34 Ancient Hami-Os: Weird Build Advice
It's a bit pricey, but if you end up wanting to pull HOs out of your build during a respec, you can by global Enhancement Storage upgrades (10 slots each for $20, 2 upgrades available, 30 storage slots total per character). Might be pricey, but it's a permanent upgrade for all of your characters. Considering extra respec tokens are $10 per, it's not a bad option.
It's a bit pricey, but if you end up wanting to pull HOs out of your build during a respec, you can by global Enhancement Storage upgrades (10 slots each for $20, 2 upgrades available, 30 storage slots total per character). Might be pricey, but it's a permanent upgrade for all of your characters. Considering extra respec tokens are $10 per, it's not a bad option. |
Buying those two extra trays was my first move when Freedom went live (dropped $50/account, 2 accounts). It is like night and day having the 200% more storage. A respec now can unslot almost 1/3rd of your enhancements. Well worth the cost, and the benefit when running TF/making builds has made me giggle each time I notice it.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Here's what I've got: Thoughts/guidance? Is my strategy as antique as my enhancements? ![]() |
Likewise, you no longer need to spend skill slots on the Fitness pool; it's inherent now. Perhaps you'd like to pick up Choking Cloud and the last couple powers from the psychic pool instead. I don't really have the time right now to go through and spec out a full build, but that's my top-of-head observation.
You're definitely going to want to pry out those hami-Os and six-slot specific powers to emplace IO sets that will help you. Attack sets are the most commonly slotted; for your ranged single-target you'll want to go with the rare set Positron's Blast if you can afford it; if not you'll get decent results with the uncommon set Detonation until you can afford Positron's Blast. For ranged AoE you'll probably want the rare set Obliteration (though it's pretty expensive and hard to find), with the uncommon set Thunderstrike filling in until you can get them.
And consider what level of IOs you want to slot. Lower level IOs have smaller per-Enhancement bonuses, but they provide their set bonuses across a broader range of powers. For example, if you have level 30 IO sets slotted, you'll get access to the set bonuses if you exemp all the way down to level 27. (In a lot of cases, if you're sure to slot multiples of IOs, you'll get set bonuses that make up for the weaker IO strength.)
You're definitely going to want to pry out those hami-Os and six-slot specific powers to emplace IO sets that will help you.
Also, you have two builds you can swap between so if you think you might go premium, I'd say keep 1 hammi build and make a cheap IO build on your swap.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Nowadays Fly is already capped at the max flight speed even without any slotting, so you're wasting a Hami-O there. If you want to put something in the default slot, stick in a regular endurance reduction.
You may want to reconsider Stealth from the Concealment pool. You could just buy a +stealth IO and put it into Sprint and you'll be better off altogether, ie you won't have to suffer Stealth's -speed penalty. Phase Shift can also be replaced by a temp power recipe you can buy from the Auction House. It has limited charges, but you can always buy more. So, unless you really want Grant Invis, you can ditch the Concealment pool completely. Along with the +stealth IO in Sprint, you could pick up Superspeed which has a stealth aspect. These 2 stealths will stack and give you effective invisibility.
And if you decide to pick up Superspeed, then you might not need Fly either if you keep Hover which can cover your vertical movement needs. And speaking of which, unless you like to do hover-blasting, you could ditch Hover too and just use a jetpack temp power (purchasable as a recipe or from a jetpack vendor in the Shadow Shard).
You need to look into the Epic pools to get an armor.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Thanks for your advice, everyone.
Nowadays Fly is already capped at the max flight speed even without any slotting, so you're wasting a Hami-O there. If you want to put something in the default slot, stick in a regular endurance reduction.
By the way, it's also worth noting that you don't need to take Hover before Fly anymore, and you can now take Fly at level 4.
You're definitely going to want to pry out those hami-Os and six-slot specific powers to emplace IO sets that will help you. Attack sets are the most commonly slotted; for your ranged single-target you'll want to go with the rare set Positron's Blast if you can afford it; if not you'll get decent results with the uncommon set Detonation until you can afford Positron's Blast. For ranged AoE you'll probably want the rare set Obliteration (though it's pretty expensive and hard to find), with the uncommon set Thunderstrike filling in until you can get them.
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
I posted before. I have a level 50 rad/psy defender with thirty-four level 50 Hami-Os from 6.5 years ago, and dating back from the first Hamidon raids. I also have a Mac now, so I can't run Mids.
I also have young children and am never going to do a 4 hour task force again, so I don't need a GOD character, here, just a fun, workable build. I'm going to solo a lot more often than I team up.
I realize I can only pull a few Hami-Os off the build during a respec, so this is probably an intermediate step to an IO build, or maybe this is the SO/HO build I play when I'm premium and don't have an inventions license.
Here's what I've got:
5 Enzymes (tohit/defense debuffs, end)
3 Endoplasm (acc/mez)
1 Lysosome (tohit/defense debuffs, acc)
5 Nucleolus (dam/acc)
12 Centrioles (dam/rng)
4 Peroxisome (dam/mez)
3 Microfilament (trav/end)
1 Membrane (tohit/defense buffs, rchg)
Here's what I'm planning (Total Slots, Hami-Os Deployed):
Mental Blast (6: 1 Nucleolus, 2 Centrioles)
Psionic Lance (4+: 2 Nucleolus, reduce interrupt SOs)
Psychic Scream (6: 3 Centrioles)
Telekinetic Blast (6: 1 Nucleolus, 2 Centrioles)
Will Domination (6: 3 Peroxisomes)
Psionic Tornado (6: 1 Nucleolus, 2 Centrioles)
Radiant Aura (3)
Acc Metabolism (6)
Radiation Infection (3: 3 Enzymes)
Enervating Field (1)
EM Pulse (6: 3 Endoplasms)
Lingering Rad (3)
Mutation (1)
Hasten (3)
Hover (2: 2 Microfilaments)
Fly (1: 1 Microfilament)
Grant Invisibility
Phase Shift (3)
Conserve Power (3)
Power Buildup (?: Membrane)
(Stamina: 3)
I haven't totaled the slots exactly, but this looks like a fun flying brain-sniper. I'd pull off 3 Centrioles, 1 Peroxisome, 1 Lysosome, and 2 Enzymes to sell or use elsewhere.
Thoughts/guidance? Is my strategy as antique as my enhancements?