Carson/Founders Falls Costume Slot Mission Bug




Did the mission as a Vigilante from Carson in Founder's Falls. Did not receive the costume slot unlock as a reward.



I just ran into this same bug, but with a hero.

A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.



Trio ran it today. I got it but the other two didn't. Difference was I hadn't turned in halloween salvage on that character so I got a 4th slot but the others already had 4 slots and got none.



I have also encountered this issue on two characters.

The first had been a Widow that I had switched to a Hero, and I had assumed that I must have already unlocked that slot red side.

The second character was a Hero that has never side switched.

Both characters had previously turned in Halloween costume salvage.



I had this happen to me, infact i posted it up in a seperate thread...

Send a /petition either ingame or by using the NCsoft support page, and then when the fix goes in, the GM's should be able to award it to you.

Apparently the bug that prevents us from getting the reward is also preventing the GM's from awarding the slot to us as well....



Ran into the same issue (costume slot not unlocking),also on a blueside Widow. On the other hand,I also had a villain Brute that had gotten a extra costume slot WITHOUT earning it. And did the IP tailor mission this weekend and unlocked TWO costume slots instead of one.



Does anyone know if this is still an issue or had any response from their petitions about it? We've heard nothing. I'm going to suggest to my wife that she verify her character still has a missing costume slot and then file a support ticket instead of a /bug report and see if she can get some response.

Just curious. I have several characters that need to run their level 40 costume mission but I'm holding off until I hear one way or the other.