1516 -
I'll put her in a school-girl uniform and try again.
You know the laser on top of the tower in Grandville? It's actually a hollow tube.
Quote:Those are the biggies for me, especially the last one. And I agree with pretty much everything Sam said. That said, I actually like many parts of both the Lambda and BAF. I just think they could be improved. The Keyes terrifies me just reading the instructions. I haven't even seen an Underground advertised yet.FUNdamental Design Problems
Confusing goals aren't fun.
Being Insta-killed isn't Fun
Zerging an Objective isn't fun.
Trying to Corral 16 or 24 Strangers is not fun.
If there were iTrials for a single team with simple, creative, challenging goals my SG would be all over it. As it is we pretty much have to ignore them so that's 1-2 nights a week I can't run an iTrial because I'm busy having fun with my friends running other content. That really only leaves the weekend for me to run them and when it comes right down to it, I usually blow it off and do something else that's more fun.
I have 1 character that's +3 and one that's +2. The other 3 are at +1 with the Alpha (which was done right in my opinion) but lag way behind in the rest of the incarnate powers. I'm fairly sure the rest of my friends are in a similar situation. -
Quote:Heh yeah. 90% of our roleplay is in-mission and about the current mystery/story arc. We are only standing around in chat mode either before we start a new arc while waiting for someone to login or afterwards during the wind-down time after a night of fighting crime.I always found it odd that roleplayers would be standing around talking.
Roleplayers basically play the game like the game is "real life", right?
There is all this crime being committed by supervillains and what not...and they are just chillin in atlas having a conversation.
Worst superheroes ever.
That's why I said I wasn't even sure HOW others roleplay in this game or if it is different from what we do because I haven't really met any other roleplayers in COH or had any outside influence in that aspect of the game. -
When we are standing around roleplaying it is always in team-chat to minimize disturbing others but if a stranger walks up and starts talking we'll always switch to local and talk back in the same mode. So if it is even remotely in-character we'll chat back the same and if it is ooc, usually a question, we'll try to politely answer the question. If it turns out they were just trying to mess with us I guess we would move to our base for privacy but frankly that's never happened to me.
It seems pretty short-sighted of any RPer standing in a public place to not try to engage someone who is trying to be in-character I don't care what you are currently doing. I know it is usually best to ignore the others around you but if those others purposely engage you then I think you have to roll with the punches and roleplay it out. To do otherwise would indicate to me an inability to react appropriately to external stimuli (i.e. roleplay with your environment) and rude to boot. Of course that's just my opinion. There is also the possibility you happened to catch them while they were afk or something.
As for your question, I have no idea how you break into roleplay in COH short of finding a RP SG that actually plays or bringing your old RP buddies into COH with you (which is what I did). Heck, I'm not even sure HOW other folks do their roleplay in this game and I've never attempted to try to engage another group of players directly when I expected to get an answer - roleplaying in-character for laughs in a pug doesn't seem like the same thing - so I can't say if you were just unlucky or that's the norm. I suspect it is the norm unless you happen to stumble across some truly outstanding players. -
Being able to get an A-Merit at level 14 was obviously broken and had to be fixed. That said, it appears it is now broken in the opposite direction. I'm almost afraid to go try it now after all the reports.
I got Maria Jenkins using the new Find Contact button. Try that.
I don't understand how a rogue going to the villain Ouroboros manages to stay in a blue-side team. I mean, your only choices out of there are to red-side zones. Not saying your wrong, just wondering how that works.
Very cool story and congratulations. I wish you both every happiness.
I got kicked when I went into an Oro portal to escape the invincible Reichsman and got kicked but I knew that would happen since Rogues go to the Villain Ouroboros, I just got careless. The team was cool enough to all quit and restart the TF since it was just the 2nd mission but when I was standing in Founders next to Vanguard and the PI mission came up I naturally went that way.
It didn't even occur to me that it might be a problem. I had been told that RWZ and Midnighters were good ways for a visitor to get around. I assumed the people who told me that were wrong or meant they were a good way to get to the other side or something.
It was just very disappointing and stacked on top of some RL BS going on just made for an entirely bad evening. I am glad to hear it is a bug but really, I doubt I'll ever try to take him on a hero TF again. The frustration factor is too high. -
Gets kicked out for going to the Rikti War Zone? Really? Bah! What's the point of being a rogue again?
Man it would be awesome if we could run the missions of contacts we gain through bank missions. But I'm guessing this is a glitch with Hardcase... somehow it seems appropriate that he would work for vigilantes.
It is very strange and disappointing that the females don't have a glove option. I can understand not having the same ones the males do but surely something ... a leather vambrace maybe?
