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  1. Propel

    Volcanic Gasses

    Gang War

    Oil Slick Arrow
  2. GGG247


    My Mercs/Traps is my favorite MM alt (lvl 32 and counting). This character moves nice and steady, completing mission after mission at a good pace. I enjoy the fact that Traps allows me to use some strategy in setting up fights, and the Mercs, while not doing the best damage, do a decent amount, and they fit into many theme builds.

    Very fun.
  3. This is some great information, guys. Thanks. I'm definitely going to move Slash up in my build and test out Smoke Grenades as well. I usually don't worry about IOs until the low-mid 30s. Is Mind Link perma-able?

    I have a lvl 45 Bane who I really enjoy playing a lot, and I've been trying to get his defenses up to the magic 45%. It's tough, but he's close. It looks like that goal will be much easier with my Night Widow.
  4. I'm working my way up the levels with a Widow (currently 18). As I plan out my (tight) build, I find that I can fit in either Slash or Lunge during the teens, but the other will have to wait until late 30s/early 40s. Which is better to take early? Slash does more damage, but eats up much more END and is slower to rechg. Lunge has somewhat lower damage.

    Here's a quick look of what I've planned for my respec at 24:

    1, Poison Dart
    1. CT: Defensive
    2. Strike
    4. CT: Offensive
    6. TT: Manuevers
    8. Follow Up
    10. Indomitable Will
    12. Spin
    14. Swift
    16. Health
    18. (Lunge or Slash)
    20. Stamina
    22. Foresight
    24. Mask Presence
    26. Mind Link
    28. Mental Training
    30. TT: Leadership
    32. Eviscerate
    35. TT: Assault
    38. (Lunge or Slash)

    As you can see, the 20s are taken up with my defenses. Let me know what's the best strategy here.
  5. GGG247


    For me, VEATs are just another group of fun powersets that you unlock once you get an existing character to 50. I write my own character backstories for each of my alts, so the in-game storyline is nice, but unneccesary.

    My Bane is lvl 45 and really a lot of fun to play. I just started a Night Widow this weekend, and I'm enjoying her so far.
  6. GGG247

    Bane's pets

    I use the Call Reinforcements pets on my Bane when I'm about to have a tough fight on my hands and I need to keep the Boss (or Elite Boss) distracted while I whale away on him. They're also good for taking out any pesky Minions or Lts. that may be around. Their damage isn't great, it's mainly their mere presence that helps the most.
  7. I went with a DP/Dark Corruptor, and I really enjoy it. The /Dark set makes up for some of DP's shortcomings and makes for a very fast-paced and fun character. /Dark keeps me safe while blasting away, plus, on teams, makes the entire team look better. (Then again, /Dark makes EVERY primary powerset look better!)

    I'd looked at the numbers beforehand and saw that DP was a little slow and a little underpowered compared to some other sets. Since I have a hard time playing Blasters anyway (damage only?!?), I went with the Corruptor.
  8. Sets I don't even want to try:

    HEATS: These just seem needlessly complicated to me. I've tried reading some Guides before starting one, and I've never even managed to finish the read.

    Empathy- no interest in being the doctor of the group

    Sets I've tried and don't like:

    Ice/Axe Tankers- I like Tankers, I like Ice/, and I like /Axe, but put them together? No thanks. My level 32 Ice/Axe is the absolute most frustrating character I've ever played. After 3 years, I occasionally pull him out and "try again", only to find myself literally screaming at the computer. Not fun. I thinks it's the constant accuracy and End problems that I have with him, despite being (over) slotted for Acc and End. On teams it's not so bad, but otherwise--forget it.

    Mind/ - I had a Mind/Thorny Dom who was powerful. Unfortunately, he was the only alt I've made where it really DID seem like there was only one "best" way of mashing buttons. It got really boring after 22 levels, so I deleted him.

    Elect/Elect Blaster- weak damage, many deaths; This is one of my first alts (Fall, 2004), and I just don't want to play him anymore. I think he's stuck at 25. He just can't seem to do basic missions without dying a LOT.

