3209 -
Quote:I've been on many teams an never had the 30% crit rate. The range is just too short. Typically I have 2 people up near me and that's it. My spines does better because he can hang with the rangers or move up to the melee types. But spines has the lowest single target damage of them all so not like that's useful.The context I was responding to was "threat removal". AVs and Elite Bosses are a bit beyond the scope of threat removal in an ordinary spawn. Still, I WOULD be interested in testing Scrapper vs. Stalker against an AV. It always seems to be assumed the Stalker doesn't do well there, but in a team vs. single-AV or EB situation, the Stalker is almost guaranteed a 31% random critical rate... and that's not too shabby.
Yes, the scrapper is more resilient and might even serve to tank that AV, but the Stalker might just be outdamaging the Scrapper... which would be a fair trade there. If it's a much more chaotic situation though, no. Which is why I'd prefer they do something about the whole 30ft radius scaling critical thing. I'd love to see it just plain removed. Then I'd be at least outdamaging a Scrapper single-target (and some sets maybe even AoE) whenever I'm on a full team. -
that works for the one attack. Unlike PC placate, the NPC version has allowed a bane spider to attack me three times without wearing off (two of those were hits if that matters). And I hit them all the time with a damage aura or AoE, and they still stay untargettable for a bit. Just like Malta's permanent gun drone pet that actually is capable of hitting thanks to a +25% accuracy bonus ours doesn't have, it is one of the powers I dearly wish my PCs had an exact copy of.
Quote:Weird. I've seen dominator/controller posts recommending putting miracle into spirit tree because it supposedly works.It depends on how the proc is implemented in game. Some procs affect the caster of the pwoer while some affect the target. Unfortunately RedTomax is still down so I can't verify but if I recall correctly all of the Proc120s (which includes Numina and Miracle) are set to affect the caster so won't propagate to teammates.
As Mega_Jamie mentioned there are some other procs such as Panacea (and I believe Performance Shifter) which instead affect the target of the power (which is why you don't slot Performance Shifter in Electrical Balst).
Like I said, I've never tried it and won't even if it does work. -
Thanks Nihili and Hopeling. Weird mechanic but kinda cool. Appreciate the clarity.
Quote:It means that you don't need to stop attacking to use it and done right it is a fun change to the usual head-hack-dis-hack so that every third rotation or something it's follow-head-hack-dis-hack.Yeah, but then it's not much of a Follow Up, it's just a Build Up with a tohit check.
But I have a personal loathing for click powers that aren't attacks. I want all of them to be toggles or auto. =) When I'm smashing things I don't like to have to stop even if what I'm doing means I get to smash even better. -
Still, we're looking at blaze-char-blast as less than 4 hp/s off of incinerate, but it's all range, can mezz, and takes less expensive sets than hecatomb but still gets a purple damage proc. That's really solid. I like that.
Thanks! -
Quote:Most poeple rank /invuln above will. With special note that dark melee/invuln is in some ways more survivable than granite with none of the drawbacks and it's even possible to build around the psi hole with the help of siphon life healing you. Unless I missed, dm/invuln has the record for most dev created AVs solo'd at once (12).In terms of general survivability? Obviously opinions will vary... I'd say it's pretty universally understood that Stone Armor (granite armor) and Will Power (IO's make them gods) occupy first and second place, respectively.
Third place and beyond... personal preferences play a bigger role. For me it's:
3. Invuln
4. SR
5. Shield
6. Elec Armor
7. Regen
And these are all really close together. When built right, each set can be insanely awesome in it's own way. It might as well be a tie for third, honestly. lol.
But I think that people are overrating it because of how common s/l are and that you might be right in a more well rounded sense.
Shield and elec are pretty far below the top 3.
And /sr was good, but currently is not. /sr is destroyed by auto damage and there is more than most people think. Take a /sr into the rescue Jocasta tip mission set for x5 or higher. I've had 14 caltrops stacked on me. That's well over 80 damage per second auto hit and unressistable (ticks of 1 don't get reduced) and enough slow that you're not getting out unless you fly. Or the DE with their quartzes That completely negate any defense value below 100. Or all the pets that come with +25% tohit built into their powers (turning a softcapped /SR's 5% chance to hit into a softcapped 30% chance to hit). Or all the +4s with bonus accuracy and bonus tohit on the incarnate trials.
