1516 -
I used to keep my globals on the same middle tab as the help channel so I could easily hide or reveal them as needed. But Help has been so annoying lately that I've either removed it from the tab or moved the globals to another tab. The Op makes me a little ashamed of that move. I should probably reach out more too.
I agree there should be something in the announcement about where to find the contact however, knowing it was level 30-40 caused me to assume it was FF or Bricks for the hero contact. Since I happened to be in Ouro when I logged in I went to FF first, pulled up the map and found him right away. I used the same logic to find the 2nd arc's contact in Talos.
I expect the villain-side contact will be in Nerva or St. Martial.
If the next arc is level 40-50 then I'll be looking in PI and Grandville. -
I only have a problem with it if the death was particularly gruesome or humiliating, which as far as I can tell Alexis' was not (Katie on the other hand suffered a fate worse than death, at least for her). To me a WIR is not necessarily how many get killed but how they are killed.
It was sad, and I hate it when anyone dies in the game, but it didn't seem overly violent or gratuitous. I've only done the hero-side and I'm really itching to do the villain side because I have SO many questions left.
First rule of the hero - keep that mask on! -
I really wish they would change the old crashing nukes to act more like all the nukes they've created in the last few years.
Just had this exact problem. I've changed a lot of costumes today and his was the first that wouldn't change (no charge, no error, no change). He has mace mastery and a weapon. I wonder if that has to do with it.
I sent in a support ticket. -
Quote:And I think the piece is awesome but given the responses I've gotten (not just here) I've asked him to try again. I didn't even see much difference the first time around but was loath to ask again, especially since I have no idea how to fix it or what's involved. Sometimes I feel like I hound or disagree with the artists too much as it is and I hate doing that, especially if I intend to use their services again.It can be really tough to convince some artists that not every character is encumbered with Insta-Back-Breaking-Sweater-Stuffers... And sometimes when the piece is awesome in every other aspect it's specially tough to go back and ask that things be put right. *shrug*
Anyway, I'm waiting for a reply. -
In my continuing effort to get my 50's immortalized in artwork, I present Midday Chill (ice/ice dom villain semi-reformed as an ice/cold controller hero) by Mark Williams (and many thanks to Comrade Hero for showcasing this artist).
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
There's no real reason that I'm aware of for the setting or pose, just whimsy. It was Mark's idea to have her balancing on the bear's back, I initially wanted her riding it but she does look more like she's about to jump into the action this way.
I love that she's looking over the top of her shades.
You can see the in-game Midday Chill in my signature, at least for a little while before I change the link. -
Well it isn't like 8k is all she's ever going to earn before 50 but I hear you. I resisted sending money to my latest controller and got to around 15th level just selling and using what dropped and buying TO's and DO's as I could afford them. She played fine up to that point but afterwards it became progressively harder to slot meaningful enhancements or feel particularly effective in a team. Eventually around level 20 or so she got a lucky recipe drop which sold for several million on the market and things got a lot better.
I had the exact same experience on my newest dominator and he had the benefit of getting a lot of candy canes last winter so he got into the 20's before starting to hurt for cash. Then a kb protection recipe dropped for a few million and he was back on easy street until he blew most of it at 22 replacing everything with SO's.
But canes and recipes are only valuable on the market, not the vendors. I don't know what you do in the upper teens and especially in the early twenties if you don't have access to the market. Scrape by slotting only your most important powers I guess. Inventions help a lot since they don't have to be replaced every few levels but f2p players don't have that either.
BTW - this is the same experience I had when I first started the game before I finally broke down and learned how to use the market. Things haven't really changed since then. -
The new Haunted House trial was very cool and fun.
I was only able to get on one successful banner event but that one was fun. It's just hard to get any interest to do it this year.
I haven't been around enough to get in on any GM take-downs unfortunately. I just haven't seen any which is polar opposite of last year where they seemed to be everywhere.
Trick or Treating was as fun as always although I didn't get to do as much on as many characters as I usually do. -
Quote:They said that those of us with a renewal date prior to the 10th will get our paragon points around the 10th of each month until they get it straightened out.My acocunt renewal date is the 2nd.
I got my transfer token on the 31st.
No points and no reward token as of earlier today.
My account renews on the 1st. I got 400 more points in September at go-live than I thought I would and then got 400 more around October 11th or 12th (I forget).
I used to get my old vet awards a week or two before the billing date and right on target I got my token for October on or about the 25th (I was out of town so I'm not sure the exact day). I was also one of the lucky ones that got an extra token at Go-Live that I wasn't expecting.
Transfer tokens have been right on schedule every time.
Everything has worked out exactly according to the OP for me. I'm really sorry to hear it hasn't been the same for everyone else. -
You used the exact right word for The Hand's work... magnificent. I can't wait to see the finished piece.
