50 -
The power of CPU isn't that important. I've run Age of Conan on my singlecore 5-year-old CPU, but I had lots of RAM and a GF8800 graphics card (when 8800 was actually good). No problems on high settings.
So I'd get a new graphics card and more RAM. 6-8gb seems about right nowadays.
A friend of mine suggested getting two identical hard drives and putting them as a single RAID drive. It should make the biggest impact on Windows, more than any amount of RAM can do. -
Yeah, I saw that IO go for 2 billion as a ready-made enhancement.
1-1.5 bill seems to be the going price for the recipe nowadays.
I didn't even know that anybody could get that much inf, until I saw those prices. Had to count the zeros to be sure
Good luck with the sale, though. It'd cost at least 100mil just to put it in the BM
(Edit: The 2bill one was actually the Gladiator's Whatever, but the set bonus is the same) -
Yeah, I've been getting quite bad lag recently. Sometimes everything is OK, but sometimes it really gets awful. Powers not refreshing correctly, enemies "teleporting" around, etc.
And its not just me - my teammates always report the same issues when I'm having them.
My theory is something wrong (hardware or software-wise) with the euro-servers, but nobody bothers to fix them as the player base is so low.
(And while we're on the subject of lag, when are they going to fix the infamous "Lag Canyon" on ITF? It's especially fun to hit Nova in there - the whole game grinds to a halt for a good while, sometimes even dropping players offline! Now THAT'S a powerful blast!) -
Random optional missions would be a nice addition to radio-style missions. But that explanation you had might be a bit too hard to implement.
Hmm.. We had a similar discussion with our SG a while back. That while, say, teleporting, you could get caught by a subspace disturbance and get stuck in some sort of strange otherwordly place.
But really that would be just insanely annoying when that happened if you were just TP'ing home to log out.
So, no.
Death Traps would be a nice addition to the game. But I hate all timed missions, and they'd be annoying to most players, I think.
But if you got defeated in a special map and clicked "hospital", you'd be sent to some sort of death trap. Like the villain maps where you're sent to jail.
What kind of death traps they would be, I'm not sure. Something fun and non-annoying.
Hmm. Didn't quite get what you meant with the Hero-side resque stuff. I like the fact that the victims are cowering in front of muggers. And some enemy types hold their victims in force fields and rituals anyways.
The villains "throw the darn kidnapped on your shoulder and run" would be great. They wouldn't get stuck on each and every corner in a cave. And wouldn't get lost when someone has Steamy Mist on.
In fact, a major tweak on their pathing would be nice for each side.
Don't like it, sorry. What if I choose the "wrong" theme in the beginning? Something that you later find doesn't fit the character. Or gives lots of missions with maps that you hate?
Actually, you can play a theme now anyways. Just write it in your character description, and pick missions with enemies that fit your "theme".
No need to force it on everybody.
Umm, so you got different missions depending on what you do on a mish, right?
That would just create lots of content people would rarely see. And already I hate the fact that contacts can give missions in random order. I usually play with my friends, and we all strive to get the same contact. So we can complete the same missions simultaneously.
But when a contact throws a curve ball and gives the missions in random order, we're stuck in playing the same mish multiple times.
Instead of branching missions give us more contacts
I like the fact that you immediately know what to do. It'd be really annoying when you think that you're done with the mission, and 5 more objects just spring up. "Agh, so I have to re-search the cavern for the glowie, that wasn't glowing when I first saw it?!"
Some sort of dummy range would be nice, so you could test your powers. (Then again, we DO have our dummy ranges already http://www.flymancomics.com/ep3 :P )
I'm not sure about the "collect double XP here!" stuff, though. And I think most of those training simulations could be done in AE if somebody wanted them bad enough.
Some games give awards for not being defeated. In Lord of the Rings Online you get a "badge" if you get to certain level without dying.
Some players delete their chars if they die before getting all the badges (if I remember correctly lvl 20 gives the last "Yay didn't die!" badge). And if you want them, PUG's and bad players become a real liability.
So I'm not a big fan of those kind of rewards. I don't mind if superheroes get defeated. As you said yourself in "Death Traps", these things tend to happen. The hero just bounces back, dusts him/herself off and runs in the fray again. -
Any options for MM pets would be welcome.
But what I'd like to see, is choice between a few different type of pets.
For Necromancy - Zombies, Skeletal, Ghouls (sorta Frankenstein-types). Ghosts/spectal, maybe.
For Mercs - Soldiers, Security Personnel, etc. For Robots - different style of robots. 50's, Clockwork etc. And there could be a few different styles of ninjas (Oriental, non-oriental etc).
Maybe 3 choices per type would be fine. I don't think that would be that difficult to do. Hm, maybe the zombie vomit could be something else for the skeletal minions. Just change the animation to some sort of "dark breath".
I'm a big fan of Masterminds, but the limited choice in pets gets a bit boring after a while. -
Oh, didn't know about that lvl 10 VEAT thingie! Thanks, that's good to know. Maybe now I'll pick one up.
I hear murmurs about human-form Epics being a valid choice. I guess that happens later in the game. At least for the first 25 levels the tadpole and giant dwarf seem to be the best forms to be in. It made the AT especially boring, picking powers and enhancement slots you know you're never going to use. Zzzzz.
