138 -
Quote:To clarify.The markets are not segregated by server. Right now the markets are Blue Side across ALL servers (one market, all servers), and red-side is one market across all servers. This will make it one market across all servers and each side, not one per server.
Wentworths encompasses ALL North American and EU servers for Heroes. Similarly, the Black Market encompasses ALL North American and EU servers for Villains.
This essentially means that EU players regularly trade with players on the North American servers. It was a decision/feature we made back when we launched the AH system in Issue 9 (that the markets be a global system).
With the Going Rogue expansion launch on August 17th:
There will be "one" market for ALL North American and European servers that will be accessible to any "alignment" (Hero, Villain, Vigilante, Rogue). -
Quote:Wentworth and Black Market Bid histories will be 'wiped', and will start with a clean slate.GLORIOUS.
What I'm curious about is if the last-five bidding history on items will be wiped at the same time all items revert to Storage state, to truly set the record to zero and give us a fresh start. Otherwise, how would the bid histories merge together from red and blue? If only the highest prices are shown, the insane-o blueside prices will take priority 90% of the time. -
If you haven't had the opportunity, you should check out the 2009 HeroCon podcast of "The Evolving Storyline of City of Heroes", where we informally introduced John Hegner.
Hi all,
I wanted to provide an update on the Mission Architect solution that Dr. Aeon mentioned last month.
After reading a lot of your feedback (and I mean a *lot* of feedback), and reviewing and testing our planned solution internally, we feel that the solution requires a lot more testing before it can be released to the Live Servers.
Due to our estimates of the time it will take to release and polish this Mission Architect change, and in light of our current Going Rogue development and Closed Beta test schedules, we have decided to put the Mission Architect solution into the Going Rogue release, and allow Beta testers to check out the changes.
To ensure that these changes are thoroughly tested, Dr. Aeon will be inviting active members of the Mission Architect Community into the Going Rogue Closed Beta.
Our goal is to ensure that Going Rogue development continues, and that we deliver you a solution that is not rushed out. The entire development team here at Paragon Studios is committed to properly addressing this issue, and we want to be as transparent as possible about the reasons behind implementing the solution post-Issue 17 in conjunction with Going Rogue.
Ghost Falcon
Question for people that had the problem exiting Lord Winter’s realm and arriving outside the map:
- Was it Heroes only, or did any Villains experience it?
- Did you exit by clicking on the portal, or did you wait for the timeout to kick you from the zone?
- Did you just enter the first instance and stay there, enter the second and stay there, or enter the first and then transfer to the second?
- There was a short period when entry to the second did not work at the white present. Did you try and enter the second zone during this period and fail?
Unfortunately, the timing of running the November 18th Winter Event from 4PM-8PM Pacific / 7PM-11PM Eastern doesn't sync up with an optimal EU window. (Note: We want all tests to be performed simultaneously so as not to affect feedback.)
Additionally, we also looked at the number of EU players that logged in for the 2009 Halloween Event Test on the EU Training Room, and based upon the level of participation then, it was decided to focus this on the North American Training Room.
Both of the items above were the determining factors. -
Quote:Can we get clarification on which channel to join? Your post lists "2009 Winter Event" as the channel name, but the GMoTD when logging in says the channel is named "Winter 2009". Both channels exist, so not sure which to use.
For the Winter Event Test, the Global Chat Channel should be : "Winter 2009"
(Now corrected. My error.) -
The fix for that is in the 1600.20091102.3T build, and that will be published to all Live Servers (in North America and Europe) tomorrow morning (Thursday, November 12th).
I'll make sure that the Release Notes for 1600.20091102.3T include Release Notes for both 1600.20091102.1T and 1600.20091102.3T for clarity. -
Quote:Please check out the Release Notes for today's Training Room publish of Build 1600.20091102.1T (published today at 2PM Pacific/5PM Eastern - Thursday, November 5).Can players on Macs please be allowed to choose to have mouse functionality instead of a walk power?
We addressed the cursor issue for Mac users (with the Intel GMA X3100 video card). -
Quote:...I will post an update (on the CoH Mac forums and on the Training Room forums) of when the fix is ready to be tested on the Training Room (aka Public Test Server).
This afternoon (at 2:00 PM Pacific- November 5, 2009), we will be publishing a new build to the Training Room that will resolve the following Macintosh issues.
Macintosh Client
- Fixed a mouse cursor issue that affected Macintosh users who had the Intel GMA x3100 video card.