    Most "paired" sets (i.e.- Dark/Dark, Ice/Ice, Stone/Stone, etc.)- only because I get confused as to what powers do what (all those similar names and effects!), and whether they're part of the primary or secondary. Plus, it seems a little limiting in scope to me.

    My favorite characters:

    Earth/Storm Controller (lvl 50)
    MA/SR Scrapper (lvl 50)
    Bane (lvl 45)
    DB/Nin Stalker (lvl 36)
    Claws/Invuln Brute (lvl 23)
    WP/Fire Tanker (lvl 50)
    Fire/Dark Scrapper (lvl 23)
    Mercs/Traps MM (lvl 32) These have all turned out to be great fun!
  9. Don't get me wrong--I like Swap Ammo. It's just that, at level 6, I think that there are other, more useful powers to get. I took SA at 22 and, at 27, am seeing some good uses for it (hold, slows, DoT, -dmg). But again, at level 6? I was MUCH better off taking Darkest Night.

    Those early levels are all about survival, getting good fast recharging attack powers and/or some power that will keep you alive. Fighting Snakes in Mercy Island is easier with more guns than with more (different) bullets. LOL
  10. I was able to take my DP/Dark Corr up to level 27 over the weekend and I've really enjoyed the combo. Here's what I put together:

    1. Twilight Grasp
    1. Pistols
    2. Dual Wield
    4. Tar Patch
    6. Darkest Night
    8. Bullet Rain
    10. Swift
    12. Supressive Fire
    14. Health
    16. Shadow Fall
    18. Executioner's Shot
    20. Stamina
    22. Swap Ammo
    24. Fearsome Stare
    26. Piercing Rounds

    SF turned out to be a great pick at 12, as it really helped give me some control over the battlefield. Between this and Darkest Night, I was able to neutralize 2 threats right at the start of every fight. Bullet Rain is a really good power, but wasn't so much early on. It really came into it's own after SOs. Fearsome Stare is terrific, and allowed me to start the fights for my team in relative safety. Swap Ammo is a cool gimmick, but it really IS mainly a gimmick. I like the ability to turn a stun into a hold, but I'm glad I put this one off for awhile.

    Okay, those are just my initial thoughts on DP?Dark. I had a great time playing with Double XP this weekend, and was able to get my Plant/Thorny Dom and my Rad/Mental Blaster past level 20 (Stamina) as well!
  11. Thanks. I think I'll take this power next (lvl 12) for a little more control in battles. So far, /Dark seems to pair nicely with DP, as Tar Patch gives me a nice boost to my damage output and Darkest Night give me some protection from incoming damage.
  12. Well, I decided to take Darkest Night at 6 and Bullet Rain at 8. I went with Bullet Rain instead of Empty Clips because BR has a range of 80 and EC is only 40, and at this point, my character still needs the safety of distance in fights.

    I'm intrigued by Suppressive Fire, the stun/hold, at 12, as I've had great experience with Beanbag for AR on my Blaster in the past. Does anyone know how long the stun lasts for SF?
  13. I'm taking advantage of Double XP weekend to start a new Dual Pistols/Dark Corruptor. So far, I have:
    1. Pistols
    1. Twilight Grasp
    2. Dual Wield
    4. Tar Patch

    I'm not sure whether I should get Darkest Night or Empty Clips at 6. Actually, should I get both Empty Clips and Bullet Rain early on, or should I take one or the other and get Suppresive Fire at 12 for the hold?

    Any advice is welcome!
  14. My Dual Pistols/Dark cowboy Corruptor is in the Rogue Isles already, looking for trouble! Don't mess with Swifty Morgan!!
  15. That's a good one, too. The thread that I originally found is called "S/L Def IO's?" and is located several pages back now. There are a lot of good options for respeccing into what looks like a pretty hardy Blaster.
  16. Sorry, let me try this again...