I'd like to see a complete revamp of the Epic Archetype blueside. More power choices for the different forms and things like that. Customizable appearances. -
I like most AT's in the game. There's so much choice in Power Pools, that even if you find certain Controller pools boring, you can always pick different pools. And the character plays completely differently.
(In fact I'd like a Super-Respec in the game, which would allow to change the primary and secondary pools. Helps especially if you're new to the game, and pick pools that just "sound cool". And later find out that you really don't like them.)
The only AT's I didn't find interesting was the Villain-side epic archetypes. And that was just because you had so little choice in the appearance. I played a Widow to lvl 5, and got bored because the character looked so boring, and deleted it. Why are the costume choices for them so insanely restricted?
Same thing with Hero Epics. All tadpoles and giant dwarfs look the same, which makes the whole AT boring to me. The most I got out of a Warshade was lvl 25, and I'm probably never going to play it again.
As for the most fun class, I'd have to say that I've had the most fun experiences playing a Mastermind. Especially if you get a large team of MM's together. The amount of action on the screen is just insane! -
Luckily you don't have to have an optimized team to play CoH. None of the content really need a certain type of team composition to get thru. Sure, some AT's make things easier, but if you got a healer or a tank, it doesn't matter what the rest of the team is made of.
And you don't even absolutely need those, either.
I've been playing in all kind of strange teams, with 5 trollers, 8 MM's and stuff like that. We've always had fun, and we've always completed our tasks.
So hearing stuff like "Stalkers do 0.2% less damage than scrappers!!", makes me just shrug. So? If the guy playing a stalker knows what he's doing, it doesn't matter one bit. -
Pretty much what Obscure said.
Most IO bonuses are useless for MM's, so I go with frankenslotting.
Pain Domination especially is insanely powerful in the hands of a Mastermind. Boosting damage, pretty decent healing etc.
And those Leadership-skills are very useful. Especially when you have a lot of secondary skills to take, considering most attack powers aren't that necessary for a MM.
If I remember correctly, I slotted Leadership skills with 3-5 enhances each. Some IO sets you get for those are interesting.
I played in a team of 3 MM's. Thugs/Pain, Mercs/Pain, Robots/Bubbles. All of us had full Leadership. Add to that the area bonuses that Pain gives, and we had our area heal on autofire.
We just ran thru missions with no trouble. Once we had a random player helping us, and he just commented "wow, we're immortal!", when we hit all of our toggles and boosts on
Sure, we were just "totems" for our pets, which is not everybodys cup of tea.
But we had lots of fun. The most fun I've had with CoX in a while. -
That's probably because Codemasters handle LotrO for Europe. You cannot buy a Lifetime Membership from Turbine if you live in the EU, you've got to buy the Codemasters one.
Codemasters even have its own Lotro-website, www.lotro-europe.com.
And there's a Codemasters FAQ from 2008, when the Mines of Moria was released, which explains how to activate the Lifetime Membership. So yeah, us Europeans can get our hands on some Lifetime-sweetness.
But I don't know if that's an ongoing promotion, or just centered around those bigger releases. -
Quote:I'm in Europe and I've got a lifetime sub. Don't know if they've changed the policy afterwards, but it seems insane to offer it solely on the other side of the pond.I believe LoTR offers a lifetime sub with each new expansion and only for a limited time. They also restrict lifetime subs to the US and Canada.
(Then again, LotrO devs are very US-centric. In the beginning us Europeans used to get all patches and major updates 3-6 weeks after the US. "Localization" was given as the reason for this travesty. I think nowadays they're releasing everything simultaneously, if I'm not mistaken.)
But yeah, I'd pick up the lifetime sub immediately, but it would make no sense for them to stop a major revenue source just so they could make a quick buck.
There's always hope when Going Rogue is released, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Hmm, maybe they could offer lifetime subs as awards in bigger competitions. I think Anarchy Online did that couple of years ago. Would make a great prize. -
We did an all MM ITF a couple of months ago.
Some pictures:
It was just insane! Around 60 player-controlled entities blasting away. Lots of fun, though.
We've been trying to set up another all MM ITF at max diff (and LGTF) but haven't had luck. Defiant has just too low a player base to find 8 willing MM's, even with plenty of notice.
Sigh. -
Ok.. So people like having their characters finished. They're finally ready, and that's it.
I see, I see. I on the other hand enjoy progressing more.
And, as I said, raising the cap 5 levels in 5 years isn't that excessive to me.
Maybe there could be another way to "advance" the characters, if raising the cap is a taboo.
I'm not sure how those rumoured "universal enhancement slots" would work. Would you have to grind for a certain recipe to get them? Would it be even more insanely rare than getting those purple recipes (I've got three lvl50 chars and haven't got a single purple drop yet).
I'd like to see them giving something more fun than just a big boost of +xx% to recovery/damage/whatever. A new power, a nice special bonus (like those "+4 res to KB" enhances) or something. -
Am I the only one who would like a level cap rise? At least the vocal majority seems to be violently against it.
