398 -
In short, I'd like to see Domination, for Dominators to get power customization.
At length...
While the explosion of light when Domination is activated isn't too bad, the sparkle aura for while it's running is an eye sore for some concepts. I tend to not use auras that are unlocked at 30 with the mish, just because most don't fit the concept behind my characters. But when playing a Dominator, and use the inherent power that comes with, I'm forced to sparkle like a Twilight vampire.
So just whenever power cust 2.0 comes out, I'd like to see Domination in there as well, where I can either have to 'No FX' option, or just change the accompanying aura. -
Quote:Ok, I think I've deciphered what you were trying to say... and now my rebuttal.I find it a problem for an Icer to have to 'warm' up for 120 Seconds to use its last 'fail safe' again in big battles(+3/+4 EB/AVs).
You have a problem with the way something works because it doesn't fit your ideal perspective, based on 1 power for 1 type of character(Ice users) so get rid of the whole thing in PvE, and anything like it? Overreact much?
Now I get what you're trying to say. For someone who controls ice, and has mastered the use and manipulation of it, why can't they use this power more often? Because it's a video game. There has to be balance. As you said yourself, it's a fail safe power, others might call it a panic button. It's meant as a 'last resort' type of thing, something that should only be used when there is no other way out, no other way to survive. It wouldn't be very much of a last resort use if it could be used every 3 seconds.
Now if your problem comes from that it isn't realistic for big boss battles... +3/+4 EB/AVs... then don't fight them. You can adjust your difficulty settings. But you want the challenge, right? Get over it. Either don't use the power, or make the most of it. Enjoy that you have the power when you really need it, and if you can't wait for the power to recharge, can't stand it so much that you'd rather have them remove the power from the entire PvE world because you can't seem to stay alive long enough for power that has a long recharge to actually recharge!!!! ... respec out and pretend it doesn't exist rather than punishing people who do use the power and have no problem with your concept of it.
(PS, the use of bold and italics was meant for comedic and over exaggeration/drama effect, not actually yelling/talking down to.) -
Quote:With GR only 1 level of Incarnate will be available until I19 drops. And even then, it will only be 10 incarnate levels. Not the same as raising the level cap to 60. Similar, but not the same.
Rewards commensurate with the difficulty of the Incarnate content will also be part of the system. Going Rogue will include a single Incarnate level, with the level cap of 10 to be introduced in Issue 19 later this year.
Just wanted to make sure that was clear before people go on making up rumors and the like. -
Quote:Not to nit pick, but 100% doesn't mean anything in terms of adding storage space in the way you're suggesting. 100% could be 5 gigs of space, or it could be 10 gigs. If it's five, and they increased the storage to 10 gigs, then you'd still have 100%.We only get 100 percent Storage right now, is there any way to increase Storage space for AE so we can add more affect to the game mission.
As for the suggestion it self, I have no problem with increasing the storage space, and I wouldn't be surprised if it does come to us later on, but right now we have enough for what is needed. There's a loading screen tip that comes to mind. "Mission Architect: You can't do that... yet." -
I whole hearted agree. Safeguards/Mayhems are one of the things I love the most about this game, but also hate, because of the grind of the newspaper missions to get them. I would run them over and over again but I dislike the newspaper/radio missions to get them. They're fine every once in a while, like if I just don't feel like running the next mish in a story arc, but when I'm in the mood for a safeguard/mayhem, and I have to run through three to five random missions just to get to the safeguard/mayhem, it kills my enthuziasm, and I end up rushing through it.
The other day I was helping out a coalie do mayhems so he could get some of the badges, and I honestly couldn't remember the last time I spent over 30 minutes in a mayhem, and still had fun with it. I didn't even mind when I died, and had to escape from jail.
Mayhems and safeguards should be Ouro'able, so they can be more exciting and fun to do.
