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  1. A whole friggin year!?!?!?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Selina_H View Post
    How does Alpha level shift affect this? Would you need to be fighting level 51 mobs, since they con even?
    This is one of those situations where calling the incarnate level shifts "level shifts" confuses things. The alpha shift has no effect here. As far as the game is concerned you're still a lvl 50 when it comes to the drops.
  3. Re: Tony's post

    Hindsight....not only 20/20, but also rose-colored
  4. It will be DVRd or on-demanded. Game of Thrones wraps season one tonight.
  5. Spot on Wendy. Historically, the one thing that retains players in any MMO isn't the game itself, but the community. As it stands, in this game you can go from 1 to 50 and never talk to another person. The only thing that requires the most minimal communication with the rest of the players at all is joining a team, (and not even that sometimes, if you respond to blind invites) and somehow it's supposed to be in the game's best interest to automate even that?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    It provokes more than a meh with me because I've seen such systems in action and it's not all wine and roses. It changes the way people act and treat each other across the spectrum of the game, and as such it's not something that should be embarked on lightly.
    This is true. People stop treating each other as team mates and more like NPC henchmen. Granted, this does happen now, but it seems to become more prevalent in a game with autoteaming, from what I've seen.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post

    That said, I fail to understand why this suggestion should provoke anything other than a yes or Meh. It's not like it would chage anything for those not having troubles. As you'd still be teaming with your tight nit group anyways.
    Development time is a limited currency. Time spent coding one thing is time not spent coding something else.
  8. Ok...auto-team dumps a bunch of people into a team, through whatever mechanism. I'd assuming that most of these are the types that are "start-team" phobics, else they would have done that. So...who's the lead? These people still need to pick missions, which means someone has to have the star. I can see that turning into a good 10-15 min game of hot star....mainly because i've seen it happen before when the original team lead has to bail...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post

    Hal Jordan is a focused, angry, responsible character who seems to be uncaring due to his focus and anger.
    Is that Hal when he first got the ring, or Hal after decades(real time) of ring-slinging?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nemo_Utopian View Post
    And is it the season or the budget that allow this lowered expectation?

    I notice that I can not add summer to "It is a good steak" and permit lower expectations. If the cook makes it in a different season he gets no lowered expectation. If he gets a bigger budget with which to prepare my steak, expectations for a good steak rise should rather then fall.
    The term "summer movie" doesn't really have anything to do with the season it's released, or the budget, but the style of movie. Big, noisy, action packed, effects spectaculars. Another term would be a "popcorn movie". It's not really lowered expectations, but *different* expectations. What makes a good popcorn movie isn't necessarillly what makes a makes a "good" movie overall. A summer movie isn't particularly meant to make the audience think deep thoughts (which is what may account for the split in opinion on Inception)...they can, but it's not generally the aim of a popcorn movie.

    Like I said, hamburger and steak...you judge each on different scales.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nemo_Utopian View Post
    Why does adding the word "Summer" to the description "Good movie" somehow allow a lower standard then the words "Good movie" alone?

    I see this all the time, and it rather perplexes me. Am I the only person that thinks a good summer movie does not come out every summer?
    It's like the difference between a good hamburger and a steak. Both are ostensibly made of the same basic stuff, but well, one's hamburger ie. summer flic ie lower expectations to hit to be considered "good hamburger". And the other is steak ie. more serious fare. And no...a good summer movie doesn't come out every summer, but I don't know what that has to do with anything.
  12. Nitpick: Neo's wearing a coat, over a shirt and pants, in that scene.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Why would you remove the animated movies? Are they not real movies or something?

    If you're gonna be restrictive like that, I would add that you can only have one movie from a franchise, so you'd have to choose which of those movies is the best of the bunch to add to the list.
    I'd tend to agree with putting live action in a separate list from animated, if only for the additional technical challenge of doing live-action superheroics and not having it look silly/sloppy.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    was their an answer to why they went with a full CGI suit instead of a CGI transformation, followed by having a actual spandex suit of some sort?
    Spandex doesn't really look good on real people.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    The biggest serious dwarf role anyway.

    I'm curious as to how they are going to account for the child actors aging faster than their characters are supposed to.

    Well, they're already older than they were in the books to begin with
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I never said it did, most of what it did was copied from other games and then refined. However, before it came along you did get more variety in MMOs.
    That's because MMOs were a total niche before them. Now they're big business. I thought I'd typed something up about this other point in my last post, but seems it dinna post.

    Anyways, like the Hollywood blockbuster, MMOs are increasingly getting the AAA budgets. The investments are huge and being completely innovative is a *massive* amount of risk. So, you tend to end up with things that for the most part are the same. They'll try one or two new things, but for the most part they give people what they expect from a given genre. Because the people with the money backing the projects are risk-averse.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Unfortunately that's how game design seems to work these days. Non-Generic Fantasy MMO came along and made millions of dollars so now the assumption is that the way to make an uber-popular MMO is to try to clone Non-Generic Fantasy MMO.

