cell phones...




Anyone have any knowledge about pre-paid/pay as you go cell phone plans?

I ask because I need to get rid of my current phone plan and get a new one along with a new phone. I don't use my phone enough to make even the lowest plans I've seen worthwhile and that doesn't answer the what phone to get.

I only use maybe 10 mins of phone time a month, if that...
And I currently have a Blackberry Pearl with 2GB SD card...(i use it mainly for an MP3 player)

So any ideas?

looking through a few deals I see a lot go off of $20 for a prepaid card that the minutes expire in 30 days... That is stupid. I might as well get a contract if that is how it works as you would end up having to pay the same price if you use it once a month.



I used to have a Trackfon 6-8 years ago. They had a 1 year card that was something like 100 minutes for $120, but the phone was good for a year/you didn't need to add time every 1 or 3 months. You could buy the cards on ebay for $70-$80. If you used a normal card to add minutes then those minutes didn't expire until your year was up. If you still had time remaining at the end of the year, you could apply another card and the minutes would roll-over. I remember one year I used 19 minutes.

They probably still have something like that, you pay a higher up-front cost for some minutes but don't have to deal with the 30/60/90 day crap.

I'm considering switching back to it. I've used my phone 10-15 minutes total in the last 3 months. $60/month for an ebook reader is rediculous.




I've been using T-Mobile's pay as you go prepaid since Hurricane Ike. A 1 year refill is $100 for 1000 minutes which is far more than I actually use. You can get a 90 day refill for $10 which gives you 30 minutes of time which sounds like it might suit your needs.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



at&t has a plan that charges you either $1 or $3 only on days that you actually use the phone and gives you unlimited minutes for the rest of the day.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
at&t has a plan that charges you either $1 or $3 only on days that you actually use the phone and gives you unlimited minutes for the rest of the day.
true that. I too have ATT and im paying $60 a month with unlimited talk and text (im one fo those people-but not while driving).

however for 40 or 50, i think boost mobile has unlimited talk, text and data (internet).