Also the thought of merits for doing them via Ouro comes to mind. I would think that there could be a way to reward merits based on how long you're in the mission with the timer running. This is just a first thought, and I know some people might have an issue with that based on Mayhems the timer starts right away, but Safeguards, the timer doesn't start until after the bank robbers are stopped, but unless they change that, I only see one other possibility. 1 merit for every member of the team. You run it solo, you get 1 merit. You run it with a full team of 8, you get 8 merits. The reason I don't like that option is that it would be far too easy to start up a merit farm. -
Quote:That's how you play, and that's fine, I'm sure there are plenty of others who do as well. Me? I maybe I don't. Doesn't mean I any worse or better at heal/buffing than you, I just might have a different style. Something like this would now almost require me to play it that way or be a less efficient when I heal/buff, but only when there's an illusionist with their decoys running around.I never pay attention to people on the screen when I'm trying to heal and buff. I go by the team list on the side of my game screen. Pets are not listed there. I don't really understand why people would do any different, since people on screen move randomly, enemies get in the way, YOU move around, etc.
The team list stays right there on my window and doesn't move.
I pretty much never try to heal/buff people that aren't in my team, so I don't worry about that part. At most I'll drop heals/buff auras like RA/AM/etc. when I'm in the middle of the pack, and that's it.
While yes, I agree that it'd be a cool idea, I just disagree with the ramifications of it happening. -
The main problems I see with this idea, aside from increasing cost to maintain 16 new servers, and another at each drop of a new issue is...
1: Everyone who hates one particular thing that's changed would flood to these servers. For instance, PvP. A lot of people would go to servers that don't have the current set up for PvP.. I think it dropped in I13, but not sure. So then any new player who's interested in PvP, would have a harder time finding it on their local server.
2: New power sets/power proliferation would be inaccessable on servers for issues that they hadn't come out on yet. Bug fixes, and balancing. A lot of things undone for just a bit of nostalgia seems... wastefull.
3: You said newer players would get a better understanding of game mechanics. How is that exacty? A new player picks one of the servers, prossibly before ED. They play on that test server, learn the pre-ED game mechanics, and then comes back over to a live server, and... "WTF?! Why are my enhancments not working?!"
I understand to a point what it is you're trying to accomplish, but overall I just don't see it working. Instead, I ask(since I have no right to tell you to) to look forward to how much more the game can change and improve itself, as opposed to looking back, and living in yesteryear. -
I'm gonna have to say... dunno. As far as I know, devs never realeased the numbers on the server transfers. Secondly, without knowing which server you play on.. there's no way to know if your server had a lot of people vacate(which if you tell me now won't help since again, we don't have any official numbers)
Lastly, your server feeling empty now could be just your perspective. I've seen there be suggestions in the "For Fun" sections of the forums for there to be server merges because their server is dead and it's impoosible to find a team, and there is always someone who comes by and says the exact opposite of that same server.
So to reitterate... dunno. :/ -
Ok, I feel this is never going to end, so I'll respond to this last post, and then I'm done. I don't see the point to going round and round with you over this any more
This is you being picky. You're given money, but you want something else. You want a reward for continuing to play a character that no longer levels but it's not the reward you want. The money is good for things once you're slotted the way you want. Base building, IOing out alts, playing the market, getting the inf earned badges. Unfortunately, if none of this interests you, then you'll just have to come to terms with that.
Quote:I am not sure why it must end there, but given that it must end somewhere, "Then why not higher?" is my whole point.
Quote:Why would they be pointless? They will still work the same regardless of the level.
Quote:We already have the existing content to level 50 with more coming soon in Going Rogue, so why can't it be applied to 50 plus?
Quote:Just how many times do we run the same high level TFs?
Quote:I confess that I am somewhat stunned at the extreme depth reaction my post has brought. I am honestly confused by the vehemence that some folks are displaying, but thats fine, we are all entitled to our opinions.
I am sorry if this post comes off as rude, my intention is to be blunt. I tried before to respond in a way that addresses to anyone who agrees with you that the level cap needs to be raised, but each of your replies you have emphasized how much you want this and why you don't understand why we keep saying it's not a good idea. So this time, I address it to you and you alone. -
Can't say as I've ever heard of or experienced this problem myself, but my first thought would be to check your SG settings. Try exiting out of SG mode first, and see if your original costume colors revert to normal. If so, then you'll need to edit your settings to make sure your SG colors aren't taking over.
Of course if you're not in an SG, you've got another problem all together, and I'd recommend sending in a bug report. -
Don't feel bad. I almost did the same thing. Though my post was going to be more along the lines of "You realize the devs plan this stuff out months in advance, so your post today..." and then I checked the OP date.
