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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Just to be fair here is Me

    Nobody can accuse me of being a hypocrite.

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    You look just like your avatar

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    The picture is of my secret identity... I am supposed to look goofy, otherwise everyone would know I was a super-villain!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    This might be a little dated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    YOU ROCK!!!
  3. Just to be fair here is Me

    Nobody can accuse me of being a hypocrite.
  4. Ha-ha! I googled Statesman and found that!

    The real Statesman, but who is that to his right? Anyone of interest?
  5. Hey folks,

    Anyone interested in what thier favorite dev looks like? We have all seen Jack aka "States" & Zeb aka "Recluse", but what about Posi, Manticore, Cuppa, etc?

    I think the devs need to post thier real life pics!

    I will post mine too... but you first!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow. I've been playing COH/COV since beta, and never had statesman reply to any post of mine. I'm 34 years old and that just made me feel like a 10 year old at xmas.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not only did he reply to your post... he replied to your post with very significant news. Good job.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Personally, I'm a fan of shadows.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah! A clue! Could the next expansion be about PULP-type heroes, like the Shadow? Hmmm...

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    Statesman has said, although the post is long since vaporware and therefore cannot be proven, that he would like to do a City of Pulp type of thing. So yes, I believe this is a possibility.

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    Never underestimate my power of Search-Fu:

    Clicky #1
    Clicky #2

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Holy Crap you're good!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Personally, I'm a fan of shadows.

    [/ QUOTE ]



    ...shadows of THE EMPIRE!!!

    City of Heroes WILL MERGE WITH Star Wars Galaxies!!!

  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Me? What do I think is next?

    Hmmm. It isn't Spies quite yet...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know, I know... Heroes and Villains joing forces against a common foe. Problem is... I can't be trusted.
  10. Please come to Bedrock Comics in Houston! We're like 3 hours away from Austin... C'mon Jack! C'mon buddy... C'mon!
  11. I had 3 contact options, took Bill Heck and missed all the badges. I really tried hard not to outlevel them too. Please devs introduce the "flasback" system so that we can complete and meet low level contacts after we outlevel them even if we only get prestige or influence. Some of us, like me, are completely badge obsessed and really want a chance to get them all.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Well I open my box and discover - ONLY SIX

    I am missing ghost widow!! The box was still sealed and didn't look tampred with... everything else was in the box.

    Very disappointed. =( Anyone else have this problem ? any way someone can fix this travashamockery of packaging?

    I want mah Ghost Widow!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same here.
  13. Statesman wrote:

    [ QUOTE ]
    remember that villains already have hero options. They can create a character identical to one that exists in City of Heroes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can't make me remember!
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    OK - here's the most likely outcome...

    If you own both games, you get all options - the new CoV sets will be accessible for your heroes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry folks but I want people to see my villain running down the street and say "Oh crap! A villain!"

    I already think that the devil's horns (which I used I may add cause I wanted to be a villain) in the hero creator is far too "Villainy". I know that Hellboy, Dare Devil, and numerous other horny heroes exist in comics but how much more fun would CoV be if all heroes had been "Superman" goodie goodies and City of Villains was the only way to be a nasty dirty evil looking monster. The Devs paint this universe so to argue "Marvel and DC do it!" is illogical.

    So many CoV complains revolve around "Why by CoV, when it is no different that CoH?" or "I don't feel like a villain". It seems to me the Devs are only making it worse on themselves by carrying over all the content. Bottom line is if to this point heroes all looked like the Superman, Shazzam and the Flash a lot more people would feel “Villainous” when playing CoV with big ol’ devil horns and monstorous legs. Devs! Please make CoV it’s own by not blurring the line between CoH and CoV!

    The biggest problem with CoV is that I allready played a villain in CoH. Does anyone else feel the same? I think the Devs need to up the anty... I think they need to trump the CoH villains with a newer badder CoV villain.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    OK - here's the most likely outcome...

    If you own both games, you get all options - the new CoV sets will be accessible for your heroes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lame, heroes should look different than villains.
  16. Funnel_Web

    Call for Models

    Hero Name: Imp of Perverse
    Server: Virtue

    Imp of Perverse
  17. EEEEEEK! (screams like Ned Flanders)
  18. Funnel_Web

    Boss Changes

    The Solo Superhero

    I wrote "A Letter to Statesman Clause", I have also been called fanboy several times and have been been sent several PM's by Statesman… I was a very happy loyal gamer.

    What happened to the Story of my hero, one that had been unfolding for 8 months now...

    How would it have felt if every time you read a Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Spawn, or Punisher comic the main hero had to call in four of their friends to finish a task or mission? I am talking every single issue of every single comic. I have read a significant amount of comics in my day, maybe not as many as Statesman but let me tell you, for the most part Superman and Spiderman comics began and ended with the subject hero winning his battles alone. Spiderman never called in three other heroes every time the Green Goblin came to town, or when Neo faced Agent Smith alone, Batman faced the Joker, Superman faced Bizzarro, they were always the most exciting moments for me.