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.601

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Eco DayGlow: Level 50 Science Blaster

    Primary Power Set: Radiation Blast

    Secondary Power Set: Mental Manipulation

    Power Pool: Fitness

    Power Pool: Flight

    Power Pool: Medicine

    Ancillary Pool: Force Mastery

    Hero Profile:

    Level 1:  X-Ray Beam  --  Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(7), Dmg(7), Dmg(15), RechRdx(17)

    Level 1:  Subdual  --  Acc(A), Acc(3)

    Level 2:  Irradiate  --  Acc(A), EndRdx(5), Dmg(9), Dmg(9), Dmg(15), RechRdx(43)

    Level 4:  Neutrino Bolt  --  Acc(A), Acc(5), Dmg(46), Dmg(46), Dmg(46)

    Level 6:  Swift  --  Run(A)

    Level 8:  Aim  --  RechRdx(A), RechRdx(17), RechRdx(37)

    Level 10:  Psychic Scream  --  Acc(A), Acc(11), Dmg(11), Dmg(13), Dmg(13), Range(36)

    Level 12:  Hover  --  Flight(A)

    Level 14:  Fly  --  Flight(A)

    Level 16:  Health  --  Heal(A), Heal(34), Heal(43)

    Level 18:  Cosmic Burst  --  Acc(A), Acc(19), Dmg(19), Dmg(23), Dmg(25), Range(40)

    Level 20:  Stamina  --  EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)

    Level 22:  Drain Psyche  --  Acc(A), RechRdx(23), RechRdx(25), Acc(27), Heal(27), EndMod(34)

    Level 24:  Concentration  --  RechRdx(A), RechRdx(34), RechRdx(42)

    Level 26:  Aid Other  --  Heal(A)

    Level 28:  Aid Self  --  Heal(A), Heal(29), IntRdx(29), Heal(42)

    Level 30:  Proton Volley  --  Acc(A), Dmg(31), Dmg(31), Dmg(31), IntRdx(33), EndRdx(43)

    Level 32:  Atomic Blast  --  Dmg(A), Dmg(33), Dmg(33), RechRdx(36), RechRdx(37), RechRdx(42)

    Level 35:  Neutron Bomb  --  Acc(A), Dmg(36), Dmg(37), Dmg(40), Acc(45)

    Level 38:  Psychic Shockwave  --  Acc(A), Acc(39), Dmg(39), Dmg(39), Dmg(40)

    Level 41:  Personal Force Field  --  DefBuff(A)

    Level 44:  Repulsion Field  --  EndRdx(A), EndRdx(45), EndRdx(45)

    Level 47:  Temp Invulnerability  --  EndRdx(A), ResDam(48), ResDam(48), ResDam(48), EndRdx(50)

    Level 49:  Force of Nature  --  RechRdx(A), RechRdx(50), RechRdx(50)


    Level 1:  Brawl  --  Empty(A)

    Level 1:  Sprint  --  Empty(A)

    Level 2:  Rest  --  Empty(A)