I feel the need to make a statement here, and I want to make sure you understand me clearly.
There is no valid reason at all for in this game of City of Heroes/City of Villains for the level cap to be raised.
Stop! I know what you're thinking. You want to keep progressing your heroes. You want to get more shinnies, and make your characters feel more special, and epic, like those heroes you read in the comics. You want more reward. Unfortunately the only reward your fifties get is inf. You the player wants reward, that's what you get. You get money! How is this not enough for you?
To the point of my statement, you have given us the reasons you want the level cap to be raised. And every time we have come back to you telling you why it's not necessary.
1: Hitting 50 means retiring a toon for many people
-This is a choice and opinion that many people disagree with.
2: Adding new content
-Moot point. New content is being added with every issue. Maybe not your preferred/desired content, but new content none the less.
3: It would bring back players that have previously left.
-And upon reaching the new level cap(Regardless of length it takes) they would leave again. Hence, time is better spent on maintaining the influx of new players and retaining the current subscribership.
4: You feel 50 is too soon to stop a characters growth.
-And you're welcome to your opinion. Opinions are like... well you know. Everyone has one, and they all stink(Yes, mine too!). The devs have stated their opinion on this, and it completely disagrees with yours.
5: 50-60 will take longer, possibly even the same amount of time it takes to go from 1 to 50.
-Okay... so it takes longer to get to the end. Upon reaching 60, wait around for a year, when the level cap gets increased again. Upon reaching the next level cap etc. etc. etc. Where exactly does it end? A line must be drawn at some point, and that line is 50.
Those are all the reasons that you gave, that I could find, with the responses given against those reasons. There were also reasons given that were not in direct response to your reasons for the level cap increase. Such as...
A: Going Rogue is coming out soon, adding new content for all level characters, not just those at 50.
B: Purple sets/Hami-o's would become pointless.
C: The time spent on making all the content for 50-60 can be better spent increasing content for 1-50. Especially if the content needed to get to 60 from 50 would take the same amount of time to complete as it does to go from 1 to 50.
D: Getting to level 50 doesn't mean you beat the game. There could potentially be hundreds of hours of content you didn't do on your way to 50.
There's probably others, but I'm getting tired at this point. Either way, until you can come up with new reasons, that are good reasons and make sense, and could convince the development team of this game, you really shouldn't expect a level increase to happen.
Think of it this way. No matter how hard you train, how much you do, and how long you do it, eventually you will no longer be able to be any better than what you are. You have a limit of how much you're capable of doing. So do your heroes and villains. When they reach level 50, they are at their pinnacle. They can keep doing everything they've done before, fighting/making crime, put out/starting fires, protecting/injuring the timeline. But it won't make them any better at it. -
(Just wait, I know what you're thinking)
/whites out signature
/spills white out all over the idea, then in attempt to wipe it off, 'accidently' drops the idea into the paper shredder.
In short. No.
At length. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!(Gotta love the classics) -
Quote:Welcome to the world of MMOs. Unfortunately, being non-cookie cutter is a staple of the genre. You might be able to find something that no one else would ever in their life do with a toon's power selection, but most likely, it would be because it's not an intelligent/strategically sound idea. Of course there are those who play MMs without selecting their pets, and other who play the 'man' builds, where they only get the required powers to start off and then only take power pool powers to make the game more of a challenge.
And as for how many options? Well enough that feels a bit less cookie cutter. Yes I do realize that mathematically their are a significantly large number of possible combination so that things being "Exactly" the same are not going to happen very often.
But then the great thing about CoH/V is the costumes! We have so many freaking options with costumes, that it's hard(Though not impossible) to find someone who has a similar costume. That's where you get your non-cookie cutter feel from with this game.
Quote:I think I have made my point though, which for the most part it has not been very well received. *Sigh* That is one of the reasons it has taken me so long to return to the forums after they moved.
J. Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5, and a fairly famous writer once asked one of his friend long ago "Why is it none of my ideas are getting published?" His friend said to him "Because you're writing crap." Not exact quotes, but the same principal applies. Eventually, he figured out what he was doing wrong and fixed it. -
Your statement about getting to 50 means retiring a toon is subjective. Granted you did say 'many' and in a game with as many subscribers as CoH/V has, the word many doesn't mean the majority, just that there are a lot who feel this way. It's vague. In that same sense I can say many people feel that the markets need to be merged. If you read this forum often, you would know that there are a lot of people who feel this way. But you're not addressing at all how many people feel differently. So in that same sense, there are many people who feel the game is the best at 50, and prefer to play lv 50 toons as opposed to leveling up alts.
