Costume problem
Try to logout and then login again. Sometimes this happens to me as well when I've changed the color on a costume piece. The color appears as black though it is not. Logging out and in again resolves the problem for me every time.
Can't say as I've ever heard of or experienced this problem myself, but my first thought would be to check your SG settings. Try exiting out of SG mode first, and see if your original costume colors revert to normal. If so, then you'll need to edit your settings to make sure your SG colors aren't taking over.
Of course if you're not in an SG, you've got another problem all together, and I'd recommend sending in a bug report.
I have costume colour problems too. If SG Mode isn't on, then it might be your video card.
if it is SG mode then if you want to stay in it all you have to do is click settings in the sg window and then accept then change the colors to what your normal colors are then accept.
The last time this happened to me I was sure it wasn't the "SG mode" overriding my costume. Then, to my embarrassment, I went into the SG settings and saw that it indeed was exactly that. So do take a look.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
The last time this happened to me I was sure it wasn't the "SG mode" overriding my costume. Then, to my embarrassment, I went into the SG settings and saw that it indeed was exactly that. So do take a look.
It seems that every Vet ends up having the SG Mode Problem with their costume and the Why Won't The Train Work (Oops I'm Standing At The Exit) Problem at some point in their career. Facepalms abound.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
I encountered the second problem the other day (hello, 48 month vet here!), but only because I logged out in the exit and it's a rarely-used alt so I didn't REMEMBER logging out in the exit. LOL
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I'm not sure how it happened but my characters legs, arms, and face designs turn black no matter what color I choose. The chest is the right color. I even picked the same costume and colors as an alternate costume slot and they turn black. My costume in game is the wrong colors but the change costume selection box in game shows the correct colors. Then my exact duplicate costume is the right colors. It so far seems to only be a problem with my first costume selection box... Any ideas?