/sr is one of the best on a budget and it rocks if you compare SOs vs SOs. but at the top end, it is not in the same league as the big three. -
Quote:If you're already at 40% defense a -2% tohit is extremely significant. It is reducing your incoming damage almost by half (5% would reduce it to 1/2).the DoT part can only stack up to 8 times, but its duration is shorter than the debuff
the DoT is the only reason i even bother with interface because all of the debuffs are essentially negligible against strong targets and not enough to bother with on weaker targets
the -tohit debuff for example is -5% per use to stack up to -20%, but if your fighting a target like AV or GM they resist that by 85-87% so the -5% becomes <-1% and your total debuff will barely be -2% even with 4 stack -
Quote:Gambler is a global and it is NOT a proc at all so it won't.Performance Shifters: Chance for +End can proc to the team.
Stuff like Numina, Miracle, and LotG don't, though, if I recall correctly.
numina and Miracle are procs. Both will hit anyone in a triage beacon or spirit tree, and thus I assume they will also hit anyone with an AoE heal. But I have never tested because I'm selfish and would rather have the bonus permanent for myself by sticking them in health =) -
Quote:sadly, there are some whackjobs out there who won't invite people to a team if they don't have "enough" or "large enough" set bonuses in their profile. these morons also tend to think you need "healors" and very specific AT mixes for things like a non-master ITF run.I dont think I ever looked at one of my builds or anyone elses and thought..."Oh snap, that dude got 75 ultimates!"
I just slap builds together in Mids, IO the toon and whatever bonus' it has...it just has. Figured everyone else did the same.
But they are out there. Luckily on most servers they are not the majority.
I've bumped into one yahoo on Virtue recruiting for a speed baf that would only accept +3s on the team and wanted to know AT and powersets before sending invites. -
Other than the confuse set for the 5% ranged defense I can't think of any with a 6th slot bonus that's worth it.
If for any reason you need a third account, you only need T2 status (a $5 purchase one time gets you this) to join SGs permanently. But as stated only VIPs can pay rent.
Unless the buff was really high and short lived with a long cooldown so it was still bursty and not sustained.
Quote:=) I'm even worse in person. Sorry.GavinRuneblade: Can I just say "You're right" and skip having to read all that? lol*
Seriously though, after leaving my Regen Brute on the shelf for 3 days or so to cool off, I decided to take it for another spin. Completed another speed ITF with significantly more ease (we had mostly melee type toons on this one and it was set to regular default instead of +2). I also solo'd several tip missions on +4 difficulty, which made me feel so much stronger.
Needless to say, my previous opinions can now be considered Null. I still believe it's best to be prepared for the worst, but atleast the flaws don't see so glaringly obvious.
*Seriously, try to be more succinct with your posts. I know I should have better reading comprehension... or patience... but I don't. And taking 20 paragraphs to say "Try again dood" does nothing but make me want to skip the post entirely.
Shortened short version: I only disagreed with a few of your absolutes and I agree Regen isn't perfect and gave some examples.
Also, with stone as your primary, how do you fare vs PPD? You should be pretty solid on them and they obliterate kat/regen and bs/regen. Plus you should be ok vs Knives and Malta who often give /sr and /shield trouble thanks to autohit damage and tohit buffs.
I think Cims are just a bigger problem for your build than some other enemies no matter what. Everyone has some holes. -
Also, any of the "free for VIP" powersets that you didn't pay for. Potentially Controllers and MMs.
Quote:AS is not the only thing unique to stalkers. Don't forget placate. Placate is a melee stealth. In a steamroller, leverage the initial crit out of hide, placate, crit and move to the next spawn. With my dark/dark if I only had 4 seconds per spawn I would buildup MG, placate, tab, SL. and get moving to the next. Maybe toss out a smite if there was one straggler. I'm making two stealthed attacks instead of 1 stealthed attack, neither is AS and unlike a scrapper I will have a 100% crit rate while doing this.Just PuGs and TF/SF teams.