    Level 1:  Defiance  

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view  the build |
    |78DAA5934B6FD340148527B153374DD234097DA54D5F69A12 F4CBBE3B14082B6A81|
    |291A2B642E2D106D7B1DA912C3B4A5CA03B7E001B244062C1 2FE0B147FCB8706FE6|
    |4CA498ECB092F3D9C773EEDC19DBB5777B5921DE3F1489DC6 3DFE9741A8F4823AF6|
    |D1DBBD20B5C2FB3EF864B7BCEF5133F7C6B09211670BF71E4 04175ED33E729AD289|
    |6418A86055DF3EBE6AB5C27664D7BC2072FC46CD0964EBCAE F8D2C1C06975E9B7C5|
    |B9F64EB61E8DB07320ABC4E27A32E7C797119E57AE735AF29 5D197885DED561F046|
    |76E4B9F465745DDC6F49D73E08DBAE4753F0C4D733D4E406F D5FE4048E6EAA07D31|
    |04970C418E438385150FC28FAD9443CFB92EA26503701CFB4 14478D41EABA9BA8FB|
    |9CB286CA9A86CE82B78DE14C516D355157A44ACA3BA53A96A A93B40A83BDAF829F0|
    |869F499C61C639AA89D8DB13AA198A6E219951599B4F232E4 E5E0E5E059E4E5556F|
    |C9FC98F296C14DB041A102FA2860FEA226E69D0267C05BE86 394EA9750BF34A2BC1|
    |B317E214CF69E48373589BA53D88319B00CBFAC7B44F63361 1AFB388DB1CBE00658|
    |A11E66B1EE59E417C99B539E31076F5E33813CAECF68FD15A CBF823E168CE15C427|
    |613EF9343D9456417F59818ABB1E7AEFB7E4DD915BC6B2B98 B78ACCAADE67701BF7|
    |BF12D69059837753D318A4CE7E27AE637FD64DE5FD206F0BF BBA85B56CC7F893C6D|
    |8EAD99A36BC3BC5E1DCC5FD5F94D941DD1DAC7337C679B3FF EDD28F0EF1F41FA76E|
    |F6BF6191E839CB3C4675F35FC7EFAC9E2B7DC42FC0094B9DE 519CB2B96539633168|
    |7E59CC565E9FEE9A7F377B9A17B2CF7591EB07CE041167F98 19962C4B8E659C25CF|
  17. After reading several threads on the advantages/disadvantages of Rad/ Blasters, I came up with this potential leveling-up build. I started him last night and took him to level 7. There's a great IO build thread on here that shows a lvl 50 respec with full Defenses that I think I'm going to follow once I get to that point, but in the meantime, I'd like some advice on what I'm planning now.

    [color:#48A4FF]Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.601[/color]

    [color:#B1C9F5]Click this DataLink to open the build![/color]

    [color:#48A4FF]Eco DayGlow:[/color][color:#B3CAF7] Level 50 Science Blaster[/color]
    [color:#48A4FF]Primary Power Set: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Radiation Blast[/color]
    [color:#48A4FF]Secondary Power Set: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Mental Manipulation[/color]
    [color:#48A4FF]Power Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Fitness[/color]
    [color:#48A4FF]Power Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Flight[/color]
    [color:#48A4FF]Power Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Medicine[/color]
    [color:#48A4FF]Ancillary Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Force Mastery[/color]

    [color:#48A4FF]Hero Profile:[/color]
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]X-Ray Beam[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](3)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](7)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](7)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](15)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](17)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Subdual[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](3)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 2:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Irradiate[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndRdx[/color](5)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](9)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](9)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](15)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](43)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 4:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Neutrino Bolt[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](5)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](46)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](46)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](46)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 6:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Swift[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Run[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 8:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Aim[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](17)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](37)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 10:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Psychic Scream[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](11)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](11)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](13)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](13)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Range[/color](36)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 12:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Hover[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Flight[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 14:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Fly[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Flight[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 16:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Health[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](34)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](43)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 18:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Cosmic Burst[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](19)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](19)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](23)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](25)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Range[/color](40)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 20:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Stamina[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]EndMod[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndMod[/color](21)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndMod[/color](21)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 22:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Drain Psyche[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](23)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](25)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](27)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](27)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndMod[/color](34)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 24:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Concentration[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](34)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](42)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 26:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Aid Other[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 28:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Aid Self[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](29)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]IntRdx[/color](29)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Heal[/color](42)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 30:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Proton Volley[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](31)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](31)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](31)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]IntRdx[/color](33)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndRdx[/color](43)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 32:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Atomic Blast[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](33)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](33)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](36)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](37)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](42)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 35:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Neutron Bomb[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](36)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](37)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](40)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](45)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 38:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Psychic Shockwave[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Acc[/color](39)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](39)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](39)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]Dmg[/color](40)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 41:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Personal Force Field[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]DefBuff[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 44:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Repulsion Field[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]EndRdx[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndRdx[/color](45)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndRdx[/color](45)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 47:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Temp Invulnerability[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]EndRdx[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]ResDam[/color](48)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]ResDam[/color](48)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]ResDam[/color](48)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]EndRdx[/color](50)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 49:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Force of Nature[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](A)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](50)[color:#B1C9F5], [/color][color:#5EAEFF]RechRdx[/color](50)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Brawl[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Sprint[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 2:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Rest[/color] [color:#48A4FF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
    [color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Defiance[/color]

