Bane's pets




Do Call Reinforcements and Summon Blaster (Mace patron) offer good sources of damage?

If I am building a damage-oriented bane, should I pick both of them or can I do without any one of them?




Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
Do Call Reinforcements and Summon Blaster (Mace patron) offer good sources of damage?

If I am building a damage-oriented bane, should I pick both of them or can I do without any one of them?

I know for my Crab they help bring the damage level up a bit and I would imagine it does the same for my bane...but I used the little guys to keep a spawn preoccupied dmg took a back seat with my bane build. Since In my honest opinions Bane's deal some rather nasty dmg. I also love fighting Ritki with my Bane.



Both pets are pretty useful at dealing damage and your leadership toggles will make them even better. I would also recommend sneaking a coulple of the pet auras in them to make them even tougher.

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point



Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
Do Call Reinforcements and Summon Blaster (Mace patron) offer good sources of damage?

If I am building a damage-oriented bane, should I pick both of them or can I do without any one of them?

Personally I would try them, they do offer some damage and and holding capabilities, but you have very little control over it.

I had them on my bane, but I respec'd them in favor of more leadership powers.
Judging by my experience, the two disruptors alone are not very survivable in combat. It seemed that they were able to survive situations that I could have just soloed to begin with and when the things got out of hand, they'd be the first ones to get wrecked.

But like I said, try them first.



It depends on what you're up to, what kind of missions/TFs etc. you are running. For a Crab, ST damage is mediocre and the pets help with that. A Bane should have no problems with ST damage.

Personally I leveled my crab to the mid-40's focusing on +recharge and the pets. Then I respecced to a Tough/Weave and AoE-only build, with IO sets focusing on defense, and I am very happy with the result, except for the endurance issues. I can tag along quite safely with tanks or brutes as they spike through the ITF missions, I can even go spike on my own but it's tougher. Tankers and Brutes get def debuff resistance; spiders don't. (I haven't figured out a way to get any at all, I don't see IO sets offering any.)

If you are soloing I'm sure the pets are great, but on a team that's rolling fast, I find it a pain to keep track of what they are doing, what aggro they are drawing, etc. I have two level 50 MMs, I don't really want to play a crabstermind.

Sorry all my advice is about a crab. But the only thing I really miss from the pets is the extra ST damage, and Banes are not going to miss that at all.



I use the Call Reinforcements pets on my Bane when I'm about to have a tough fight on my hands and I need to keep the Boss (or Elite Boss) distracted while I whale away on him. They're also good for taking out any pesky Minions or Lts. that may be around. Their damage isn't great, it's mainly their mere presence that helps the most.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)