I already have two farming characters I use when I feel like farming.
I considered a stalker to begin with, because I enjoyed the stealth components I had on my previous scrappers with DA and EA. When I don't get to use AS or utlizing stealth, I seem like a squishy and less effective scrapper.
So far I enjoy a stalker much more solo than on a team. Though, soloing does get boring from time to time.
If you really have more than 4 seconds, then you have enough time to AS if you want to.
Also Leo is fond of pointing out that AS is not just good for openers. Think about paragon protectors, Minotaurs, fake nemesis, and heros with T9 powers. Save the AS not as an opener, but to get them before they godmode to prevent it. Again, something that gives a stalker an advantage over many (not all) scrappers. -
Quote:I find it hard to believe that Char is dealing more damage than incinerate with hecatomb. Is it that much faster or something?Yeah, to run the chain seamlessly you'll most likely have to go Spiritual Alpha since Blaze needs to recharge in 2.7 seconds.
I was just messing around with a build in mids. If I was going for maximum damage I'd probably slot Char for damage with the purple hold proc, Apocs in Blaze and Decimations in FB with BU proc and Glad Jav proc. -
that's part of it. You can also use category A damage to buff resistance instead of category b resist buff. Hence the slotting now popular among warshades for eclipse of dual nucleus getting you way over the ED cap on resistance in two slots.
Quote:I have an ever better better question: Will they ever fix this or will it be like the login/logout bug that persists forever and still exists today?I've got a better question: how many threads do we need on this subject?
Edit, and to answer your question, at least one more since it hasn't been fixed yet. At least that is the way mob mentality thinks. -
Quote:I said you were compltetely wrong on a few very specific points.ClawsandEffect and GavinRuneblade:
Perhaps I was remembering the worst of situations more than the best. Honestly though, it's better to let them know about such things to prepare them. I am remembering specific things that happened to me and just because they don't match up with your experiences doesn't mean I'm completely wrong.
First, I did mention you were half right.
Quote:This is a halftruth. The full story is that Regen benefits immensely from mitigation in the primary (mace, katana, Dark, etc) much more than other sets. If a /SR uses parry, or debuffs the tohit of an enemy with dark, or keeps an enemy on their back with clobber, so what? The /sr was probably at full HP anyway so who cares if the enemy made one less attack? But the /regen expects to get hit. Each second you don't get hit, you recover a big chunk of hp. At full bore in excess of 180/sec is possible. That means if a castrated prefect in cim crits you for 700 damage you only need 3.5 seconds to recover.
Quote:Maybe if you hit MoG just in time you'll be able to pull out a few more seconds.
Quote:There's no holding on for survival at half health.
Quote:But if you can't kill everything in the few seconds you get from it, you die. Guaranteed.
So you made three statements and even used the word "guaranteed". I said that was 100% wrong. and it was. and it still is.
Your experiences on the ITF are your experiences. they are not the guaranteed experiences of all players with a /regen. they are not the absolute truth. My experiences are my experiences and they are not the absolute truth. But the math shows that /regen is a powerful set that works well with the right strategy.
You also stated:
Quote:Do *not* take Regen if you want to tank. I repeat, DO NOT take Regen if you want to tank.
You also stated:
Quote:The difficulty level you can handle will vary depending on how your IOs are set up... obviously... but once you go even a little passed that...your face will hit the floor.
Now, with that out of the way, lets look at your experiences:
Quote:For example: ITF absolutely crushed my Regen build while I've been leveling it. It's a Stone Melee/Regen Brute and because Romans have particularly strong resistances to knockdown and stuns, I was on my face a LOT while fighting the regular mobs. Even when I was level 47 and had most of the IO build purchased and slotted (roughly 1.3 billion infl worth of inventions)... even with the very large amount of +recharge they gave, I often found myself praying I didn't have more than 3 LTs (or even a single boss) to fight at once or else I'd hit the floor pretty fast. Of course that was a speed run. Things were chaotic and I often fought enemies without the support of my teammates... but it was still incredibly frustrating.