- The Enter key on the Macintosh Number keypad will no longer have the same functionality as the Return key on the keyboard.
I encourage Mac Users who were affected by the Intel GMA X3100 mouse cursor bug to download the Mac CoH Test Client, and check the fixes out.
Thanks for your patience! -
Quote:Note: If you performed this on the Training Room, the Halloween Event is not running on the Training Room.Seems like door ToTing isn't working... I'm in Mercy with a lvl 5, and all I keep getting is "You cannot enter."
I'll kick it off on both North American and EU Training Room servers today.
If you see this behavior on the Live Servers, please do not hesitate to /bug it in-game.
Ghost Falcon -
Quote:We've been monitoring this thread, and have been looking over the Support Tickets submitted to our Tech Support Team.The devs do care - but this problem may be more complicated than it looks. Could be a Cider issue, or a game client issue, or a driver issue, or worst case, all 3. They'll get it fixed when they can.
I've been hesitant to post an update until we:
a) found out how many users were affected,
b) had identified the cause of the problem,
c) had an expectation of when a fix would be delivered to affected customers.
That said, our Tech Support Team has received several reports from Mac users who are using the Intel GMA 950 and Intel GMA X3100 video cards.
- Our Tech Support Team has been holding off on any response to tickets until we could confirm that the cause of the issue had been determined, and we had an idea of how difficult this would be to fix.
- Please note that if you are using an Intel GMA 950 video card, that card is not supported by the City of Heroes Macintosh client.
- This is noted on the City of Heroes Macintosh Edition product page, as well as on the NCsoft Store.
I cannot give an exact timeline or an ETA of when this fix will be patched to the Live servers, but I will post an update (on the CoH Mac forums and on the Training Room forums) of when the fix is ready to be tested on the Training Room (aka Public Test Server).
If you are a Mac user (with an Intel GMA x3100 video card), please file a Support Ticket via this link.
We are monitoring this thread and the Mac forums for Macintosh-specific issues, but the best way for us to determine how many people are affected is for players to submit a Support Ticket. -
There will be "one" Global Server Maintenance for all servers located in North America and Europe.
The Global Maintenance (projected 2 hour) window will occur "one" day a week (every Thursday, beginning October 22, 2009), and those times break down to be:
North American time zones
Pacific: 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM (beginning October 22, 2009)
Mountain: 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM (beginning October 22, 2009)
Central: 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM (beginning October 22, 2009)
Eastern: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM (beginning October 22, 2009)
European time Zones
GMT : 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (beginning October 22, 2009)
Europe/London 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (beginning 22-Oct-2009)
Europe/Paris / Berlin 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (beginning on 22-Oct-2009)
Oceanic Time Zones
Australia/Sydney 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM (beginning on 22-Oct-2009)
New Zealand/Auckland 12:00 AM - 2:00 AM (at midnight of Oct 22...12:01 AM = Oct 23rd).
(My apologies for leaving any specific time zone or country out.)
Note: I used a web-based Time converter to determine all equivalent times..., so if there are any errors, I blame the Internet.
Please note that tomorrow, October 20th, we have a Publish of a build (1600.20090930.5T2) that is for the 2009 Halloween Event. We had conducted several tests over the past couple of weeks, and made some improvements based upon player feedback. -
Quote:We did.I'm hopeful they've fixed the no power awarded when SK'ed issued when the Aspect Gm is taken down.
Thank you for the time...
We have another Halloween Event test tomorrow at 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern to 1:00 PM Pacific / 4:00 PM Eastern on the North American Training Room. -
Quote:Yes, North American players will be the least affected by this change.Or did you mean to state that North American players are less likely to be effected due to the time of the scheduled maintanence?
If the former, I wish that NA server had the same 1/week maintanence that the EU servers get.
It's a Global maintenance, so the NA servers will have the same once-a-week maintenance. -
Quote:Yes, exactly.I'm game for only one weekly scheduled maintenance as long as, by Wednesday night, the server hamsters aren't leg-cramping so badly that we start lagging and rubber-banding. But since I assume that that's what you mean by "heavily monitored and evaluated," I'm okay with trying it, for sure.
...a lot of things that 1) keep me up late at night and 2) just contribute to stress related hair loss.
Since I don't think most players want to become bald, I'm going to keep the risks tight-lipped.
