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  1. I'm not sure what a brand new COH2 would buy us because I don't know what the underlying code is like. As a programmer I can definitely sympathize with the "let's just start over and make it better" train of thought but it rarely works out that well. IMO The only good reason to do a COH2 is if the engine becomes unsustainable for new hardware/OS's and re-writing from scratch becomes easier than doing an update. Even then I would hope they could retain a lot of the stuff that isn't directly tied to the engine.

    But what I would like to see Paragon do is either a high Fantasy or SciFi product with the same sort of game-play style we have here in COH. That is, an equipmentless powers game with completely customizable costumes (and possibly races), a decent story, and most importantly a very alt/casual-friendly kind of atmosphere where PvP is fun but entirely optional.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    So far it's been pale blue (capped) on every character with Flight at every level I've checked. I think it's capped at all times. Enjoy.
    It is capped in the low 20's because that's the character I specifically checked before I started putting Winter's Gift in all my Fly powers and replacing the Fly enhancements they had before. You can slot Swift for run and your Fly will STILL be capped. The only thing I use Fly enhancements in now is Hover and that rarely since I normally just 1-slot it for defense.

    I'm glad that it is now easier (as in no effort) to get to the cap, but I really wish they had raised the cap at least some when they buffed the base speed. 65-70 would help help a lot and still be slower than the other powers. I can't help but feel it was an oversight on the dev's part but it's been this way a while now.

    Of course, with my luck they'll read this and say "Wha? We buffed it too much!"
  3. I've found Protector Watch and Vigilance to be pretty sparse lately with Watch almost completely inactive. Or maybe it's just the times I get on. Are there other channels that have become more popular in the last 6 months?
  4. My experience is that Justice uses Pocket D and Protector uses RWZ.
  5. I'm not sure Mother's Day weekend is good for me but how do we connect with you to join these? Just show up around that time at the contact? Do we have a secret passphrase so we know it's you?

    The dog barks at midnight...
  6. I wouldn't expect BU + AS should kill a +2 red-con lieutenant outright. But I would like it to be able to put a big dent in pretty much anything. Too many times I do BU + AS and do like 10% damage to a boss and forget about EB's. It's pretty disheartening and it makes me wonder why I didn't start off with an AoE attack to begin with instead. Something needs to be done to improve the results against the harder targets, whatever that is.

    I would also prefer that even successful assassinates applied a fear effect instead of only when you fail to kill... possibly using a short-lived pseudo-pet put down at the victim's feet. This isn't a biggie but it would increase survivability for both him and his team.

    Absolutely need to increase the radius of the Team crit bonus.

    I wish AS was slightly faster.

    I don't think a buff to AoE's would be a good overall stalker buff since not all sets have an AoE attack. I know I'll be booed for this but if a couple of AoE attacks are doing a lot more damage out of hide than all the others they should be lowered to the standard.

    I'm also good with buildup at 80% because of the length of time it lasts. It is much more useful to me than a scrapper or blaster's typical buildup power since it invariably applies to multiple attacks. Now if it gave 100% long enough to get an AS off then drops to 80% for the rest of the time that would be awesome. Or, maybe leave buildup as-is and instead we could get a blaster-style buff - each attack applying a stacking but short-lived damage buff. The longer you stay unhidden in combat the more each attack does and the closer you get to or even exceed base scrapper damage.
  7. To me it says "we don't want to commit to getting it done before the end of summer, but we really think we'll get it done sometime on or before May the 10th (or possibly as late as the 18th)".

    Otherwise the reactivation week doesn't make any sense as a chance to change globals on inactive accounts since the rename tokens won't be given out until after the merge and only to those whose names changed.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    This makes me believe Ghost Widow is just a big emo.
    They are different even if they share some physical aspects. Numina is an astral projection and GW is a ghost. Numina apparently gets to keep her old personality while GW is mostly stuck with the feelings she had at the time of her death.
  9. I've been trying to get a Kahn together for the last two weekends. No joy. I had no problem getting a Sutter together the week it was the WST. I can definitely sympathize with the OP.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XFUNK View Post
    Not sure what server you play on, but any server that is AT specific for either of the trials is a joke. It's downright laughable, because AT has no bearing on the trials whatsoever, it's just about teamwork.
    True for a normal run, but I believe the OP is referring to a Master of Lambda run where you can't use the grenades so that all of the S&L-specific power sets are at a decided disadvantage.

    Note - I'm not saying I agree, I was just restating my take on the OP. Personally, I'm not enough of a badge hunter to care. I just want to get my tier 3's in as few runs as possible. I try to avoid fancy badge-runs as much as possible because my experience with them is very negative so far.

