1516 -
Quote:You can right click the character or their entry in a friends list to "Send Tell" as well. I don't think I've ever used /t to send a tell.As others have mentioned, Backspace does what you're looking for. But in case you find yourself needing to respond to multiple tells that come to quickly for you to keep up with, you can click on the persons name in the message box, and a select "Send Tell" to respond to them when Backspace won't reply to them.
Quote:Actually, the tips themselves are the alignment missions. The final mission that actually sets your alignment is called a morality mission. Semantics I know but you have to know the difference in order to pick the right tip for that 11th mission.So let's say you have a Hero character who you would rather have as a vigilante. You do around beating things up to acquire tip missions. With each tip mission you start, you select the vigilante option (typically, the 'hero' option is things like 'save the hostage' or 'rescue the ambassador' or suchlike, whereas the 'vigilante' option is things like 'go beat up the people responsible' with the unspoken idea being that the hostages fend for themselves.) Once you've done 10 missions where you selected the vigilante option, you can then get a vigilante alignment mission. Upon completing that, you are now a vigilante (with all the bonuses and drawbacks).
Being shot at and...
Quote:Ok yeah, that sucks but I assume Sprint is not suppressed? If not then I can see it as a way to introduce some normality to a fight. I know I personally never fight in PvE with any full-fledged travel power toggled on and hardly ever see anyone else using them either. *shrug*Healing also activates it. If you're an empath trying to run away, don't use Healing Aura or you'll suppress yourself.
Using inspirations also activates it.
Since I don't really know what I'm talking about and have had my question answered, I'll bow out now. Thanks! -
Just a caveat - I don't PvP, I've never PvP'd (outside once defending myself in Bloody Bay from a guy who SJ'd away as soon as I hit him back), and have never particularly liked it even when I played games that basically had open-season on all players all the time. In fact, COH sold me on 2 important things - Costumes and discreet PvP zones.
However I have a question. The Heal Decay thing I totally get... actually I get both sides of that argument from having to referee PvP fights in the past, so I don't have any questions about that. I am curious about travel suppression. How is it different in PvP than it is in PvE? -
Quote:You think? ROFLBut if you remove the crashes of real nukes, what happens to the poor archery, AR and DP blasters? Suddenly unloved, they'll be forced to wander the land in solitude, their only companion their crashless nuke on a 20 or 40 second timer. Actually, maybe they'll be okay.
Yeah, it was my archery blaster that made me realize that there is no legitimate game-balance reason to have nukes crash endurance. The fact that the latest blaster set doesn't have one seems to tell me the devs know this deep down. I'm kind of hoping that with dark blast's crashing nuke getting moved to blasters they'll finally knuckle down and fix them.... but then my natural pessimism kicks in. -
The only thing Judgement changed for me, is the opinion that the Nukes need to be modified to not crash. Cost a lot? Sure. Empty your endurance bar and prevent you from getting it back? Not so much.
Of course, I've just now gotten my first blaster to 41 (electric blast mostly solo since 28th) and having a great time so maybe I'm not the right person to make such statements given my lack of experience. -
Yeah, how does she do that "fashionably rolling on floor" thing? Something in the middle of the ghoul death emote or what?
How did I miss this? Another great issue! Posted to SG forums as usual.
These screenies are dedicated to Antoinette. Her Rogue Magazine inspired me to create my own fashion shoot in Galaxy City in and around Gemini Park.
The subject is Diamond Blue Shadow who is a fashion model by day and super hero by night.
Totally agree on the backward controls (mouse and turn/strafe) but a little late to change them now I'd think.
My biggest beef back when I was brand new was the total lack of consistency in the enhancement names/titles. Stun/Disorient is just the most obvious example. Many of them have different wording going from the enhancement screen to the training stores. In my opinion they should be identical even if they all seem extremely obvious to me NOW I still remember when they weren't at all obvious. -
In the real world of course "aliens" has one meaning but in games I would use the classic outer-space definition. In that case the only aliens I know of are the kheldians, the two forms they can shift into, and the shivans. I'd probably throw in Rularuu and his ilk because I assume he has a unique non-earth (or parallel-earth) origination.
Since you can get to the Hydran's home planet via Portal Corp I'm assuming they are on an alternate earth, granted a drastically different evolutionary track, but earthlings nonetheless. To me you can't include rikti or hydrans until you go with "anything that doesn't look like us" as aliens. Hydrans would certainly qualify easier than rikti. -
Battle Axe and War Mace for Scrappers but Broadsword only went to Brutes and not Tankers?
Ah well, I like the upcoming changes to Energy Aura for my brute, Thermal for defenders, and sonic for masterminds (although it is a year too late for my mercs/ff).
I am pleasently surprised by the extent of the list. -
Quote:I'm less mobile in the sense that I can't really keep up with a medium-to-fast speed team if I'm relaxing and tabbing through targets while waiting for my status to change back to Hidden. I prefer to participate in a more... umm.. aggressive way. I know I'm only going to get 1 or 2 Hidden-status-induced crits per spawn (if they last that long) - the 1st charging in and the 2nd after a placate and that's ok with me. The rest of the time I'm shoulder-to-shoulder with the other melee types taking advantage of my team buff because that's the more important thing to me than trying to get off the guaranteed crits.You see? You're not 'less' mobile because hide takes long to kick back in, you *need* to be mobile so that you draw less aggro and, when done killing your target(s), you can relax while you tab through the targets to pick out another juicy one. If you sit around in the middle of a group on a team, things will take pot-shots at you. If you fight on the fringes, only those in proximity of your attacks will bother noticing you. If you move around, things might look your way and shoot at you, but most foes will forget you're even there afterwards. Ducking behind something/someone while you stick it to your nearby target will *force* those that are looking at you to *run* to you. They'll probably forget you're there after running across a debuff patch or through someone's taunt aura. And that's if you're just playing defensively.
I could go on about team tactics with stalkers but I find it hard to believe others don't already know them better than I do, including how to use AS in a team, and it's getting a little far from the original topic. Suffice to say that I don't think the Titan Weapons should be withheld from stalkers based on some imagined limitation of stalker play style and the momentum mechanic. There might be other good reasons to keep them from stalkers, but that isn't one of them. -
Heh, it might get you in trouble but if you post about the exploits on the forums I bet they'd fix them pretty quick then.
My rogue got the PI detective as soon as I came out of the RWZ into the vanguard building. I talked to him and got a radio, took a mission and ran it. That's as far as I went with it but I'm fairly certain I could have run a safeguard. That's how you line up your first contact for when you become a hero.
I believe you can also run safeguards although you can't use the contacts you get from them until you go fully hero if that's your plan.
Quote:You can exchange 10 fruit baskets into 10 candy baskets once per day then distill them down into one bottle of alcohol but it costs $1,000,000.What's the 'fruit basket' = 'candy basket' = 'alcohol' ratio?
At that rate it'll take me months and all my money to make a decent Mai Tai! DOOOOM!! -
Put me down as another who treats their stalker as a scrapper with a really good opening attack which might or might not be AS depending on circumstances. I've had no problem getting on teams, keeping up with the scrappers, or acquiring aggro I couldn't handle. Really, it sometimes seems like people are talking about an entirely different AT from the one I'm playing.
I do have to agree that they are less mobile because of how long it takes hide to kick back in and how long it takes AS to animate.
I also don't see any reason why Titan weapons wouldn't work for stalkers. I'd love it if my attacks came faster over time.