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  1. His gift to the Griswold family for Christmas was a Jello mold made from Hami with Hami-Os inside. Needless to say, Clark and family had the hap- hap- happiest holiday since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny Kaye.
  2. Nemesis: It really is all a big plot by us.
  3. Thanks for the great TF Draygos! That was a lot of fun, and definitely a good way to pick up two badges that I'd been looking for for a long time. The only thing that seemed to take a long time was all the traveling between the radar stations, which reminded me of the Shard TFs, but other than that, it did seem to go by pretty quickly. Thanks again for running this!!
  4. That's a tough one, because if you Google me, I might say Yahoo!

    Half-and-Half or Coffeemate
  5. Dude, you rock! Things are going great here, getting ready to head to Stockholm on a cruise for the weekend, but I'll be back Sunday morning. If you're able to run one early, that would be great. 10am sounds perfect since I'm presently 6 hours ahead of EDT. Then, if I'm still up and moving around by the time the scheduled one kicks off, I can offer up either my scrapper or PB to join in on the fun. Thanks a ton!!
  6. Is there any chance that you could start an hour earlier? Just asking because that puts the start time at 10pm for me, and I'd love to get in on this one. (I need the badge. [] ) If not, I could probably still make it since I have Monday off, but thought I'd ask anyway.
  7. Now that would be interesting. A random toon just cruising around the city throughout various zones, following teams, but never able to interact or be heard.
  8. Geronimo_69

    No "T" club

    Well isn' his jus he mos ineresing hread I've ever seen! I can' believe ha so many words depend on he leer " ". Ha's jus crazy!
  9. Saturday night, because it's alright for fighting!

    Ubuntu or Windows
  10. He was incarnate long before it was considered cool to be incarnate.

    He is the real reason the Hamidon has not consumed either Praetorian Earth or Primal Earth.

    The Rikti have never come to Praetoria because they know he is there.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    With the recent announcement about the animal pack I was hoping to snatch Thundercat Ho. IT WAS TAKEN!

    Did you try it with a comma? Or in a box, with a fox?
  12. Found a few more name ideas that were available and are up for grabs.

    Lo-Cal Hero
    Lo-Cal Man
    Lo-Cal Woman
    Won Ton
    Lo-Cal Fitz
    Rich Simmons
    Server Issues
    Forest Glen
    Up For Grabs
    Hot Lips Hoolihan
    Diss Connected
  13. Geronimo_69

    Wake up!!!

    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    Minimal overhead.
    That's what the midget said.
  14. Even though I was no where near my computer for this event, this is the kind of behavior that continues to bring me back to Liberty year after year. Things went sour during the TF, people made some rash decisions it sounds like, but in the end, everyone was man/woman/thing enough to admit where they went wrong and apologize. If I'm around for one of these TFs, don't hesitate to let me know.
  15. If you let me know when you'll be on, or when the best time to catch you will be, I'll bring Geronimo. I've got him parked in Grandville right now since I just went all Luke Skywalker with him and took him to the Dark Side. These are the only explore badges I'm missing right now, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I'm thinking I need to start running more TFs with you Mourde. Or at least once I bring Geronimo back from the dark side.
  17. Geronimo_69

    Personal Comics

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Holy smoking guns, Geronimo! I never even saw the hands gripping the bars!
    That's why the government has spent thousands of dollars to train me Ukase. Gotta have those sharp eyes in my line of work.

    Now where did all the grass go that used to be outside??
  18. I wish I could have run this with you guys. From the sounds of it you got started just after I logged off. Maybe next time I guess. Congrats on being able to pull it off though!
  19. If you spell his name in Scrabble, you win ... forever.

    He donated his cape to Hero 1 before he left for the Rikti homeworld.

    The water around Praetoria is so clear because he once stepped foot in it.

    The Well of Furies is a result of collecting his used bath water.
  20. Having just recently come across this entire thread (I know, where have I been?), I'd love to get involved in this club. I think there are some great MA stories out there, and I've been enjoying getting to see the real player created content that isn't just some farm mission. So, with that in mind, I definitely need to go in and rewrite my very first arc to give it a lot more depth, and possibly create a new one with some ideas I've got bouncing around in my head.

    I look forward to seeing what comes up.
  21. I'll toss my arc in here as well. I like this idea since I wasn't sure MA was getting the coverage I felt it deserved. (Guess I should look more through the forums that I do.)

    Arc Title: I Got Your Mothership Right Here!
    Arc ID: 407176
    Morality: Heroic
    Level Range: 35-54
    Synopsis: The Rikti have done enough damage here on Earth. It's time to put an end to their reign of hostage-taking and bovine mutilation.