My Weird Crash...

Ael Rhiana



So, here we were doing Tip Missions with a full (or nearly full) team...

Several of the team members had DC'd or crached and came back... I had my weirdest crash that I can recall...

Game was running smooth, FrameRate was good and internet connection was excellent... Our mission just completed was in IP and I was SJ'ing over to KR for the next mission... I jumped right into the tunnel between IP and KR and never came out... I tried logging in 3 times, rebooted on the last try but still only got the loading screen with about an inch of the loading bar colored...

I was able to log on a different toon (thought I'd try that)... but then tried a 4th time to log the toon in from IP to KR and still nothing...

Of course I will send a report of the issue... just checking to see if anyone here has had issues of this type or am I just buggin'...

Am sad, as I think my hero will be mugged being all alone or ran over in the tunnel



He has been captured and sent to glitch hell.

May the Devs have mercy on his soul.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Never heard of that before but like 3-4 years ago on save baby time mish I, lack of a better term, fell through a hole in the ground of the mish, just gray & my toon doing the falling animation, logged off & logged back on same thing (still falling).

@Naa - Liberty Server




Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
He has been captured and sent to glitch hell.

May the Devs have mercy on his soul.

Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
Never heard of that before but like 3-4 years ago on save baby time mish I, lack of a better term, fell through a hole in the ground of the mish, just gray & my toon doing the falling animation, logged off & logged back on same thing (still falling).
And is that toon still there?... Just falling... still



Nah, though it was like 2 days before it stopped.

@Naa - Liberty Server




I had something similar happen before. I was out of sync with the rest of Paragon, stuck in Skyway with no way to get out. The trams wouldn't work, and the tunnels leading to different zones wouldn't do anything; I could run all the way through and hit the back wall, when I should have zoned!

I logged out and then tried to log back in. Nothing. I couldn't log her in again at all. A GM had to move my toon to another zone to fix the issue.

That's likely what is going to have to happen here. Hope it gets resolved soon.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Well, whatever it was seems to have fixed itself... Took a few time logging in and out for it to finally pop free and a reboot or two, but the toon is free from the hell of being in a distant, yet near place in Paragon



Ooh... ghost stories... funny if we see a faded toon running around the zone... lol

@Naa - Liberty Server




Now that would be interesting. A random toon just cruising around the city throughout various zones, following teams, but never able to interact or be heard.

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