i thought about a new character inspired by batman

Adeon Hawkwood



now i am torn between scrapper and stalker and not sure what primary and secondary to take?
scrap: ma or kat and wp or invul or reg
stalker: ma or kat or ninjablade and wp or ninjitsu or reg

i am really clueless

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



I would say Batman is either MA/SR or MA/WP.



sry forgot to mention that i ment the new batman movies for powers and choices

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



MA/SR was the default Batman from early beta on. Its almost as cliche as a Invul/SS/PM tankers with fly as superman.



Willpower, Super Reflexes and Ninjitsu are all good choices for Batman clones, conceptually. The "wonderful toys" type of character with gadgets is more Ninjitsu, but you don't have to rely on them, you could just be a martial artist that relies on quickness and stealth. I will say that IMHO a true Batman clone has to have Stealth from the Power Pool, if he's a Scrapper. That's just too much a part of his MO.

Katana or Ninja Blade will fit with just the ninja/martial artist concept. Personally, if you like that idea, I would go with it, it will make your character different from Batman and not just a copy of him. Martial Arts is a pretty good set, though, my Bat-clone is MA/SR. (With Stealth and Intimidate)

I wouldn't go with either Inv or Regen as to my mind those are too much "super" powers. Maybe an armored Batman, or one that is half vampire could be Inv and Regen respectively.



MA/Nin sounds very Batman-esque. Def Softcap potential, a self heal, and some little gadgets and tools? That sounds 100% Batman to me. For a primary I'd say Martial Arts, Dark Melee or Claws for a primary.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



If i were going to do a Batman? It'd be a MA/Nin Stalker turned Vigulantie.

MA for Bat's hand to hand combat. Ninja for Defence, and a few extra toys he uses. (smoke bombs, powders, and the like) Stalker for the inherend Hide, as we all know, he's a master of sneaking up on people. Fitness. Fighting for toughness/weave. I'd use an all natural approuch, so no travel powers, maybe combatjumping, and ninja run for travel.

A Vigulantie, (i know i'm misspelling that...) because he'd fight the good fight, he just wouldn't be very nice about it.

And that'd be my Batman.

Oh, and if we'er woking on PURE concept, take Intemadate.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
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I have to agree w/ MA/Nin Stalker. I have a knockoff on Triumph that kicks so much **** its not funny. Ive solo'd almost every arc villain side up through lvl 14. Very fun toon. If you go this route, take this advice, take the fly pool (air Sup and Fly for travel) instead of speed or jumping. You will need the extra attack early on, and there is nothing better than Fly while hidden. I would take swift (to help w/ fly speed) and even hurdle later if you wanted to. Would also try and fit in Combat Jumping (immob protection) and maybe work on the fighting pool for tough (wont need weave w/ all that defense) just in case something gets though ur defense.
Im planning on going Soul Patron for shadow meld, but YMMV. Enjoy!



Originally Posted by vernichterhelge View Post
now i am torn between scrapper and stalker and not sure what primary and secondary to take?
scrap: ma or kat and wp or invul or reg
stalker: ma or kat or ninjablade and wp or ninjitsu or reg

i am really clueless
I just started a MA/SR Bat-Girl homage. She will get stealth and weapons mastery. Not sure if I will take the power stealth or just use an IO or both... I am thinking just the IO will do. While I agree Ninjitsu is pretty close to Batman I think the scrapper still covers all the bases needed.

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



I'm just going to stress that MA for stalkers is Severely sub par overall. Go for it if you want, but I did suggest Claws and Dark Melee for a reason: They're just plain better than MA for stalkers right now.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



Originally Posted by pmgunnerxx View Post
While I agree Ninjitsu is pretty close to Batman I think the scrapper still covers all the bases needed.
Honestly, while the stealth and "wonderful toys" are in concept, I don't know that the Assassin Strike is. And while Stalkers are a lot more Scrapper-like since they got their HP and damage raised, I still say that Batman frequently takes on large groups of baddies and beats them effortlessly, while is not really the Stalker concept. Bats more strikes from surprise, but then uses his full arsenal of attacks, instead of some special one hit KO technique.

Which is why I say it's the Ninjitsu that is more Batman than the Stalker. If Scrappers had Ninjitsu, (particularly if it had built-in stealth like Dark Armor) that would likely be close enough. MA/SR with Stealth, Intimidate and some Weapon Mastery attacks does play very much like a Ninjitsu Stalker.



Bruce Wayne is MA/WP...Batman is MA/WP w/ toys.

My Batman esque character is MA/WP.



I actually made a Batman inspired toon out of an AR/Trap Corruptor. Yes, he uses guns, fire, poisons and explosions, but it still worked for me.



I've found that Claws/Ninjitsu makes a better Batman Stalker than MA. Just customize the claws to the short, spikey ones, and give your alt black gloves to cover them up for the most part. It looks like your alt is punching bad (good) guys rather than using MA's kicks. I did this with my Scrapper (Claws/SR) and it works great.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



My Batman inspired toon, Dark Hareman, is an electric^3 blaster.

He's got the rabbit ears and a mustache, but otherwise standard Dark Knight. Monsterous gloves with Tech Banded, the only part of his costume that's not black, it's dark gold. He's got the Ninja run and stealth, soon to have Celerity +Stealth [if any will come on the market].

Why electricity? He has to have gadgets. "Where does he get those wonderful toys?" And ice, fire, etc, don't cut it.

I would do a catwoman, but not only is there no powerset that matches, it would only be the one billionth cat girl out there.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
My Batman inspired toon, Dark Hareman, is an electric^3 blaster.

He's got the rabbit ears and a mustache, but otherwise standard Dark Knight.
Haha...sounds like Batmanuel from the Tick.



Claws/Nin is the best new Batman build for the one in the Dark knight and Batman Begins, it has already been discussed. You have to go Natural and pretend that the knives you throw are baterrangs. However, this was discussed before the animation changes to MA.

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I understand ur stand point, I respectfully disagree. Small wall fo text forthcoming.
One could make the argument that this new Batman character (Bale) is changing ATs and powersets as he progresses in the story. Just off the top of my head Kat/WP, MA/Nin, MA/WP, MA/DA (new armor maybe). I definately think this current incarnation is more of a Rogueish Villain turning into the Epic Hero, especially given the ending to Dark Knight.
Its hard to argue the scrapper MA/XX Scraper as being most fitting thematically for most of the comic book and to some extent the TV/Movie versions of Batman. I believe the essence of Batman is not stand toe-to-toe with his foes and scrap it out though. Bats is a calculated predator (more similar to the Arkham Asylum Batman). He surprise attacks (assassin strikes) someone from out of the shadows and melds back into darkness unless all hell breaks loose, then he rolls his sleaves up and goes to town. Not his preferable method of battle, but something he can excell in.
In the end, its to each his own. But if trying to lock him into a specific CoX AT, Stalker seems to fit him better. But to each his own.
I'd love to take my Stalker vs ur Scraper PvP and see how is better. MUHAHAHA



Batman can "plan" to be any AT he wants.



Batman AT arguments are an old flamewar. He's been argued as everything from MA/SR to DM/Nin. Honestly, it's up to you.