Also, if reaching 50 means it's time to retire your toon, then what about when you get to 60? Ok, now 60 means retiring the toon. How does this actually fix anything?
In regards to the expanded travel powers... why? Is it just so there are new powers to pick once the level cap is extended? Because these expanded travel powers seem unnecessary. Cool? Maybe, but there really is no need.
To point #2: Again, why is this needed? This would make these characters way over powered. At least in my opinion. There's also the point of lag that this would create. Imagine a rikit ship raid where a bunch of level 55 toons use these pet powers. The number of NPCs on the screen would generate so much lag for even stable machines, not even to mention the people who run the game on the low end.
#3: Again, I have to ask why? What purpose would an over the top AoE power serve? For those power sets that already have one nuke, and possibly 2 depending on their primary, and secondary powers, why do they need another on top of that?
Quote:And how does Going Rogue not accomplish all these things? GR will have new zones, new NPCs, new content, new graphics, and so much more. Even if GR doesn't attract back those players who would come back for the level cap increase, wouldn't they just leave again once their 50's got to 60?I feel that expanding the game to level 60, with new zones and new NPCs would bring a lot of players back to the game and allow all those inactive 50s to feel the love again! -
Yes, but if you get to ask for those capes, someone else can ask for the other unique parts. And if you get what you want, why can't they? Try to look beyond getting just what you want, and see how it will affect the entire game.
Quote:Demand? And when your demands aren't met? No offense but who are you to be making demands? Someone who pays to play this game like everyone else? Well, I pay the same as you, can I demand that my toon can kill Manticore and then take his place? He'd be a shape shifter, so no one would ever know, but then I could run around Paragon as Manticore all I wanted.But I DEMAND we get those capes accessible, they're just too cool to let go to waste!
OK, I'm done picking on you now, and going to actually address this suggestion.
Are the capes cool? Absolutely! Of course that's subjective, but I agree with you on that point. Also on the point that I've love to be able to use those style of capes. BUT, those capes are signatures of those NPCs. Like BAB's gloves, Manticore's headgear, Black Scorion's Tail... hell his whole armor, and Lord Recluse's spider arms.
The devs know we want these things, and for some of them, they give us something close to, but not quite the same. For Statesman's cape, we get the 'Over the shoulder' model, that can be used on any character who has unlocked capes at or after lvl 20. For Recluse's spider arms, VEAT Soldier's who choose Crab Spider get the crab spider backpack.
This is so those items on the signature characters stay unique to them, so they are definitely not going to waste.
While I won't it will never happen, since I'm not a dev, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it either. -
Quote:And I agree with you. That the devs made the decision regarding Empathy and Poison, makes sense to them, but not to everyone. I can see their reasoning, but I can also see many ways around it. Like you said, I could choose whether or not to recognize the devs explanation of powers. But based on the precedent of Empathy/Pain Dom, I figured my idea for Elixir would be best, rather than get many replies saying "Devs said it won't happen for heroes".Just proliferate Poison to Blueside. No need to rename everything. If someone cant get past the 'basically' internal naming conventions of a game to play a power, wll, their problem isnt mine. If I want to call Energy Blast, Water Blast (its original designation); I can. No need to bother the Devs. I not only dont generally crunch numbers for powers, I dont even look at the descriptions more than once just to see what they do, not how the Devs decided to describe their backstory. Backstory is my job; the Devs just give me the tools to do my job.
Bu maybe that's just me if the Devs still feel the need to keep things that separate twixt Red and Blue.
Quote:Originally Posted by Adeon HawkwoodSo, there have been two other threads about this in the last couple of weeks (not intended as an insult, they were titled in a very non-obvious way). My question is why has this come up all of a sudden? I don't recall ever seeing it suggested before but now three people all suggest it at once.
As for why now? Dunno. For me, it's just been a little something that's been gnawing at me for a while, so I thought I'd say something.