    I usually solo, with some teaming later on. Any advice would be helpful. As a note, I usually don't start investing in IOs until I hit the mid 30s unless I stumble upon a Unique that I can use.
  18. GGG247


    I could also use some help with some Rad/Rad suggestions.

  19. I've found that Claws/Ninjitsu makes a better Batman Stalker than MA. Just customize the claws to the short, spikey ones, and give your alt black gloves to cover them up for the most part. It looks like your alt is punching bad (good) guys rather than using MA's kicks. I did this with my Scrapper (Claws/SR) and it works great.
  20. 1. Make the top of the page (where the City of Heroes logo sits) collapsable, so that those of us who pop on during work hours don't have to immediately scroll down on each and every page before the Boss looks over our shoulder.

    2. Replace that "Powers Customization" picture on the main page. I'm really tired of looking at that green ice dude EVERY TIME I log in. That picture's been up since about April or May. Shouldn't there be updates (like for the current Halloween event) to this "cover art" on a more regular basis? (At least change his ice color to blue or purple or orange or something....)
  21. 1. A wider variety of maps (even if it's just a lot of NEW office/warehouse/cave settings)
    2. A Faultline-style revamp of DA, Boomtown, and Eden
    3. A better engine that's kinder to our computers. Tabula Rasa, for all it's problems, had beautiful graphics with few if any graphical problems for my older computer.
    4. More advertising, so we can keep the servers full daily. This is a great game already; let's let people know about that!
  22. I'll probably spend most of my time on my lvl 35 Bane and lvl 32 Elec/NRG Stalker this weekend, followed by a random number of other alts who may need a level or two.

    Most importantly (for CoH, that is), I WON'T be playing Champions Online this weekend, which I've been doing much of the past 5 weeks.
  23. Also, don't discount the Tunneling travel power. This is a very nice "sneaky" power, as you can tunnel underneath enemies without their knowledge, then burst out of the ground and get an alpha on them. It's really cool.
  24. Sounds like a great panel and a really cool booth. Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, at Dragoncon in Atlanta, we had a standing room only crowd discussing and debating the same issues. Unfortunately, we didn't have any Devs, any booths, any demos, or any official support. In fact, NCSoft didn't even bother to send us a single CoX-branded keychain!

    Maybe next year, NCSoft can share the love with those of us on the "wrong" side of the mighty Mississippi. There are a FEW of us here, you know!
  25. I've been playing around with the idea of a Rad/MM Blaster, as I like ranged damage over melee for Blasters, and these are 2 sets I've not played to higher levels before. Also. this would be PvE, primarily solo or PUGs. After doing a little research, I came up with this basic build:

    1. Subdual
    1. Neutrino Bolt
    2. X-Ray Beam
    4. TK Thrust
    6. Swift
    8. Proton Volley
    10. Psychic Scream
    12. Aim
    14. Fly
    16. Health
    18. Cosmic Burst
    20. Stamina
    22. Drain Psyche
    24. Concentration
    26. Electron Haze
    28. Aid Other
    30. Aid Self
    32. Atomic Blast
    35. Scare
    38. Psychic Shockwave

    Does this look like a viable build? I'll have my 60 month Vet Badge in a couple of weeks, so I won't need to take a pre-travel travel power. If I can only slot up either Subdual or Neutrino Bolt for damage, which should I go for? Any advice would be appreciated.