a completely unscientific add-on to this, and I test group is tiny (6), but drop rate from AV kills seem to be better than boss drops rate. I got 2 from Romulus on back-to-back respawns during the ITF.

  15. Thank you. My worry was it would be like the old base salvage and cap at 20 (or even worse, 10). I didn't want to be running around trying to get enough only to never get a drop.

  16. Is there a limit (either per piece or combine total) to the number of incarnate salvage pieces I can carry at one time?

    Right now I have 6 shards, I'm wondering if I need to start building specific salvage pieces now or can I wait until I have a bunch and then decide what to build. I know I only need 12 shards to build a common incarnate enhancement. I'm unsure which Incarnate path I want to take so don't want to waste shards by building pieces I won't need to make whichever enhancement I decide upon.

  17. Golgothen


    Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
    In Japan the sexbots *ARE* the killer robots. (Warning: what has been seen cannot be unseen.)
    I think we just found movie of the year!

    I have got to see that.

    "Fried Shimp"
  18. My first thought was it's an Asgardian from before they started their major genetic engineering research. During the commercial I was expecting Rush to start "talking" to it either directly in ancient, or by typing ancient into a computer and having it read it.

    Instead he ignores it and they give it a fruit bar. It (the scene) could have been better.

  19. Wolverine beating Lobo during the Marvel/DC crossover of the mid-90s. Fan vote chose the winner. The writers couldn't come up with a convincing way to show it so the whole fight was off-screen (took place behind a bar with just an occasional hand reaching up).

    So, dude with bone claws (in 1996) and slightly super-human strength can beat up a guy who can take a punch from Superman, get back up, and punch Superman hard enough that Supes can feel it...right. I see the fight actually going something like: Wolverine breaks his claws on Lobo, then Lobo starts to remove Wolverine's body parts until Wolverine's healing factor can't keep up long enough for the fight to be called in Lobo's favor.

    If Wolverine had his adamantium it would at least be a contest and would be decided on who could out damage the other persons healing factor.

  20. Many thanks, got Invader on 5 toons.


  21. This problem has been going on for years, and it's only in Sharkhead for some reason, all the other zones are fine. Best way IMO to get out of the zone is to use one of the teleporters (Pocket D or Base), or an O-portal. If you try to run/fly to the ferry you'll only move a little bit at a time since you'll be rubber-banded back to where you were at when the mapserver lost you. Using teleport as a travel power makes it a little easier to get out since the game queues your teleport and you move as soon as you're back on the mapserver...then you queue up another move and wait again.


    edit -- last night was the first time I've ever seen this outside of Sharkhead, but it was affecting several Praetorian zones at once, so my comment about it being only in Sharkhead is no longer accurate.
  22. I'll be a backup too. I can't guarantee I'll be on every week, but you can reach me at @lis

    I'll try to keep the character around the group level.