Quote:Originally Posted by CapnGeistBefore we do this, could we fix poison? It's not broken or anything it just seems incredibly weak compared to most of the other buff/debuff sets. I'm totally in favor of proliferating it, but I'd like to see it made good first.
Not every power set needs to be great and awesome, and that's one of the things I like about it. Of course I'm also of the opinion that it's you who makes power good, not the other way around -
Ok, I did a quick search and the only relevant threads for this were back in mid '09 and in '08 so if this has been brought up since then, I do apologize.
One of the first relevant threads I found when I searched stated that the devs said when power prolif was first coming out that Empathy for villains would never happen, and Poison for heroes would never happen. Well, we got Pain Domination as an analog for Empathy but nothing has come about for Poison. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
First, I'd like to suggest that Poison be proliferated to Corruptors. I think it's an interesting set, and don't understand why this is a MM set only. Now originally I was going to say that Defenders and Controllers could use this set just as well, but then I saw the previously mentioned post, so I thought an analog could be made for heroes.
So I give you Elixir!(Note, I'm not a numbers cruncher in the least so if these seem off, again I apologize)
Elixir: You are a master of chemistry and can create mixtures of potions and liquids to heal your friends. When used correctly can also weaken your enemies!
Remedy: You create a mixture of herbs and salves used to alleviate pain, and heal the wounds of your friend. This remedy will also give your friend a resistance to toxic damage.Single target ally heal.
Recharge: 5s
End Cost: 14
Toxic Res Dur: 90s
Toxic Res: 12.5%
Acid Toss: You hit your enemy with a mild acid that will degrade his defenses and cause mild toxic damage to him, and lower his regen rate. Ranged Foe -Def -Regen
Recharge: 9s
End Cost: 10
Duration: 45s
-Def: 24.5%
Potent Potion: You've mixed together the right ingredients to strengthen your allies, and at the same time focus their senses making them more accurate. Single Target Ally +Dam +To Hit
Recharge: 120s
End Cost: 12
Duration: 30s
Dam Buff: 23%
To Hit Buff: 14%
Lucid: This elixir makes your allies more resilient in the face of danger, freeing them from Disorient, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, Hold and Immobilize, and also resistant to Placate. Single Target Ally +Res Dis, sleep, fear, confuse, hold, immob, and placate.
Recharge: 4s
End Cost: 5
Duration: 120
Mag: -8
Rejuvenate: You pour this liquid into the mouth of a fallen friend, bringing them back to consciousness with a renewed strength. They'll will do more damage, and hit more often, as well as their attack speed, and movement speed will increase. However after the effects wear off your ally will feel weakened and drained for a short time. Ally Res +Dam, +To hit, +Recharge, +SPD, (-Recovery -Recharge after duration)
Recharge: 180s
End Cost: 40
Duration: 120s
Heal: 100%
Dam Buff: 10%
To Hit Buff: 8.25%
+Rech: 7.5%
+SPD: 5%
-Rec: 5%
-Rech: 7.5%
Secondary Dur: 20s
Stink Bomb: The pride and joy of any high school kid who's bored in chem class. You release a beaker of a noxious fumes at your foes making them feel ill, and less resistant to your attacks, as well as slowing their attack speed. Ranged AoE -Res(All but Psi) -Recharge
Recharge: 300s
End Cost: 15
Radius: 20ft
-Res: 30%
-SPD: 70%
Sedative: This will make your enemies fall fast asleep. If woken they will be drowsy from the effects for a short period of time making them less accurate, and slowing their attack speed. PBAoE Foe Sleep, -To Hit, -Recharge
Recharge: 240s
End Cost: 9
Radius: 15ft
-To Hit: 15%
-Recharge: 25%
Petrify: This concoction will make your enemy stiff as a board, and unable to move or defend himself. Ranged Foe Hold
Recharge: 13s
End Cost: 12
Duration: 8s
Mag: 3
Endow Valor: This very special brew will make an ally feel overcome with resilience and power giving him additional defenses and resistances to all damage(Except Psi), resistant to Knockback, increase his perception, and To Hit. Single Target Ally +Def(All damage but Psi) +Res(All damage but Psi) +Res Knockback, +Perception, +To Hit.