    Edit - scooped by Nord LOL
  11. I had my day-job temps phase in and out in something I was doing yesterday - specifically the Whentworths and base teleporter but may have been others, I was sort of busy at the time and wasn't using any temp powers anyway. I was running a regular mission side-kicked up a couple of levels.
  12. Golden_Avariel

    WTF: Eden trial

    Man I really wish they would. It is very inconvenient.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tubbius View Post
    Just checked. . . about an hour ago (12:30 PM EST), give or take, I got a message saying the MA server was down. Now, (1:39 PM EST) things appear to be back up, with no changes.
    That's a disappointment. I guess I'll just rename the faction "Student" and let it go.
  14. I only had one arc break because of the word "Freakshow" in my "Freakshow Student" faction in one mission (to rescue Ms Francine). I see they are bringing the MA server down for maintenance... hopefully our fix.
  15. Golden_Avariel

    Rogue Magazine

    That was fun! I posted the link on our SG forums since some of our members don't read these forums and I know some of them would get a kick out of it.
  16. Golden_Avariel

    DING! Seven!

    I remember looking over my son's shoulder when I visited him at college 7 years ago and being dazzled by what I saw. I loved the idea of playing a non-fantasy super-hero game, I loved the look of his characters and of the modern world, I loved listening to his stories about his characters... but the idea of joining an MMO with all the negative baggage that carried for me along with the monthly fee were daunting and I never did it.

    But I did think about it fairly often, even after my son had quit the game. 4 years later I went back to the COH website for the fifth or sixth time, downloaded the little manual and read up on the AT's, I made sure the PvP was purely separate and optional, and even read some of the comics... Finally, with a shaky hand, pressed the "Try it For Free!" button.

    Here I am almost 3 years later still having a blast with friends old and new while there are STILL things I haven't gotten time to do yet. I've been witness to many fantastic changes and improvements over my time here and I'm looking forward to many more in the future.

    Grats on 7 years guys!
  17. Well the Positron/Numina story about the Praetorian Invasion certainly puts an exclamation point instead of a question mark on this thread title.
  18. You have to defeat the Arbiter's group as well as the Arbiter. For that particular guy the group is ill-defined since it can be on either or both sides of the dividing wall. The missing mob on the "wrong" side could be anything and there could be more than one.

    Just keep fighting everything in the vicinity, even working your way back up the opposite path if you have to (you won't have to go far) until the objective clears. It will happen sooner or later. No need to reset the mission.
  19. It does seem pretty extreme to me despite the apologists.

    As for shape, the jumping means it can get a pretty bizzare shape without having to worry about hitting the guy in the center with Pyro, the guy in the center-rear with cryo, or standing in the middle with void. It seems like the most flexible shape of all. It doesn't have to hit the same person more than once to still be awesome sauce just like all the other Judgements.
  20. Seeing that I can only assume it comes up with a very-rare reward table so you can select which one you want after you press the Create button. If so be careful what you pick!
  21. Well, I like pretty much everything about the Sutter TF. I organized one on Protector this weekend and we did it in about an hour and I'm fairly sure everyone had fun (and I found 3 shards and the Notice which was my motivation).

    I was the only one to die to the air strikes (right after telling everyone not to depend on their defense ). Duray didn't teleport for us but we (or rather "they" since I was heading back from the hospital) did kill him pretty darn fast. I was very proud of my team.

    I've run it twice now, both on relatively random teams, both with only one controller, and while we had to chase him around a lot on the first run, it was by no means impossible... full of debt for the non-50's certainly which is why I hope they slow down the teleports in a near-future patch.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tally View Post
    This cutscene should take place in a Vanguard briefing room and should involve Dark Watcher or someone equivalent, telling us what our mission is and why it is so important...immmerse us in the story.......let us participate.....WE are the story!

    If you have to have a woman with large..erm.....if you have to have a woman.....then have Levantera in a bikini do the briefing!
    This suggestion, including bikini, is pure win.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mallerick View Post
    I'm one of the very few that is grateful for the cut scenes!

    My computer takes so long to load that the League is often half way, or completely done with taking out Warworks! If it weren't for the BAF cut scene think of all the threads and iXP I'd be missing. And what about my chances for a Rare or Very Rare? And when I disconnect upon zoning (which is about half the time) it gives me a chance to try again without missing too much of the action.

    Everyone that suffers from Cut Scene Furor, remember you are suffering for those that still use Commodore 64s to game. You're all saints in my book.
    This is why I don't mind the cutscene. If it wasn't there the slow transition folks would miss out on the entire first phase. I have yet to be in a trial where, even if the leader asks everyone to wait for everyone to arrive, someone doesn't go immediately for the door and opens it.

    Of course after a few BAF's I was grateful they did and haven't had any leaders ask us to wait lately. I think everyone knows now that the length of the cutscene is more than long enough for even the slowest to get in.
  24. I've seen lots of complaints about getting out of the first ship but we didn't have any trouble at all. Just following the line of sky raiders takes you right to the door. It's a pretty small area too.

    From the final mission's hospital, it's the same kind of sewer entrance you took the first time and it is within line of sight from the nurse I believe... it's been a few weeks. I do wish there was a nav pointer there after defeating the couple.
  25. Our SG did it the night i20 went live with absolutely no guide or wiki or anything and we did it in about an hour and a half. Most of the team were sub-50's doing it for the experience too. I agree planning for 2 hours is probably smart.

    It and the villain SF with Mortimer are both very fun.