Black Market Prices
PvP IOs are meant to be rare. If they weren't the devs wouldn't have nerfed our Arena farming of them.
PvP IOs are meant to be rare. If they weren't the devs wouldn't have nerfed our Arena farming of them.
That's a total Joke but then again it a pointless arguement thinking about it when PvP is dead on Defiant anyway, so god knows why people are buying them.
Flippers ftl
Although the BM prices are absurd for rare recipes, I find them absurd for practically most recipes tbh. Melee Villains I find are very expensive to slot - I usually average out at 1mill inf per toon on defiant heroes, but on villains, it's nearly double, especially with melee toons.
The prices have gone up I think because ppl aren't selling their recipes much on the BM/WW anymore, and ppl aren't rolling from AE/Merit Vendors (because they want a particular recipe or somethin for themselves), therefore the fewer recipes there are now, the more expensive things are likely to be. Also, when ppl get recipes, probably half of them just go and sell them off at a normal store, despite the fact other ppl might want them. Salvage prices are also getting ridiculous - again, less salvage now due to ppl just levelling thru AE and inf farmers monopolizing the BM/WW.
I put all my invention recipes on the BM/WW for a low price so some lucky ppl out there can catch my offer and get recipes at a reasonable price. Cos I'm nice
I do think these inf farmers should be banned tho. They eat up the search window and it really doesn't help when I'm trying to find a high level team and they're a waste of space in Atlas Park/Cap Au Diable. However, I'm uncertain as to whether the GMs/Devs would do anything about those inf farmers. After all - all those toons are paid-for accounts and paying a subscription too...

Although the prices are high, all you need to get you on the ladder is one lucky rare drop, at heart we all have a bit of a farmer in us, we all have a particular way we like to play the game, myself I farm TF's all I ever do is TF's/SF's this pretty much stocks my chars nicely.
I like to go 1to50 doing as many TF's/SF's as possible and amassing a vast amount of merits spending the whole lot on random drops once I hit 50, this keeps that particular toon very niceley I'O'd for around 400mil as i do not rush to get recipes there and then and put a price i think is fair for the recipe and am prepared to wait weeks b4 i get it and trust me you do get them.
As for the hardcore farmers ok maybe they do go overboard on some of there prices but that isn't their fault that people are silly enough to pay that much for them.
As for stopping them, I once asked a hardcore farmer what they could do to stop it or what would have most of adverse effect on him farming, he replied " there isn't much they could do to stop it as people would find ways around it, but the thing that would damage a farmer the most was that if everyone became a farmer"
So in truth even a Farmers worst nightmare is another Farmer.
So you are not alone Kendai
Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt
Have you checked what Gladiator's Armor costs as ready-made enhancements? I've seen that TP resist go for 2 billion inf in the WW's.
It took a few looks and I had to count the zeros to be sure
I think we should organize more BIG PvP battles, so at least some of us would become rich beyond our wildest dreams..
We need to start a serious BM overhaul protest. It's starting to be a dealbreaker for me.
It's infuriating, frustrating, clunky, biased, and all around bullmalarky. And no one, no one, can justify differently.
1. Post the sellers GLOBAL name, and any other GLOBAL names their master NC Account pays for.
Desired resolution: This helps track down the farmers and the BM jackers, then everyone that plays the game can refuse to play with the jerk that makes this aspect of the game infuriating to the player base. The community will sort out the bad apples and the devs can easily boot/slap/punish/immolate/draw&quarter the BM Jerks.
2. Make listings time sensitve, 1 week max length, and the price you paid to list it is GONE FOREVER. This will incentivise sellers to put an actual reasonable price on their items instead of just listing something for an inflated price and letting it sit for months. It'll start costing them to try and jerk around the BM so they'll have to drop the prices in order to actually move their stock.
3. FOR THE AE/BM/UNIVERSITY: Ok seriously, for the love of all that is holy and dear to the world, can you not allow us to have our recipe window open at the same time we're trying to use the AE Ticket Vendor? It... well.. you know... makes sense that I would want the ability to SEE the recipe and required Salvage so I would know what to buy without needing to break out a pencil and notepad first. C'mon now.. Make it EASIER for us to use the game, instead of making it more time consuming and hassling to try and accomplish our goals. If you want, I'll raise 20billion infamy to build a University in Sharkhead, NEAR THE DOCKS/BM/AE/Ferry, why? Cuz then I have a central hub to utilize instead of having to zone here, or use a jetpack to fly up here, or etc etc. I mean, i like running around the zones as much as the next person, but after the 500000000th lap through Aeon City in Cap i'd really rather never set foot up there again, move the AE down to the University area.