Recharge: 360s
End Cost: 16
+Dam Def: 20%
+Dam Res: 30%
+To Hit: 20%
Duration: 90s
There you go. Tell me what you think. Even if this isn't how it should be emplmented, I think it's at least a good start. -
Quote:Two words for you. BETA TESTING.They are programming as we talk about it and they ( the devs or their sub contractors, or their parent comp) are doing all this coding without any of our feedback or discussion with us
Of course they're coding it right now without our feedback or discussion. Because they aren't ready for it yet! When the closed beta starts THAT is when the feedback/discussion begins. And in case you didn't catch it before, beta testing is supposed to start this month(If I remember correctly). Just keep in mind, it'll be a closed beta, so unless you're invited to it, you won't get the answers you're looking for until the information is released to the public via official statement. That means... we won't know the answer until you do! -
As everyone has said, we don't know. As most have said, the prestige, and stuff in the bins of your SG aren't yours, it's the SGs. Did you earn it? Yes. Can you keep it? Presumably only if you don't switch sides.
Now, something to keep in mind, you can stop being a hero, but not go full villain. Now, I would assume that if you go vigilante, or rogue(The two grey areas between Hero and villain) that you would not be forced out of your SG/VG, but that you can still go to both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. So if badges are all you're concerned about, it shouldn't be an issue.
Now if it's content, switching sides doesn't mean new content. It's the same content you already have available, just not to all your toons. The new content is the missions to switch sides, and Preatoria. Going to Preatoria won't mean your hero suddenly becomes a villain, so the new content there will still be accessible.
Lastly, I just have to say something about this statement...
Quote:How much time would it take? More than six months? Yes it's January now, but GR isn't expected to be released until the end of the 2nd quarter. That means June. Now obviously you have a lot of stuff, and it'll take a lot of time to liquidate it, or pass it off to alts, whatever. But there is still PLENTY of time before GR comes out. Not to mention that come day one of GR going live do you HAVE to switch sides. I'm fairly certain that option will be available for... until CoH/V closes down.but still its important cause it will take me much time to move the stuff i have if i cant bring it with me i want a litle heads up on that if i can get it -
Quote:Ah ha... see I wasn't aware of that. And I guess it does make more sense for a tank to hit more in order to make use of Gauntlet. I'll concede my point.How has no-one mentioned this yet? Originally, Grantie Armour did have a severe to-hit penalty. However, Tankers complained that the power which was supposed to help them survive and tank better actually made them completely unable to, as they couldn't hit anything for Gauntlet to provoke. I'm not sure if this were changed to the damage debuff or the slow (I believe it was -damage), but as it is now, it allows you to keep tanking, just not dealing damage. Essentially, to have your cake and eat it, too.
Quote:Oh, I totally agree with you. If this were to change, then it would no doubt balance out the same and I would actually expect it to. Hit more for less damage should be equal to More damage but hit less.Agreed on logic. Same general idea spans across tankers in general, since their powers involve being super strong to the point of hurling a gigantic boulder 80+ ft. or flinging large maces and axes around. But as always, it's simply a balancing issue.
In the end, even if the devs were to implement this change for Granite Armor, it would probably even itself out to where if you average the extra number of times you miss a target with the extra damage you'll be doing, you're back at doing the same amount of damage over a period of time anyway.
If this change were to take place, it would be strictly for RP purposes, just so a stoney can walk up and say, "Hey, I'm not a weakling anymore... but I do whiff a lot more than I used to..." On a tangent, my only grievance with GA is that you can't yet modify any aspect of it in character creation.
Both problems can be and should be solved with SOs, IOs, and/or set bonuses.
It's just in concept this makes more sense. -
Hey all,
I've just gotten my first tank up to 48, it's a stone/WM/Energy, and I love the survivability of Granite Armor, but the damage I deal is just so pathetic to anything that's not even con. The toggles have been an issue with keeping my end up, but since getting to where I can slot lvl 50 IOs, and have both Stamina and Physical Perfection, End hasn't been an issue. Just actually being able to kill something without it taking 10+ attack chains would be nice.
So what could you professional tankers recommend for me? Just slotting more +Dam, or going the route of set bonuses that increase global damage.. or even a combination of the two.
Also, cost isn't an issue. I don't have a lot on him right now, but I'm patient when it comes to getting a good build made. -