Lost connection to Map server errors




I have been getting map server errors a lot this morning. Anyone else having the same problem.

[EDIT] I managed to fight through the mapserver errors and get to Grandville. I didn't get any mapserver errors in Grandville so I am assuming shark head island is the problem area.



Happens a lot when the servers start to fill up.



You start noticing it if you are in the new Prae area's. I tend to get it a lot, but fortunately it just flashes for me and that be it.



It was happening every other second. I am not used to the servers being busy. I am back from a long break from the game. Overall Ncsoft has done a lot to make the game appealing again. I just they have more pretorian content and increase the level cap.



They've all but promised that there will be more Praetorian content.

But it seems like they've got different ideas for endgame content than just simple level increases. Check out some of the discussions about alpha slots for a good preview of what we're likely to get instead.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



This problem has been going on for years, and it's only in Sharkhead for some reason, all the other zones are fine. Best way IMO to get out of the zone is to use one of the teleporters (Pocket D or Base), or an O-portal. If you try to run/fly to the ferry you'll only move a little bit at a time since you'll be rubber-banded back to where you were at when the mapserver lost you. Using teleport as a travel power makes it a little easier to get out since the game queues your teleport and you move as soon as you're back on the mapserver...then you queue up another move and wait again.


edit -- last night was the first time I've ever seen this outside of Sharkhead, but it was affecting several Praetorian zones at once, so my comment about it being only in Sharkhead is no longer accurate.