Reactive Interface proc question




Can someone clarify how the procs on Reactive Interface work? I have the tier 4 that gives a 75% chance of a fire DoT and a 25% chance of a damage resist debuff.

Does that mean each time I fire a power off, it rolls once and if it gets a 1-75 it DoTs and 76-00 it debuffs? Or does it roll separately for each proc?



I believe its separate for each proc, since on other interface powers, the percentages add up to more than 100%:

75 times of 100 you'll get the DoT. 25 times you'll get the debuff. Sometimes neither. Sometimes both.



It's separate, so you can get both stacked. At least my Pets do when they attack. Not sure if the DoT is effected by the -Res though? Like, increases if the -Res is active. And I'm not sure if it stacks either. Like, if I were to use 3 attacks on one Target, would the DoT from each apply? Or how it works in conjunction with the Achilles' Heel Proc.

But the DoT is definitely the way to go, if anyone was wondering. It's far superior to the -Res aspect. Hell, the 75% ticks often enough if you fire off enough attacks at once, so it almost feels like 100% Chance on my Thugs/Therm Mastermind because of the amount of attacks going off at once!

- Baltoro



From my understanding that particular process works like this:

75% DoT proc hits everytime (on successful attacks) but each of the 5 ticks of damage has a 75% chance of hitting (each tick has a 75% chance at applying 13.36 fire damage; this averages to 50.1 damage per stack/attack). The single DoT stack lasts 4.3 seconds (duration of the DoT) and up to 8 of these DoT stacks can apply to a single target at the same time (while solo it is nearly impossible to saturate this without use of pets).

25% resistance debuff proc has a 25% chance of applying a 2.5% resistance debuff on successful attacks. This proc can stack up to 4 times on a single target for a max debuff of 10%.

The resistance debuff acts like a damage buff for an attack but better because it's not an additive buff, it's multiplicative and it boosts damage procs (which are not buffed by damage enhancements. I use the following formula for final damage from an attack:

Damage = [BaseDMG×(1+DMGEnhancers/100) + ProcDMG]×[1 + ResDebuff/100]



Originally Posted by boppaholic View Post
This proc can stack up to 4 times on a single target for a max debuff of 10%.
The one thing to be aware of is since all the interface debuffs are flagged as granting the debuff power to the target (meaning the target debuffs itself) so the stacking of 4 times applies to everyone not a single caster. So a league of 24 people all firing the reactive interface (doesn't matter which one) will only stack the resistance debuff 4 times on a single target.

The one exception to that is the reactive DoT which each person can apply one time so everyone on a league can stack that on a target.

Therefore either take an interface that others don't or take the reactive and concentrate on the DoT part rather then the resistance while teaming. If solo it is all moot and you can take what you want.



the DoT part can only stack up to 8 times, but its duration is shorter than the debuff

the DoT is the only reason i even bother with interface because all of the debuffs are essentially negligible against strong targets and not enough to bother with on weaker targets

the -tohit debuff for example is -5% per use to stack up to -20%, but if your fighting a target like AV or GM they resist that by 85-87% so the -5% becomes <-1% and your total debuff will barely be -2% even with 4 stack



Originally Posted by Flower View Post
The one exception to that is the reactive DoT which each person can apply one time so everyone on a league can stack that on a target.
I don't know if I'm reading this correctly, but I believe the DoT stack works the same as the other stacks except that it can go up to a max of 8 on a single target instead of 4. Are you saying each player can stack up to 8 DoT applications and there is no limit to how many damage stacks are applied to a single target? If that's the case, AVs should be getting absolutely shredded when a team of 8 is on them... I don't think this the case.



Originally Posted by boppaholic View Post
I don't know if I'm reading this correctly, but I believe the DoT stack works the same as the other stacks except that it can go up to a max of 8 on a single target instead of 4. Are you saying each player can stack up to 8 DoT applications and there is no limit to how many damage stacks are applied to a single target? If that's the case, AVs should be getting absolutely shredded when a team of 8 is on them... I don't think this the case.
It works like you think it does. It's 8 stacks of the DoT on a single target, no matter how many people are trying to apply more.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the DoT part can only stack up to 8 times, but its duration is shorter than the debuff

the DoT is the only reason i even bother with interface because all of the debuffs are essentially negligible against strong targets and not enough to bother with on weaker targets

the -tohit debuff for example is -5% per use to stack up to -20%, but if your fighting a target like AV or GM they resist that by 85-87% so the -5% becomes <-1% and your total debuff will barely be -2% even with 4 stack
If you're already at 40% defense a -2% tohit is extremely significant. It is reducing your incoming damage almost by half (5% would reduce it to 1/2).

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the DoT is the only reason i even bother with interface because all of the debuffs are essentially negligible against strong targets and not enough to bother with on weaker targets
...then you will be very happy to hear there is 4 more DoT Interface powers coming probably in December...

...ones that do minor psy or toxic damage, and ones that do moderate energy or negative damage.

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