The male bracers not being two-toned is annoying. I finally made all of those pieces a single color so it wouldn't look so odd. I hope they fix that eventually. -
I liked the Twinshot arc although that final mission can be brutal for squishies. I'm encouraging the rest of my friends to give it a shot (they've all been using the new sewer trial and zooming past all the new contacts). Having the tutorial info in the clues was a great idea IMO although I wish she was an alternate beginning contact instead of higher level so the information is more useful.
Those are some great costumes. Almost makes me want to buy Street Justice.
I LOVE Megamisama's bio! -
Quote:Not to mention the +5 enemies back before super-sidekicks. When we had only been in the game a month or so, we gathered up our little supergroup and started a Posi with what would eventually become our mains. We were 10th to 11th level. We didn't even make it through the 1st mission. I can tell you that Vahz zombies are neither slow nor easy to pull away from each other when they are all purple.Also, if you did the old Posi when you were level 10, you'd get to the mission in Boomtown that you probably couldn't do because you had to be level 12 to get into Boomtown.
We restarted it when we were all at 14th and 15th level and it went much better. We played on that thing for over a week, treating him just like any other contact. It was awesome. -
I should have said something on-topic
I've never done Verandi's arc. I've only gotten 3 villains to that level and only one got her as a contact just as I outleveled her.
As for Hardcase, if you are playing a rogue or a vigilante (and I mean that in the roleplay sense, not the alignment sense) or under-cover dark hero then he makes a perfect not-so-villainous contact where you can do missions that actually help people out. If you want to be a real villain you should bypass Hardcase or follow it immediately with the beat-him-up tip. -
Quote:But with the new Abandon option you can actually bypass those too. Simply keep abandoning the optional filler (some of them aren't optional, ymmv) until you finally get the first mission for the arc.A problem besides arc length (and some of the higher level ones are VERY long) is that the original hero contacts will rarely get straight down to business with the arc and instead send you on a number of unrelated missions first. You don't hit this problem through Ouro, but if you actually level with the contacts you get a lot of filler missions that are no more interesting than tips or scanner missions.
Personally, I don't mind the filler because it's still a mission, usually has you doing something heroic and xp is xp. The only ones I don't like are the street sweeps. I save my completes for those when I can't just abandon past them. -
Radios were optional for heroes. I ran the 3 required for the AP Safeguard for the raptor pack (not the contact) and those are all I've run on lots of my characters. Papers were never optional for villains if you wanted contacts.
However with issue 21 those seem optional now. The "Find Contacts" button is pretty frickin' awesome in my opinion.
Well... still not really optional for villains if you want the accolade but we are talking about contacts here. -
I'm with Peerless. They apparently awarded the September stuff at go-live because I got 400 more points and 1 more token than I thought I was going to get. My anniversary is on the 28th so time between tokens is going to be huge for me but I look at it as September's being 2 weeks early and not October's being 2 weeks late.
I am still bummed that I spent my points on the assumption that I'd get my next 400 on the 2nd and I still haven't gotten them as of last night. I broke down and bought points over the weekend so I could snag the cheaper costume slots because I have no idea when they'll be on sale again and 600 seems expensive much less their normal price of 800. I could have afforded it if I had only gotten my points when I was supposed to but if we were still under our old system I would have spent something on the barbarian pack so I'm ok... or so I keep telling myself. The two extra tokens helped sooth the hurt too. -
Does anyone know if this is still an issue or had any response from their petitions about it? We've heard nothing. I'm going to suggest to my wife that she verify her character still has a missing costume slot and then file a support ticket instead of a /bug report and see if she can get some response.
Just curious. I have several characters that need to run their level 40 costume mission but I'm holding off until I hear one way or the other. -
Quote:This is what I'm concerned about as well. But I'm adding up on my fingers and I had 17 tokens going into issue 21 which came out a week or so before I would have gotten my 39 month badge... but 39/3 = 13 + 3 years + 1 = 17 so maybe I got my September token a few days early. I'm not entirely sure. I guess I'll just drop my question for now and hope I get my token in October. But I'm still disappointed that I'll not have my paragon points until the day after the costume slot sale is over. Oh well, such is life I guess.You know, I'm even OK with not getting all the Reward Tokens up front. I'm disappointed about it, but whatever - if technical difficulties prevent it, they prevent it.
What I'm not OK with is losing one Reward Token altogether. Again, I should have received one on 10/2. If I don't receive that one until 11/2, then they have failed to provide me a token for a month of time subscribed. Technical difficulties are no excuse for not providing something we "technically" paid for.
BTW - I'm also in the "I'd rather get news and deal with it sometimes being premature than to never hear anything at all until after release" camp. Not getting the tokens when we pay is a bummer because I was hoping to hit tier 9 sooner rather than later, but it isn't going to keep me from continuing to pay year-to-year.