How to make teams and influence with people...
I try and put as much info about my tank into the "looking for team" message as I can so as to help those who are looking for a specific type of tank. I actively encourage people to send me a tell rather than a blind invite. Even if I'm busy helping other teams I'll always reply and thank then for the offer of a team. It's the little things like that that people remember and if they find you friendly and easy to approach then it's more than likely that they'll look out for you again when forming another team.
I try to blind invite as many people as I can in as short of space as time to create the ultimate quick 8 man teams. :P
Tried all manor of creating teams and things that work one day very rarely work another day as people are people and planes can sometimes make doors fit better after a flight.
I can't really remember the last time I put a team together from scratch - I seem to get invites when the team is already under way
But if I need to invite people, I tell them what the mission and level is, and how long we expect to take.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Ah on so many occasions have i created a team from scratch. Not a job i like doing but one that must be done
I always make sure i have a mission ready so when i send tells out to people (hopefully between -2 to my lvl) i can say what we'r fighting, where the mission is and i try to make a little joke at then end of it (eg, "we have cake! ").
It seems to work as usually only takes me a few minutes to get a full team. I think having something different/fun for the team to do is the key element though.
Same for getting team invites, if you have a reputation as a fun/good player your going to get more invites since word spreads quickly in the world of MMOs.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
OK, in light of the recent spate of posts where some folks seem to be having trouble getting invites or finding teams, I thought those of us who seem to have more success in this area could share a few tips... I'll get the ball rolling...
I had a /tell from someone this week complimenting me on my "looking for team" message. He felt it was informative and friendly and he felt he could chat to me without reproach. I have the same message on all my toons, and they all get regular /tells inviting them to team; the message is simply this: "Usually solo in the mornings, otherwise love to team for missions. Thanks for not asking me to fill" Feel free to use/cannibalise it if you like - it seems to work well for me.
On the subject of inviting others to teams, I try to give them as much info as I can - something like "Hi <name>, we're just getting a team together to take on Siege - 3 of us around level 50 so far, would you like to join us?"
And if they turn it down I thank them for replying and say 'have fun'.
Over to you guys - do you have any tips that might help out?