389 -
No Backstreet Brawler is the NPC MM that summons a boyband and breaks into dance and song.
Might I suggest a Glaive or Halberd for the titan weapon set. Not everyone wants to look like an Anime character. Having an ACTUAL weapon choice that could be used with a knight or martial-artist themed toon would be nice.
More this type.
Rikti =/= space aliens
Rikti are from another dimension. -
Retro Space suit set needs a space monkey pet.
Prediction on Retro Space Suit:
Males/Huge will look like Neil Armstrong.
Females will look like Barbarella. -
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Of all the selections only My son Seth, fit the theme. Bacon maybe for humor. I'm not knocking the costumes in and of themselves but as part of a Theme how do any of them say what the player ios thankful for? And if you have to read a bio to find out then it isn't a costume contest it is a bio contest then.
If the devs want to give out random prizes for events that's fine. But this is in no way a themed contest.
Just hoping if and when you hold a X-mas theme contest you don't award the winning prize to the Easter Bunny. -
Since the women get to look like whores, I want the assless chaps option for males.
Wow an 86! Junior this is going on the frig.
Quote:thanks for the info
Zwill mentioned in a recent post that they'd found a bug in the Numina's set, so it's been pulled from the market for now. -
So is Numina's Convalescence included or not? Seems people quoted the original but it has been altered and isn't listed under Black Friday.
Fire/Rad Troller with maybe psi mastery. (or earth for defense)
Chocking cloud + hot feet + imps and maybe World of confusion should offer the same type of effect. -
Quote:Yes, Please let us Buy a 50.Great. Now even some of best IO's are on sale for real money. What's next, level 50 characters? Where is the attraction to play, level, find, and slot up characters when someone with a bunch of cash can just buy everything you spent weeks working towards? If you wanted to make these sets easier to obtain, why not discount their Merit point or Astral point cost for the Thanksgiving weekend? City of $$$$
Yes, let us buy inf or merits or recipes.
I would love this simply because it would put RMT'ers out of business.
I would rather see Paragon get the money than the scammers.
As far as your second part where is the attraction to do it the "hard" way over just buying it if you have cash....that's called life. Some people have to work hard to get a little, others do nothing but open thier wallets. Stop trying to keep up with others and enjoy your journey. -
I Just hope they get the rewarding of points/rewards/transfer fixed BEFORE black Friday. Cause you know someone out there is short a few points and will miss something on sale.
(If everything was 50% off for the day that way everyone could get exactly what they wanted. Since it is all digital any way. Not like they are going to run out of stock.) -
Dom: Grav/NRG works well just take the holds and the range.
Cor: Fire/Sonic or anything/sonic the aoe shield helps you and with tough and late epic of choice you have defense.
Def: FF/anything see above for cor. the aoe shield and pff help on your defense
PB: human only. good HP/Shields/range and misc powers
Last is Blaster: Fire/Mental pure AoE damage kill fast kill more pray you live. -
Haven't seen anything on this.
What's on sale this Tuesday? -
Why no more gamecards/timecards at Gamestop?
Went in today and they were gone. Clerk said they were pulled last week.
Was there an announcement that the cards were going bye bye?
Where can we get the cards now? -
Well of my 4 mains.
Ill/Storm/Fire Troller I took Void, 2 reasons 1 he is purely slotted with whatever the game gods dropped. So Void was the first I could make. I like this toon since it has a wide range of damage types; smashing, nrg, fire, negative, psi so Something for everyone.
On my Grav/Nrg/Psi Dom I went with Ion. It fit my range attack only build.
On my Fire/Electric/Fire I went Ion to continue theme.
On my Kin/Inv tank I plan on taking Vorpal for theme reasons.
Frankly All the Incarnate stuff is over powered so I think theme more than stats. -
The stalker not taking hide is so lame.
1) If the player is that stupid not to take hide on an AT that attacks from stealth then so be it. You can't fix stupid.
2) If its a roookie mistake guess what they learned something and can reroll or respec or second build to fix it.
3) Again a gimped stalker isn't any more a problem than the self gimped MM.
