Some ideas and other IPs
and hopefully giving this tired old horse a kick in the butt. If it doesn't
Also: I have always been against adding outside IPs to the game, because it would disrupt the feel of the game, not to mention add more work for the devs to replicate existing characters properly.
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Hah. Ahaha.
Also: I have always been against adding outside IPs to the game, because it would disrupt the feel of the game, not to mention add more work for the devs to replicate existing characters properly. |
I think if this game starts to sink then they would have to do something outside the box, so to speak.
The City universe has nothing to do with any established comic book characters, and I rather prefer it that way. I vote a very emphatic 'no'.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
It really wouldn't be in the best interest of the devs. And probably not of the players either. Generally speaking, working with IPs you don't own is a real pain. The devs would be on a tight leash concerning anything they did with the characters, and that could bleed into other parts of the game (for instance, if the devs decided to buff power x, and DC decided they didn't like that because it could make Superman look weaker by comparison, it could cause problems... as an example). And while it MIGHT not be too bad... in general it'd be better for the devs to keep 100% control of the game (or as much as an MMO dev team can keep, anyway. )
So really... no. Bad idea. The losses FAR outweigh any possible gains that could be had from this.
As others have stated, working "outside the CoH box" IP's into the game would mess with the whole feel of the game. BUT there is this little thing called Guest Author in the AE Listings that can (and do) provide what you are talking about. One of the first was also the webtoonist who actually did a lot for the early advertising of CoH (ie: Scott Kurtz), and he did a lil AE Arc featuring one of his comic Heroes. So...
Otherwise, having any other comic Heroes in the game is just meh.
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
Aside from the "Dooooom" nonsense in the beginning, you'd want to take a dev team that can do... pretty much whatever they want with their storylines while running a profitable game (which it is,) and get them to (a) pay out those profits to (b) shoehorn in completely unrelated stories and characters, while at the same time (c) losing creative control over the game ("But WeaselMan wouldn't do that, I insist you spend the next three months negotiating with me and sending me money instead of putting out timely updates!")
How about, not just no, but "What are you smoking?" And "You didn't think this through at all, did you?"
...and my thoughts are now summed up. i hope you understand what i was saying. if not, NO!
pssstt..... did you guys see what i did there?
(Just wait, I know what you're thinking)
/whites out signature
/spills white out all over the idea, then in attempt to wipe it off, 'accidently' drops the idea into the paper shredder.
In short. No.
At length. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!(Gotta love the classics)
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
No. Never. No.
I am also unsigned, I liked the somewhat free-nature of City of Heroes that made me and my characters feel like they have their own place. Adding other interlectual property will end up turning the game into THEIRS and reduce the amount of control they have on the game.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11
So, GR is coming out and hopefully giving this tired old horse a kick in the butt. If it doesn't there could be some shaky times ahead. CoX will need something in a bold, new direction. I was thinking maybe they team up with some comic companies that are not involved in an MMO and have a mutual partnership. They could add these IPs in CoX which would expose them to the MMO/gamer world. Some benefits: In exchange run ads for CoX in all of these comics/put the CoX label on the cover etc.
So, who do I mean by IP? Well, I was thinking characters such as Spawn, Hellboy, Savage Dragon etc etc. Each main character could have their own TF/SF featuring that character's world and make them ITF quality with completely unique maps etc.
You could also use the 'invasion' feature in game and have main characters invade a zone in game every once in a while.
I know adding an IP would sort of take away from the game's independent feel but these smaller comic book company heroes are kinda in the same boat. Anyway, just my 2 cents.