(I had a full head of hair when I started this job in 2004...now, however...there's a reason why I wear a baseball cap.) -
Quote:We're shifting our twice-a-week Global Maintenance to one day, beginning Thursday, October 22nd.
"Maintenance times shifting smack into prime-time, being extended, and being repeatedly incurred on -any- day of the week, it's a slap in the face for all the stuff-arounds we've endured."
- The next one will be this Friday, October 16th.
- Monday's (October 19th) maintenance has been cancelled.
- Then on Thursday, October 22nd, we'll start the Hardware/Network Global Server maintenance.
On days where we have publishes for builds to the Live servers, Server down time is unavoidable.
- Today (October 14th), we published a build to the North American and EU Live servers that resolved a number of bugs. This build was also made to prepare for the upcoming 2009 Halloween / Deadly Apocalypse Event (that will begin on Tuesday, October 20th).
- Please note that we will probably have an additional maintenance on Tuesday, October 20th to promote a build that should fix some Halloween Event issues uncovered during yesterday's Halloween Event test on the NA/EU Training Rooms.
Quote:We're reducing the number of weekly maintenances.I have no idea. If I had to guess, it would be that they're leaving some servers up during the normal maintenance times so that the Oceanics aren't constantly locked out during their prime time.
But that's just a guess. Vague much, Niviene? :P
Recently, we shifted our hardware/network maintenance schedule from two separate North American and European server maintenance windows to two "Global" maintenance windows per week.
- Server maintenances occurred on Monday and Friday.
- Two in North America and two in Europe...four total.
- The recent shift brought our maintenance windows from four to two windows.
- Please note that we are doing this as a test / trial, and the new single-global-maintenance-window-a-week schedule is going to be heavily monitored and evaluated.
This will not affect players located in North America, and will have a greater impact on Oceanic and European players. - Server maintenances occurred on Monday and Friday.
All /petition issues are logged, and escalated as necessary. If the /petition turns out to be a bug, it's forwarded on to the QA team for verification and processing.
Quote:It's not entirely necessary.If we wanted to highlight something specific that was already bugged, I assume we can use the ticket number.
For example:
090728-000759 is a closed ticket reporting a text error I submitted. Obviously not a game breaking issue and undoubtedly in the system as a low priority thing.
Is that the right reference to use ? OR do support tickets from /bug get recoded when entered into the bug tracking software.
Bug information received from the /bug command goes into a bug queue.
- Bugs filed by multiple users are combined into a single "bug" and assigned an internal tracking number. If more /bug reports come in for that issue, it gets higher visibility, and is then triaged as needed.
Support Issues filed through the website are routed to appropriate departments (i.e. Billing Support, Tech Support, Customer Support, etc.). If those issues are game-related, and not service related, those issues are forwarded on to the Paragon Studios dev team. -
Quote:Red Skeleton was covering for me while I was out on paternity leave. He did a great job, but has now resumed his previous role on City of Heroes (CoH QA Lead at NCsoft).Red Skeleton hasn't posted since 09-04-09 and hasn't been seen, so Yeah, I think we ran him off.
...unless there's some "gotta recharge under the rays of the red cemetery light and only come back after a couple months" type limit on him.
Arbiter Kim is a recent new hire in the Paragon Studios QA organization, and we've been training him up to take a more active role with the City of Heroes community. If he sees a forum bug/issue, and the details are not clear, he'll contact players that posted in that thread for further clarification/reproduction steps. -
Quote:To clarify Arbiter Kim's role:Woah, so many responses already.
Just to reiterate, you guys can PM me or post in the forums, and I'll inevitably get to it.
- If you find a bug when playing the game, please use the /bug command in-game. Whenever you use /bug, certain player information, server and other data is sent along with your /bug submission. The bug is then reviewed, vetted and entered into our bug tracking system.
- Note: Whenever you use /bug in the game, those tickets are counted and if all player bug reports are only posted on the web or sent via PMs, those cannot be tracked.
- If you want to post your findings to the forums to clarify the bug further and/or discuss the in-game impact, please post to the Technical or Training Room forum sections.
- Posting bugs to those Forum sections alerts other players to the issue, and players (and/or devs) can confirm whether it's a bug or working as designed.
- If you feel that you need to alert Arbiter Kim to a specific issue, please PM him with the link.
- If you find a bug when playing the game, please use the /bug command in-game. Whenever you use /bug, certain player information, server and other data is sent along with your /bug submission. The bug is then reviewed, vetted and entered into our bug tracking system.