I think that Stone Melee is going to be a bit rough with /regen as knock is not the top form of mitigation. parry protects you from all enemies at once. knock only protects you from the one who falls. And many attacks only have a chance for knock, while parry is guaranteed. Dark melee has -tohit and an awesome heal in siphon life. I think you're better off than say claws/regen, but overall I think you'll have to spend more time defending yourself than smashing faces in.
With the stone, you will likely outperform bs/ on small groups and underperform on big ones. Stone is higher damage than bs and it will give reliable mitigation against small spawns. Against melee and lethal enemies in particular BS has the edge in large numbers because hte self buff protects against every attack. on the other hand, I bet you can handle PPD just fine and bs and kat get ripped to shreds because those are ranged/energy/smashing with no lethal and very little melee. It might be the case that cims are just one of your character's weaknesses.
How do you fare on carnies? I find most regens can tear them up.
Quote:From my experience, clicking 'skill' has very little to do with how well the set runs. Support and mitigation are the primary factors. When you're in over your head (even a little), and you have no support.. and your primary powerset mitigation does nothing... you're boned. There's nothing Regen can do to help you. The holes in between your reconstruction/DP/IH/MoG are just too great, even with a large amount of recharge from IOs.
Quote:Disclaimer: I do understand that there could be something I'm doing wrong. Perhaps my IO build sucks or maybe I am using my clicky tools wrong. But as I said before, I believe it's better to have all the information than just the good parts.
Quote:If you manage your clicks just right, regen is a phenominal set. If you screw up, you're toast and you will die again and again and again until you get so frustrated you rage quit. Personally, I don't feel the devs balanced the difficulty of using the tools it has well enough with what they do. But oh well.
Quote:Yes, I do often run into a full spawn of cims and faceplant. Then laugh because I forgot to hit MOG before going in. AND I accidentally used IH (+regen with no up front heal) instead of Dull Pain. I do that way too often.
I will often tell people that 99.99999% of the time what they want out of /regen they will get from /WP but more of it and it works better. And that is true. There is NO mechanical or mathematical advantage to /regen over /wp. It is inferior in every mechanic you can track. That said, /regen is still a very strong secondary it's just not in the top 3 and /wp is. -
the only other hangup I see then would be the duration, and what happens when it wears off?
Is it like illusion damage where you heal instantly? If so, that would really suck. Let's take nihili's suggestion and your worst-case scenario.
8 stalkers hit a 100k hp GM or AV. It now has 20k hp. and something in the realm of 5-10k damage (depending on resists and damage types). Let's say the -hp debuff lasts 20 seconds. If the stalkers can't deal that last ~15k of damage fast enough, does it heal back to 80k or does it remain at 3k with /hps based on 100k hp?
Even with your scaling damage, that's dropping him to 43k hp (If my math is right, not sure I suck at math) with 5-10k damage. Again, what happens when the buff ends?
Because as I see it, if it heals back, then I'm not sure I'd like the power. It would cause all kinds of confusion. If it doesn't, I think either version is going to be seen as too powerful. But hey, it surely is an interesting one to think through.
for the record, I'd not like it limited to AS. Stalkers are not just AS machines. -
Quote:Not only fewer zones, but the story arcs and task forces mostly tried to stay in zone. Except ice mistral because she's a big meanie.o_O? What's wrong with it? Seems to me it has better design, more streamlined mission trees, and is visually more interesting. Plus, less zones makes for less travel.
I will go blue, if we decide that route, but I do prefer red-side overall. Paragon City is a little chintzy/easy to me. (alternately, we could start gold/purple and play with the Emperor's minions)
But, roster so far:
Zeh_Masteh - MA/Nrg
Errant - ElM/DA (StJ/Nrg alt)
Slaunyeh - Spines/Nin -
I still think it's more like pears vs apples vs apples. =)
Quote:Before we jump to that conclusion, @Maudy, you have a subscription if you're posting here, are you planning to keep your subscription or drop to premium? Because if you drop to premium you'll lose the benefits from any IOs but those Hammis still work.You're definitely going to want to pry out those hami-Os and six-slot specific powers to emplace IO sets that will help you.
Also, you have two builds you can swap between so if you think you might go premium, I'd say keep 1 hammi build and make a cheap IO build on your swap.