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  1. OMG, late again! (It's become a bit of a SG in-joke )

    Happy belated birthday Pious mate - hope you managed to grab your share of the cake yesterday )
  2. Fulcrum

    Please reply!

    Just a quick question - how do you phrase your /tells?

    I tend to give a lot of info rather than a simple "lft" or similar 'text speak' request, and that usually gets a good response.

    I'm not saying text speak is right or wrong, but if I receive a lot of those simple messages it can start to feel a bit like the proverbial 4-year old tugging on your sleeve every 2 minutes.

    It might be worth looking at how you phrase your requests and see if you can do something a bit original or funny or with plenty of info, and see if that improves things.

    Hope this might help
  3. Fulcrum


    If someone hasn't done a TF/SF before it would be nice for them to see the whole thing, rather than the "Reader's Digest" version.

    If the team has done the same TF/SF multiple times or they are a little short on time but want to give it a go anyway, then we can see that ghosting is a tool to fix those problems (and there must be a demand for it otherwise we wouldn't be talking about it )

    I like to do as much of a TF/SF as I can fit into the time available, so I'm happy to clear if I have time and happy to ghost if I (or anyone else) is short of time.

    I also quite like the idea of a superhero who can sneak into a villain's base and sneak out unnoticed after retrieving the evidence he needs (Nightcrawler/Invisible Girl style, maybe?)
    That kind of feels like using your initiative rather than following the set path (every good Dungeon Master will know all about this technique, employed by players all over the world to ruin his previous 6 nights worth of plotting and mapping their downfall )

    Basically, there's no right or wrong answer for everyone; if you feel you'd rather complete each mission then that's the right answer for you
  4. Fulcrum


    Course, the other way to handle it is to follow their instructions to the letter; if it works it's a lesson learned, and if it all goes "bits up" then you can encourage everyone to point and laugh at the leet dude and scream "You lied to me!! I thought knew what you were talking about!! You're rubbish!!"
  5. Fulcrum


    Unfortunately, I think you'll find elitism in most online games - some people just seem to get off on chest-beating demonstrations of "uberness" in front of the new folks in town.

    If your friend sticks at it (and gets past the "willy-wavers" in the early areas like Atlas Park) the friendliness should improve a bit (just be careful later on when crossing the farmer's land in Peregrine Island )
  6. Nemesis plot, I'm tellin' ya...

    Yeah, I just noticed this myself. It seems to be declaring every site as unsafe... even when you search for Google itself

    (Not sure if this is the right section for this post, but just thought I'd let you know you're not the only one.)
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I would HUGELY enjoy Nemesis attacks like this

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Me too!
    That's why I had to share it, it just felt like such a great idea for the next invasion type and it fitted in so well with the way those citizens have been behaving like the automatons that you get in some Nemesis missions.

    I could imagine it being the kind of epic story that I used to read in Marvel comics when I was a nipper... (and Strykes me ol' China, I can (just about...) remember that far back
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    So, are all the "Nice day" citizens Nemesis automatons?

    Is it a Nemesis plot?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All citizens are Nemesis automatons. Including you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Me? How the heck di.... Lord Nemesis is watching you, Alvan... d you come to that conclusion?
  9. With respect, I think that posting and asking for nerfs while telling those that disagree with a certain point to "stop reading now" is a little unrealistic.

    It sort of feels like you're saying "Only my opinion counts, it doesn't matter if anyone else enjoys things as they are. I'm asking for you to be shafted but I expect you to just shut up and take it so that I can get the game I want".

    And surely the answer to the ease with which we can finish things is to ask for more challenging content??

    Also, balance is a tricky thing to achieve - it can be a downward spiral just as easily as the upward spiral that you mention, so that we all end up with flashy powers that are all as useful as brawl.

    You need to declare that things are roughly balanced at some stage, but there will always be some powers that shine out - it's almost inevitable.

    I like this game as it is now.

    If I want challenge, I'll take my PB to fight some bad guys who can mez his backside off.

    If I want to feel uber, I use my scrapper who cuts through most things with ease.

    The game can satisfy whichever mood I happen to be in.
  10. Someone mentioned recently that the variety of responses that you get from clicking on one of Paragon City's citizens seems to have changed at some stage.