Why do I want the level cap to be raised? Because I want more things to do with my top-level favourite toons, I want to progress them further. I especially want more powers for them. More enhancement slots wouldn't hurt, either.
And most of all, I'd like a few more high-level maps with new challenging enemies, TF's and missions.
Sure, I still like playing with my lower level toons. But when they hit 50, I tend to shrug them off. Progression is a big part of the fun, at least for me.
I've never understood any arguments against level cap raise, and still don't. More high level content, powers and stuff. What's wrong with that?! I don't think getting 5 more levels every 5 or so years is that excessive or "copying WoW". -
I think I've only got one beg in CoH the whole time I've played (27 months now).
It was the fastest /ignore I've ever done
I've got a pet theory about beggers. They're little kids who, in real life, get their money from begging their parents. So when they go into the virtual world, it's no different - you get money from begging. They've got no concept of "work and you'll get paid".
"But I want my allowance NOW!"
And, of course, some of them are just lazy. But that's why the game has the ignore function.
I don't understand why to beg anyway. Now when the prices have gone all goofy (at least on Defiant server), it's very easy to get 1-2 mil with alts in their teens. More than enough to keep you DO'd and SO'd. -
What everybody above me said. Especially /facepalm would be nice.
And all the emotes you can make enemies do in AE. They're ready made, shouldn't be a big hassle to give them to players.
It would make CoH-themed comics a LOT easier to do. -
Hmm... Good suggestions, actually.
Flymancomics has a nice ring to it. Easier to remember than ADITLOAH, I think.
Sure my comics have a lot of other recurring characters, but Flyman is my favourite alt, and will appear in many comics to come.
I'm having a really good time shooting these comics with my friends. AE missions are a wonderful place to stage scenes (I call them "film sets"). Lots of emotes to choose from, and invisible/invincible combo in test mode helps a lot
http://www.flymancomics.com reserved. Still fighting with the URL redirect, though. -
Last weekend I didn't have anything else booked, so I got to work on my CoH comic.
I'm going to release a strip 1-2 times a week.
Here's the new episode - the price of fame.
I'm probably going to change the name of the comic from "a day in the life of a hero" to something else, as I've reserved a domain name for my site.
www.adayinthelifeofaherocomic.com would've been just too brutal... -
Actually I just used Adobe Photoshop, as I use it daily in my work, so I'm getting pretty fluent with it.
First I considered using some dedicated webcomic software, but I'm pretty happy mucking about with my trusty ol' Photoshop. -
Have you checked what Gladiator's Armor costs as ready-made enhancements? I've seen that TP resist go for 2 billion inf in the WW's.
It took a few looks and I had to count the zeros to be sure
I think we should organize more BIG PvP battles, so at least some of us would become rich beyond our wildest dreams.. -
Thanks, I'll check those out. Google Sites seems OK at the moment, though. Easy to use, 100mb free space, fast and simple.
And thanks for the legal copy. English legal jargon is pretty incomprehensible to us non-natives. Help is appreciated.
I've got storyboards ready for 4-5 strips, which I'm going to work on this weekend. Had to wait for one of the main characters to return from Hungary before I could start shooting them.
(It seems that alcohol there is way too cheap, btw)
Short answer: Yes.
Union is more crowded, though, but there's still a lot of us Defianties roaming around.
If you haven't yet, join the "Defiant Events" chat channel. Around 99% of all chatter and TF teaming happens there.
And you get the daily messages about bigger upcoming events. -
I've been playing CoX for 27 months now, and there are some very strange things going on in Paragon City, if compared to the real world.
And I'm not just speaking about super-jumping electricity-blasting tights-wearing chicks with angel wings. Like, little things that seem quite strange.
"A Day in the Life of a Hero" looks at those weird things about our wonderful game.
Here's the first comic strip:
More to come, probably later this week. Mostly they're going to be 1-2 page comic strips without an overall story or plot.
I'm using Google Sites for the pictures at the moment. There seems to be a lot of free webcomic-dedicated hosts around the internet, but I'm not sure which one would be best. Anyone got any suggestions?
Oh, and what kind of legal jargon I should put on the site? Like "blah blah trademarks of NC soft yada yada all rights reserved blargh blargh." So I wouldn't be assasinated (or sued) by Nemesis agents... -
I just recently started to play on Union, and the first few PUG's I joined were insanely fun. No AE, no farming. Just plain good old story arcs, with good experienced players.
(No fire/kins. The only troller with us was a mezzer.)
So I guess it's just a matter of luck. SteelRat, maybe you could try to find a non-AE/farm Supergroup to join?
And remember to add as friends those players you have fun with. It may take some time, but you'll build a small family of like-minded players, and have a lot easier time finding good teams. -
It was quite impossible to see where our pets went - there was around 60 characters zipping around + enemy mobs. But our pets stayed alive quite well. I think in the first mish our team lost just one or two pets.
There was at least two paindom MM's in the team with area heal on autofire, though. And there was just insane amounts of Maneuvers and Tactics buffs.
It was fun. Can't wait for the LGTF and ITF on challenge 5.
(Dapper Human-Bat was my alt at the time. Thanks to all!)