Front Page of CoX Website




1. Make the top of the page (where the City of Heroes logo sits) collapsable, so that those of us who pop on during work hours don't have to immediately scroll down on each and every page before the Boss looks over our shoulder.

2. Replace that "Powers Customization" picture on the main page. I'm really tired of looking at that green ice dude EVERY TIME I log in. That picture's been up since about April or May. Shouldn't there be updates (like for the current Halloween event) to this "cover art" on a more regular basis? (At least change his ice color to blue or purple or orange or something....)

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



I'll give him point two, but for a completely different reason. You can't make any version of Ice Armor look like that because of the desaturated color palette.