I'm trying to enjoy the game, i really am, but its starting to feel like they're working harder at punishing the player, instead of rewarding them.
Dai-San: "You Not true Mu, you fake Mu. Me want Mu Mu, not you Mu." ~in response to I7
Dai-San: "You point, me smash." Brutz rulz 101
Sig Truncated
The AH could/should work according to supply/demand and indeed would if people had even a basic understanding of it and the interface was made a little more helpful.
1) Force players to take a basic economics course before they can use the AH (only semi-joking)
2) Add a 2 or 4-week rolling average price to all items either in place of or in addition to the current "last 5" list. This way "buy it NAO!"/"1 inf unloaders" don't radically skew the prices.
3) Add a time limit of, say, 4 weeks to market listings. At the end of that time limit the item returns to your "stored" inventory and your lose your listing fee. This way you avoid having items that have been listed for 18 months at 10 times the going rate hanging around the market.
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You think the markets prices is insanely high, I think the market is insanely low!
I have never seen so much salvage on sale! More salvage than bidders. Rare salvage is being sold for 1,5-2,5 mil per piece and if a recipe isnt very rare, then you can't sell it for over 3 mil, max!
That's not the farmers fault! At least, it's not the AE farmers fault.
And as Chaos Creator said, PVP Rare IOs are meant to be rare and since they don't drop often, I think the prices is fair. Yeah, I often begin cursing when seeing the prices at first, but if you want them then you'll got to pay the price. Would be insane if everyone had them... It would ruin the game.
I wanted to purp my toons up, so i began TF'ing, just as Slaz do.. Hoping for good drops and changing my merits for IOs which had a high value. Same with Hero/Villain merits.
It can't all be easy to get!
And I agree with Slaz about farmers being farmers worst enemy... Just look at all that salvage... Just a couple of months ago, rare salvage was selling at 4-5 mil. With a few good salvage drops on a TF, you could quickly get 20 mil.
There are various ways of making quite a bit of inf. If you are unsure how, you could try asking in the player questions section. I'm not saying you will make 3 billion inf in a few days but it may not take as long as you might think.
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
2. Make listings time sensitve, 1 week max length, and the price you paid to list it is GONE FOREVER. This will incentivise sellers to put an actual reasonable price on their items instead of just listing something for an inflated price and letting it sit for months. It'll start costing them to try and jerk around the BM so they'll have to drop the prices in order to actually move their stock. |
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Whine, whinge, moan - sigh, oh dear.
How pathetic!
A toon built from mere SOs for a few million can cope with almost all normal lvl50 content.
You want some nice set bonuses? Fine, there are many easily affordable sets that suit you.
What? You want the best? The most rare? And you want it cheap? So that everyone can be the same? No matter the effort? No matter how much time you spend playing?
whilst now playing this game for 54months, im now a little bored and tired of the Black Market prices. Whilst i thought the Market was a good idea at first, this is now proven to be a mistake.
These are some of the most rare and most expensive items in the whole game. They are not representative. Fwiw, the numbers you have posted reflect a recent market correction downward. I suspect it's because more people are playing for longer period since I20 came out.
So im looking at around 3 Billion just to slot 2 powers, are you all serious and are you Dev's going to allow this to continue ?
If you don't like the "prices" (it's not a store btw, it's an auction) you can acquire these items via Alignment Merits.
Some people pay these prices because they're greed-heads who think they need the absolute best of everything to enjoy the game.
Have you ever sat down and worked out how many kills it would take you to save up 100 mill infamy ?
Have you ever sat down and worked out how many kills it would take you to get a purple recipe drop?
Another way you could get 100mil inf is by selling your recipe drops on the market.
Iirc, it takes only one or two Alignment merits to get a recipe that sells for 100mil.
The devs set the course. They provided more than one way to acquire these things. If you don't want to spend that much play money to get your playthings, then don't. There are ways to get these things that don't involve placing bids at the Auction House.