    Well since Update Three the story of my hero has changed from that of a great lone hero to that of what appears to be a hero who sits on the virtue server scanning the Hero looking for work pages in his local Hero Directory trying to form a team for 30 minutes so he can jump online to do a "Quick" mission. I hit Level 40 with Update Three, six of the missions I had so been looking forward to so much since my contacts finally opened up have all been far too difficult to solo. So much for the casual friendly game. Last night four (Real Life Friends) non-board posting casual, married players all logged in to help me, we all quit when the three blasters and one scrapper (me) could not defeat the two orange bosses in my mission. We all left annoyed and with plenty of debt, we have been playing together for 8 months and this has never happened. You could easily say "well you guys suck" well fine, then we always sucked and never had this problem before because the game we played was for people like "us". That is not the case anymore.

    I have practically soloed to 40, with the exception of "you will need help from friends" missions, arch-villains, "click two boxes simultaneously", and the odd "damn that’s a tough mission" mission. I couldn't even solo a clear the warehouse mission last night. Now when I log in for a quick mission all I can do is street sweep, well I did that from 38 – 40, and if I have that as my only option then maybe this isn't the game for me anymore. That is pretty sad, because this was the only game for me last week, and had been four 8 months, and for a while I felt like a real hero. Now I feel like I am on a team of vigilantes. Maybe we need to change the game to "City of Vigilante Teams" because a real hero of my former stature could defeat a Carnie Boss or a Paragon Protector. I had always imagined that by level 40 you would be doing amazing things with great power and villains would fear you… well my contacts don't know me that well because I can't complete a single one of their tasks alone. They think far too highly of me… am I not the hero they had hoped for? Maybe they were expecting the Fantastic Four.

    I am sorry but I feel cheated. Please change the game back to what it was before the boss tweaks. If people want more of a challenge, use the difficulty slider. Sadly, for the first time in 8 months, I couldn't be bothered to play tonight.
  19. The Solo Superhero

    I wrote "A Letter to Statesman Clause", I have also been called fanboy several times and have been been sent several PM's by Statesman… I was a very happy loyal gamer.

    What happened to the Story of my hero, one that had been unfolding for 8 months now...

    How would it have felt if every time you read a Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Spawn, or Punisher comic the main hero had to call in four of their friends to finish a task or mission? I am talking every single issue of every single comic. I have read a significant amount of comics in my day, maybe not as many as Statesman but let me tell you, for the most part Superman and Spiderman comics began and ended with the subject hero winning his battles alone. Spiderman never called in three other heroes every time the Green Goblin came to town, or when Neo faced Agent Smith alone, Batman faced the Joker, Superman faced Bizzarro, they were always the most exciting moments for me.

    Well since Update Three the story of my hero has changed from that of a great lone hero to that of what appears to be a hero who sits on the virtue server scanning the Hero looking for work pages in his local Hero Directory trying to form a team for 30 minutes so he can jump online to do a "Quick" mission. I hit Level 40 with Update Three, six of the missions I had so been looking forward to so much since my contacts finally opened up have all been far too difficult to solo. So much for the casual friendly game. Last night four (Real Life Friends) non-board posting casual, married players all logged in to help me, we all quit when the three blasters and one scrapper (me) could not defeat the two orange bosses in my mission. We all left annoyed and with plenty of debt, we have been playing together for 8 months and this has never happened. You could easily say "well you guys suck" well fine, then we always sucked and never had this problem before because the game we played was for people like "us". That is not the case anymore.

    I have practically soloed to 40, with the exception of "you will need help from friends" missions, arch-villains, "click two boxes simultaneously", and the odd "damn that’s a tough mission" mission. I couldn't even solo a clear the warehouse mission last night. Now when I log in for a quick mission all I can do is street sweep, well I did that from 38 – 40, and if I have that as my only option then maybe this isn't the game for me anymore. That is pretty sad, because this was the only game for me last week, and had been four 8 months, and for a while I felt like a real hero. Now I feel like I am on a team of vigilantes. Maybe we need to change the game to "City of Vigilante Teams" because a real hero of my former stature could defeat a Carnie Boss or a Paragon Protector. I had always imagined that by level 40 you would be doing amazing things with great power and villains would fear you… well my contacts don't know me that well because I can't complete a single one of their tasks alone. They think far too highly of me… am I not the hero they had hoped for? Maybe they were expecting the Fantastic Four.

    I am sorry but I feel cheated. Please change the game back to what it was before the boss tweaks. If people want more of a challenge, use the difficulty slider. Sadly, for the first time in 8 months, I couldn't be bothered to play tonight.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    There's just no pleasing some people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know and read his signiture for Pete's sake! Talk about disgruntled.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Check out the known issues thread on test. All of those were enough of a reason for me to wait for issue three to be fixed before it was released.

    Pushing issue three when there were regressions in the code was foolish in my opinion. The blinky sound no longer working is a clear regression from Issue 2.

    Armors not useing resistance enhancements to protect against toxic was another clear reason to wait.

    Heck any of the reasons on that bug list are a good reason to wait. Especially when the free respec was not ready. The respec not being ready alone was enough of a reason to wait.

    How many more reasons do you need. Do you want ten reasons? 20 reasons? I am sure the "External Testers" can supply you with a long list of reasons.

    "What we have here is a level grind we pay for so we can play with Super Heros on a computer instead of Toy Action Figures in our backyard.?"

    "Coh is like Mystery Men Online."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seriously, why do you still play or frequent these boards, do us all a favor and leave. You don't represent the majority of the player base, you arr bitter for whatever reason. The so called "show stopper" bugs have not affected me or my friends and we are casual players of all archetypes, level 40 - 20. You people are so melodramatic.