    Well, yes and no...The gorilla didn't innovate on anything in the MMO market except the scale of their success. Everything they've done had been done already or was being done. And like I said, it's not just MMOs that work this way, or even just gaming.
    You have genres for a reason. People fire up an MMO, FPS, RPG or whatever other acronym you can think of, and they're going to expect certain things, and when they're not there, that's a potential problem. Check the reviews on a long vaporware FPS that just came out. It's missing a lot of what more current FPS' have and it's taking a beating for it. Hell, check out some of the comments on any Game of Thrones site after episode 9 from the avg person that didn't read the books. They pulled a major switchup from the standard fantasy tale and a lot of people lost their minds.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Welcome to the world of computer software. When we fire up certain programs, we expect certain things. Word Processors have spellcheck and style controls. Spreadsheets have standard calculation formulae. 1st person shooters have a variety of weapons, maps and multiplayer options. MMOs have a mix of PvE, PvP, and the requisite tools in place so players can find, communicate, and interact with each other.

    I'm having a hard time seeing exactly what your issue is, unless you're saying the learning curve is too steep? To that I say, in every MMO I've tried, they never dump everything on you at level 1 unless they make clear what topics are advanced and what are basic, and give you the option to put things off until later when you're ready to learn them.

    I wouldn't claim every building made of bricks is the same just because they all have bricks, and I don't see how you can say all MMOs are the same because most of them use common tools. It's how those tools are applied and intermingled that makes a good game.

    Oh yeah, water is wet too.
    Hell, welcome to entertainment in general. It's divided into genres so that people know right off the bat what they're in for...in a general sense, at least.

    I don't see the issue either, except if Sam's just now discovering this, it does explain a lot of his positions.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    You may be right, but my perception is that the crit is from a ranged attack. I've been through the hall entrance a couple of times when this has occurred. But given the amount of lag in some trials, the amount of distance you think you've traveled vs what the server thinks may be two separate things.
    Turn on your combat text and watch/log it next time...should tell you plain as day what's whacking ya.
  20. No such thing in this game
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    That's definitely an issue. Another problem is that someone decided to hang Magneto's origin on the Holocaust, which makes his birth year no later than 1932 (in the movies) whereas in the comics it's specifically stated he was born in the late '20s and was sent to the Warsaw ghetto when his family was rounded up in 1939. So in 2011 he's either 82-85 (comics) or 79-84 (films). Doing that really limits the stories you can tell in present day without evoking the magic reset button on his age.
    The comics did just that.

    " Magneto continued his genetic experiments and, using technology abandoned by the Inhumans Phaeder and Maelstrom, he created Alpha, whom he dubbed the “Ultimate Mutant”. Alpha turned on his creator, however, reducing Magneto and the Brotherhood to infancy. The baby Magneto was transferred to Muir Island, where geneticist Moira MacTaggert attempted to control Magneto's insane rages by manipulating his DNA so that his body would be better able to tolerate his powers. Magneto was later restored to adulthood by the Shi’ar alien Eric the Red."

    End result, Mags is physically about 1/2 his actual age. Which is really the only time I've seen any comic even tangentally deal with the fact that their characters don't age relative to the world they're depicted in.
  22. It's Australia...the people on the ground have a lot more to worry about than a hoverbike
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    Before checking the link I assumed it was a serious attempt.

    That is not even vaguely so yet. I mean hell, it doesn't even have any form of stability device (no gyroscopes yet). As soon as he would cut the tethers it would flip and fall on the driver. If the driver were lucky he'd just get crushed rather than the Cuisinart fans mangling him.

    This is not even close to a real effort. You might as wells strap wings to your motorcycle. At least that would be safer.

    The U.S. Military worked for a long time on devices along these lines back in the 60s and eventually gave up. They had a lot more money and engineering talent to throw at the problem.

    It was also the 60's...we have access to much better materials
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    Actually, even his aiming is a partof his mutation: He's can instinctively do spatial calculations reall quickly (hence why he can bounce his punch-beams off stuff) it also makes him a very good pool-player.
    And he wouldn't need the visor if it wasn't for damage suffered when he was little. He and Alex were strapped into a chute and pushed out of their plane by their father when they came under attack by the Shi'ar. He bonked his head when they landed and that broke his ability to control his blasts.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Schindler's List is a film about real person. X-Men is a film about super heros/villains from a comic book. I'm sorry that you are unable to tell the difference between the two.
    Yeah, but going from the descriptions here, the scene in question is depicting a similar event, both involving concentration camp victims and their Nazi captors. Seems to me the reaction would likely be the similar. Sure, Erik will one day be Magneto, he's not yet at that point (unless they've butchered X-continuity more than I thought) in the story.