    You used to get a number of different comments from them, but now you only get "It's a nice day" or an information message such as time spent on patrol if their name begins with the relevant letter.

    Well, I think it might be a Nemesis plot!!

    While I was standing near Talos train station, a citizen called Tony walked past, chatting on his mobile, and his conversation went something like:

    "Yeah, it is, I was talking to my cous.... Lord Nemesis is watching you, Quantum Dark.... sin about it last week"!!!

    So, are all the "Nice day" citizens Nemesis automatons?

    Is it a Nemesis plot?

    Is the next invasion going to be all those citizens being switched on at some stage by Nemesis so that every city zone becomes a battleground??

    Or is it just a perfectly simple case of paranoia on my part?

    And has anyone else noticed this message cropping up?
  11. Fulcrum

    SS and WP

    [ QUOTE ]
    Its funny how some ppl (who obviously dont want certain sets to be nerfed cause they love how op they are) pretend to not know that those sets are overpowered compared to others :-)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm not making any claims one way or the other, I just wonder why it's so important to you to change someone else's powers if they enjoy them as they are.

    Also, I clearly said that you can't be surprised if people who like those powers as they are get upset if someone who doesn't like those powers can't just leave them alone, but feels that it's their duty to 'do something about it'.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Claimg those sets arent overpowered compared to others. until some official posts the numbers is just ignorant.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    And claiming that they are, isn't?

    [ QUOTE ]
    In my opinion those sets are better than the rest

    [/ QUOTE ]
    fixed that for you....

    [ QUOTE ]
    but deny it out of fear that they beloved char is getting nerfed.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    again, I said that this is a completely understandable reaction and you must have known that when you posted.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Unbalanced games are no fun at least imo.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Why? Why does someone else playing a powerset that you think is overpowered affect you playing a different powerset?

    [ QUOTE ]
    And as i said i got a SS/Wp and like 10 other 50 brutes, 3 of them SS and 2 WP, thats why i know what they play like.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So play something else for a change.... good grief....

    Apologies to GR if I've overstepped any lines here - I just hate to see people trying to spoil fun for other folks, but may I refer the OP to the following extract from the board rules:
    [ QUOTE ]
    'NERF X!' threads are removed for much the same reason as 'I'm leaving' threads. They immediately turn into flame threads with little or no constructive information.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OK, righted my wrong for the day - off to bed for me now and have a good evening everyone.
  12. Fulcrum

    SS and WP

    Why so serious?

    Live and let live man - if someone wants to play a powerset, let them.

    I really hate these calls for nerfs when they crop up - it just comes across as someone who hates to see other folks enjoying themselves and wants to put a stop to all that nonsense right now...

    And if you call for a nerf to someone's favourite powerset you can't really be surprised when you meet resistance and they're suddenly up in arms about it. Of course they'll be upset.

    Look, if you think it's such a good set, go ahead and play it.

    On the other hand if you think it's over-powered, play something else, make it work for you, relish being different from the crowd and let others enjoy their uberness while you enjoy your uniqueness - them playing their way doesn't affect you, now does it?

    Like I said, just enjoy the game and be happy for others who are doing the same, albeit in ways you might not agree with.

    .......I feel better after that.....
  13. Sorry to disagree, Techbot bud, but I had the old version and hardly used it because:
    1)When I had to fall back on it I usually ended up chewing shagpile anyway
    2)It didn't fit with the regen set

    I've also got the new version and use it much, much, much more often - it fits nicely with my primary power set (DM)and it fits much more comfortably with the regen concept.

    I'd be unhappy to go back to the old version so my vote would be for keeping the new version with apologies to Techie A
  14. Just a quick word of thanks mate for getting this one together.

    I had the titan coming up on that arc and saved it because I thought the SG might like to take on the titan, but you shaped that idea into something a bit more memorable

    Only thing that scares me is just what the heck you're gonna come up with when mission editing is launched!!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Happy New Year to all you premature Euro types

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh god, they said this would happen eventually as I got older - premature celebration....
    I'm sorry, this doesn't normally happen....

    Happy New Year folks, make the best of whatever 2009 brings and see you in the city
  16. Definitely adding my best wishes to this one - I petitioned for the first time ever today and GM_Darren responded within a few minutes (missing a bomb in a Rikti mission... or so I thought - I was standing right under it...)