1. Post the sellers GLOBAL name, and any other GLOBAL names their master NC Account pays for.
Desired resolution: This helps track down the farmers and the BM jackers, then everyone that plays the game can refuse to play with the jerk that makes this aspect of the game infuriating to the player base. |
The community will sort out the bad apples and the devs can easily boot/slap/punish/immolate/draw&quarter the BM Jerks.
Make listings time sensitve, 1 week max length, and the price you paid to list it is GONE FOREVER. This will incentivise sellers to put an actual reasonable price on their items instead of just listing something for an inflated price and letting it sit for months. It'll start costing them to try and jerk around the BM so they'll have to drop the prices in order to actually move their stock.
Being able to sell your rare drops for oodles of cash is not a reward? I am confused by that notion.
Add a time limit of, say, 4 weeks to market listings. At the end of that time limit the item returns to your "stored" inventory and your lose your listing fee. This way you avoid having items that have been listed for 18 months at 10 times the going rate hanging around the market.
Although the prices are high, all you need to get you on the ladder is one lucky rare drop, at heart we all have a bit of a farmer in us, we all have a particular way we like to play the game, myself I farm TF's all I ever do is TF's/SF's this pretty much stocks my chars nicely.
The main reason PvP IOs are so expensive is that no one PvPs. I have the sense that the people who complain most bitterly about the cost of PvP recipes spend more time posting in this forum than they do PvPing.
I think a lot of things for sale in the market are very expensive. I think though the benefits of having the market far outweigh the negatives though in fairness.
You can get everything in there, which is handy to the new player, but when you have not got the money or a convenient cash cow to rob, it gets hard sometimes, I guess the key thing is patience, bid and then leave. Lots of people though function on the "I want it yesterday" mentality.
Recipes naturally would be expensive, everybody wants to improve their character right? I want to use recipes but I just don't have the moolah to do it... yet. What with the salvage costs, and the crafting cost itself.
There are a multitude of ways though to cut out the market and them that are just trying to get rich quick. The things that you want can be obtained by other means, the market just makes it easier to get that last one thing you need.
I think it'd be much more fun to get the things for you character without using the AH.
But I agree. I for one list at least 1/4 below the going rate. I do need cash as I am a new player. But yeah, I try not to charge ridiculous prices on the things I don't want.
I really like your replies! Made me laugh like hell.
The idea of lowering the marked prices is hilarious! Really, think about it! It's gonna go all Diablo II on our arses.
If the marked prices' drops, then the big time players, or just players with recipes and salvage to sell, will evacuate WW and BM. Then they'll start to do hand to hand selling and maybe create a channel, where u can ask for a recipe or salvage and someone will answer with a price.
Is this what you want?
Ino it's difficult to see it from the oppositions point of view, but just try.
No offense, but those ideas suck - big time!
Hello All
on Defiant but thats another story.

whilst now playing this game for 54months, im now a little bored and tired of the Black Market prices. Whilst i thought the Market was a good idea at first, this is now proven to be a mistake. I spent some time today looking round the Market at Recipes for my DM / Shields Brute as i thought i would IO him out on Build 2 for PvP. Well not PvP as such just me and a couple of long term playing mates having a laugh in Pocket D. As we all know PvP in Sirens, WB & RV is as dead as a DoDo
So anyway this is what i found looking long and hard around the Market at recipes for my character, I might add i can use all these in my build:
Galdiators Armour
End / Rech = 20 Million
End / Rech = 100 Million
End / Res = 60 million
Rech / Res = 100 million
Resitance = 400million
+Resist (teleportation) +3 = 1 Billion
Shield Wall Defence
End / Def = 400 million
Rech / Def = 30 million
End / Rech = 30 million
End / Rech / Def = 50 million
Defence = 155 million
+ Teleportation = 700 million
So im looking at around 3 Billion just to slot 2 powers, are you all serious and are you Dev's going to allow this to continue ? I wont even bore you all with the prices for my Melee Damage and PbAoE Damage recipes. So i look at Purple IO recipes there just as bad
Why are people paying these stupid prices for ONE RECIPE no wonder the farmers are laughing all the way to the bank then selling your influence / Infamy back to you on the net. Especialy when PvP on Defiant has about as much life in it as a Graveyard !
Ok 30 million maybe even 50million for a top notch recipe, but those prices are taking the Michael. Have you ever sat down and worked out how many kills it would take you to save up 100 mill infamy ?
Are you Devs going to step in and sort this out or are you just going to let it run its course ?
I need beer to calm my nerves down
BB all