4) Why do you care if someone playing a stalker without hide? Again going with the you aren't playing the right way.
But right now your whole argument is we have to take the first tier second power because we have dumb people playing stalkers, seems like a weak argument.
And giving you the benifit of the doubt that a master mind would want to heal his creatures. Not true for role players. If I raise the dead go ahead and kill it I'll bring it back. Its a robot somehow I can heal it and people too..
Guess what you are saying is choice is bad because people will choose badly. Its the secondary so why should you get a choice at level one.
Well expand that why should you get a choice at all? By not giving players choice the Devs could easily balance the game powersets. And more people will be closer to playing the right way. -
Bah all false reasoning.
The Tutorial alone makes you level 2 by what killing a couple of weakened shiva with help from other npc's.
We all have a tier 1 attack its called brawl.
We all have a second attack its that crappy temp range power.
The Vast Majority have a 3rd, 4th, and/or 5th attack from vet rewards.
Level 1 lasts a whole 5 minutes after that the player is stuck with the power forever.
Choice is always good. You may think its bad not taking a tier one attack/power but hey if the player doesn't want one then so be it.
Worse case they hate thier choice. Go to trainer save costume. Reroll the toon. Its level 1 or 2 what did you loose?
Why Choice is better.
Tanker - A great improvement in attack. Most low level tanks have few attacks as they are building thier defense.
Corruptor/Mastermind - Just for theme. (I'm "orginally" an evil bad guy watch me show you how evil I am by healing you with this aura. See cross me again and I'll heal that wound again."
Anyone who wants to take say Radiation as a debuff only set.
Again. Choice is better than no choice even if 98% choose the same thing.
We all seen MM Thugs that had no pets because someone wanted duel pistols before the set was made. I've even seen petless demons because they want whip only. Is it a major self gimp yes but so what? If the game allows a major choice gimp then a little choice gimp at level one shouldn't even be worried about.
Theme, Roleplay, 2nd tier better, or just because the power sucks are all valid reasons not to take the tier one power. Forcing a player to do it the "right" way is bad.
Notice this forcing the player to play one way is the root problem in all the major everyday fights. (Farmer vs non farmer, PvP vs. PvE, Role player vs. Min Max or AE farmer vs Storyteller) -
Lol as if it matters. They aren't really listening. You think they care?
They claim they want feedback, but they do so that we the customer think that they care. They don't. They will keep churning out the things they want when they want, flaws, bugs and no forthought and all. They will only stop when the game dies. The powers that be do not care about their customers. They only give the illusion that they care.
The creators can see that the costume piece don't match, or color correctly, or clip....or whatever they still send it live. Just like all other bug filled parts of the game. They make just good enough so the needed amount of people will spend money on it. Once 1 more person spends money past the break even then they get profit. Its a hell of lot easier to target for 55% satisfaction and make 10 items then try for 100% and have only 2 items made in the same time.
Now since those gloves are half ***** can you price them at 600 points. That way we can support your future costume pieces that won't please everyone and we can get another thread just like this but for the newer shinies. -
Quote:ur stuf can i haz?We have to wait until Live Server Publish - Tuesday, November 15, 2011 for a fix?
I was up for renewal the 13th. I have just made sure that won't happen. The friend I was playing with quit a week back anyway, this is just a final straw occurrence. For what it is worth I blame NCSoft management and not the Paragon staff. -
No Leg option.
Big Wheels or tracks.
Mermaid tail (along with superswim travel power)
Spider legs.
Arms for Legs.
Tornado bottom (w/ always knockback on) -
Quote:Why not? Barbarian doesn't have to mean Conan type characters.Well, sort of. Basically, if it makes sense for a set to have every weapon, then it should have every weapon. That is the suggested.
I'm okay with the Barbarian set not having an option for the Assault Rifle, for instance.
Thundar the Barbarian, Warlord of Mars, Barbarella, He-man, Planet of the Apes and others all have Barbarians with guns and or lasers. -
Need an insect head (Ant, Mantis, Wasp).
Also some popular heads since people already make fake ones like panda, rabbit, penguin.
And of Corse the NO Head option.