    Merry Xmas and thanks guys
  17. OK, in light of the recent spate of posts where some folks seem to be having trouble getting invites or finding teams, I thought those of us who seem to have more success in this area could share a few tips... I'll get the ball rolling...

    I had a /tell from someone this week complimenting me on my "looking for team" message. He felt it was informative and friendly and he felt he could chat to me without reproach. I have the same message on all my toons, and they all get regular /tells inviting them to team; the message is simply this: "Usually solo in the mornings, otherwise love to team for missions. Thanks for not asking me to fill" Feel free to use/cannibalise it if you like - it seems to work well for me.

    On the subject of inviting others to teams, I try to give them as much info as I can - something like "Hi <name>, we're just getting a team together to take on Siege - 3 of us around level 50 so far, would you like to join us?"
    And if they turn it down I thank them for replying and say 'have fun'.

    Over to you guys - do you have any tips that might help out?
  18. For me, new end-game activities would be great; new content is always fun to play though.

    I'd like to take my heroes out into the world and play in some wildly new locations - the jungle and deserted fairground locations caught my eye in another game.

    It would be nice to see some new gameplay mechanics added too - a step up from clicking gloweys and steamrollering through offices and warehouses full of bad guys.

    Perhaps missions where each hero gets separated as they going in and have to solve puzzles or defeat some foes on their own to meet up again...

    or planned assaults through multiple entrances or through skylights....

    or something like the PVP zone missions where you have to collect parts of some greater device around the city and assemble them in the final conflict area....

    ...pie in the sky maybe, but that kinda stuff would float my boat
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    One thing that did concern me though was at 12.30 Sunday afternoon, I did a search for heroes between lvls 31 and 45 on Union and got a list of 50. That list wasn't truncated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree, I've seen low counts too, but right now (7.15 GMT on Union, Monday morning) there are 86 heroes - more than I expected for that time of day... weird, innit?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This is not a suggestion to merge them, i just wanted to know why so many people are against it...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then learn to read.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure if the problem is that they don't read the posts already here, or whether it's not being able to accept that the reasons given in those posts are genuine ones for the people posting them - kind of "that doesn't agree with what I consider to be a real reason so I'll ignore it" kind of thing....

    One good thing about a server merge would be the end of the incessant server merge posts - but then I wouldn't be here to read them

    I guess there would then be a load of "where did everyone go, why's the population so low after we got our server merge?" posts
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    No offense intended, you're a good guy Efan, but you do need to understand that some people do think there is a population problem.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think he does, to be honest.

    I, too, can see that some folks are pro-merge and generally it seems to be someone of that persuasion who kicks off these posts; we anti-merge protestors are simply responding so that we make it clear that there are just as many folks who say no to a merge.

    Rather than leave the original statement unanswered we're just presenting the counter-argument (for balance's sake).

    Anyway, you have a nice day, Mr Phantoms, sir
  22. I'm a confirmed anti-merge protestor, but rather than beat him up for his viewpoint I think we should encourage Guillermo to read the official post about the subject and then suggest he joins us in observing the ceasefire which GR has called on the subject....

    Who knows, both sides might actually enjoy a game of footy between the trenches on Christmas Day

    Tis the season to be jolly
  23. We never teamed, never chatted, but who could forget that avatar and that name!!

    Welcome back Doc.....
    btw, I've got this rash....
  24. Gratzies FFM...

    How many bars till 50 now?
  25. Fulcrum

    Server Merges?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Server Merge?

    No thanks i like my character names and would be very disappointed/upset/angry (yes i really do like some of my alts that much) if i was to loose there names in fact depending which ones i lost and how many i would more than likely leave the game as having spent almost the best part of 4 years with a good few of them and only now getting them to a point where i really enjoy them something as drastic as loosing a name would destroy my will to play them.

    So that's a big NO to a server merge from me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sums it up for me too.

    As nice as it would be to have more folks around, I'm not willing to give up (or share, but that's just me... )the character names that I've had, in some cases, since day 1 some 45 months ago. Even the more recent ones took some thinking about before I settled on them

    Game-breaking for me, sorry folks.