Quote:I actually agree it should be in game. Any time a patch note is put on the website it should simultaneously become the message of the day in-game. I've never understood why they don't do that.The problem the OP has, is shared among many people. We don't object to the change, but to the presumption that everyone reads patch notes. Well, we don't all read them. Most people don't.
I pay to play. I feel that as a paying player, if you're going to change the rules, tell me. Not in patch notes, but in an e-mail or a drop screen similar to the one that let me know Theoden existed in the first place.
However, the patch notes are publicly available. They are linked from the launcher and you are reminded to look when the patch is applied. People who can't be bothered to go have a quick look after receiving a patch shouldn't post rants that they didn't know about them in the same medium where the notes were posted to begin with.
I totally understand being upset, I just think the OP was a bit of an overreaction. -
Quote:As of the 19th, only reinforced/reaffirmed heroes and villains can get an alignment merit. I'm not sure if that means you have to run enough morality missions to get the initial 50 merit reward or enough to actually snag an alignment merit. All the folks I've run it with so far have either not run tips at all or have run multiple moralities and were in fact holding hero merits at the time.Can someone confirm that Rogue and Vigs cannot get them? I assume they cannot, but just wondering if there is confirmation.
BTW - I was unaware that a hero who had never run tips could even get into Fort Trident, much less use the alignment merit store so I guess I should change my initial post to say "earn" instead of "get" an alignment merit. -
LFG is a selection on the top of your chat bar (where the Team selection is). Select the Events tab and then the House of Horrors trial. It'll try to team you up with 3 others who have done the same. It is usually better to try to form your own 4-man team but I've had pretty good luck putting a 2 or 3 man team in the queue and letting the system automatically add the extra people.
It really is a bummer that you need exactly 4 people to run it but with the exception of not being able to include everyone on every run it has been a blast. -
Quote:It was in the patch notes for the 19th toward the bottom.Yes, the devs should have updated the live patch notes with the two lines about the rewards change. That's the error here. Ranting about a reward being taken away that should never have been given is much like ranting about the devs "taking away" the myriad AE exploits over the years.
Signature Story Arcs
* Players must now be reinforced as Heroes or Villains (i.e., their most recent Morality Mission reinforced their alignment) in order to claim Alignment Merits as rewards from Signature Story Arcs -
I've noticed some the last few days, last night was really bad (8-10pm central US time). The kind of lag I'm getting is like when you activate a power and it takes 2-4 seconds to actually execute, or a power icon has the activation animation circling around it until the next time I use it, or it shows available but isn't really, etc. I also sometimes get enemies jumping around the room if a lot is going on although that wasn't common. It is like the lite version of a crowded rikti invasion.
It isn't so bad I can't play but it is annoying. I have not had client lockups though. -
The fact that any hero or villain could get an alignment merit, even those who had never run a tip mission in their life, was obviously a bug that was eventually going to be fixed. And when it was fixed it was announced in the same way that most changes are announced, on the main COH Patch Notes web page (no forum access necessary):
October 19th Patch Notes
So the announcement is well over a week old and publicly available to those that cared to look.
It is now working like it should have all along - those that qualify to get alignment merits via tips can get them via signature arcs. I'm sorry you didn't get the reward you thought you deserved but Paragon Studios DID in fact disclose the change well before you ran the arc. -
I found the bored people but never the person that starts the easter egg. I had a nice, patient stranger join our trio but after a few minutes of searching I started feeling bad for him and we went on into the mansion.
Quote:ROFLFaathim: playername, I have come to feel that I can trust you. Here, have this stone that is psionimystically linked to a stone i hold. Just say the word engraved in it while holding the stone and we may speak.
*hands player a smooth ovoid stone with "poot" scratched on one side*
Player: Where's your stone?
Faathim: (looking uncomfortable) I am imprisoned, and must conceal my secrets from my jailers. It is... well hidden. Please, inquire no more about it.
Make it so! -
I agree with Chris, all great but RedG's stands out. Nice collection!
I was the team leader for the Faathim and I hated the lack of a "phone." Luckily that character has teleport so I was probably the best choice for those long distances but that trip between the last two missions - Storm Palace to the Chantry and back - was a ... umm... definite oversight that needs fixing. Call it the mental link he is obviously capable of establishing but give us a phone!
I like the Shard TF's. Our SG did all of them right in a row and in order over the course of several months doing a few missions each week. I used the same character for the whole campaign and toward the middle of it, especially after you leave the first zone, you start to feel isolated like a soldier in a foreign war.
It was cool. -
I got my token yesterday which is around the time of month (maybe a couple days early) when I would have gotten my vet reward in the past. I was also one of those that got an extra token when 21 went live so I definitely feel like I've gotten everything now.
I expect I'll get my paragon points around the 10th (sliding earlier toward my billing date as time goes on) and my reward tokens around the 26th every month from now on. I'm happy but feel sorry for those that didn't get an extra in September. That seems totally wrong to me. -
Those are some great pics, as usual for you. I think I'll be contacting Mr. Williams for Midday Chill.