AE has really helped my mission Stalker
Lately, it has seemed to me that the majority of the redside player-base has been involved with AE stuff. Occassionally I will see a SF or respec form but for the most part a lot of the population is on Cap. Just today I was searching for a team and excluded from the search window the Cap's map and saw significantly fewer villains.
Anyways, being that i run primarily PvE missions and prefer teaming (it is an MMO afterall), I am finding that the invites to missison teams have really picked up. My impression is that those who want to run missions have less to choose from and so stalkers are just as desireable as any other person. Once i am on a team I more than pull my weight so I figure these teaming moments where I may have been little more than a warm body initially are an opportunity to show what a stalker can do. Has anyone else noticed an increase in invites to their stalkers? |
Im not hating on the stalker (I have one and love it) Im just calling it as I see it. Whenever I see one in an AE group they are short lived on the team and are quickly replaced with something that survives better and contributes more to the group. With GR coming out I expect to be passed over for a scrapper, a class that deals both better damage and has better survivability.
Again, not hating on them just pointing out. What can a stalker bring to the group that any other class cannot? for that mater what can they bring that no other class can but better?
Stealth: well this is kinda useless in a group, even the ability to 'scout out' the area is useless because it dosent mater in this game. people are just gonna wade in and kill everything.
AS: Well thats good..once. Then you placate. Do it again. But how often do you actually DO that? Normally the mobs dead before you get the second one off or the groups already blown it out of the water before you can even get the first one off. Lets not forget the fear! oh wait, thats seemingly random and most of the time dosent trigger. Also lets not forget that if the mob DOES live you probably got the aggro.
Crits: Woot crits! well they ARE helpful but scrappers also have this. Given the amount of scrappers hero side, when GR comes out we should have quite the flood of them villain side. So villains will get to choose between one class with 10% crit chance or another class with 10% crit but better survivability.
Stalkers are good DPS!: True but many other classes get better DPS than stalkers do, and many of them do it from a distance and bring a secondairy that can actually HELP the group. Stalkers sink so much of their being into that AS that its not even funny.
All in all after the slider and GR the only place I expect to see a stalker is on a pvp field. Unless the developers give stalkers something eles that no one eles has or some sort of group utility I see alot of stalkers getting dusty while this game becomes "City of Soloer's"
Congratulations! You get the "blind regurgitation award" of the day!
All in all I think you managed to hit all of the "Stalkers are useless" stereotypes that haven't been true since day one and are less true now. With attitudes like this being spread around, while ignoring tiny little things like facts in order to make a case, I can't imagine why you'd think that Stalkers will have a hard time getting teams.
You're welcome to have the opinion that Stalkers are worthless on teams, but you may want to at least base it on something more than "I read it on the internet so it must be true" if you expect anyone to take you seriously on it. The only point you mentioned that's still true after the Stalker buff is that Stealth is irrelevant on teams.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Crits: Woot crits! well they ARE helpful but scrappers also have this. Given the amount of scrappers hero side, when GR comes out we should have quite the flood of them villain side. So villains will get to choose between one class with 10% crit chance or another class with 10% crit but better survivability. |
Again, not hating on them just pointing out. What can a stalker bring to the group that any other class cannot? for that mater what can they bring that no other class can but better?
Stealth: well this is kinda useless in a group, even the ability to 'scout out' the area is useless because it dosent mater in this game. people are just gonna wade in and kill everything. |
I run a spine/wp stalker. To a degree, I think there is a 'warm body effect' going on, especially if you are a 50.
However, being that I am a spines, I find that I do contribute pretty good AoE damage to a team. 'Pretty good', but not enough in my opinion. I still find that I am lagging behind some brutes. Now for an AT that has about half the survivability of a brute, I think I should be doing more damage than a brute. I think they should increase the team crit rate, and/or crit dam.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
Congratulations! You get the "blind regurgitation award" of the day!
All in all I think you managed to hit all of the "Stalkers are useless" stereotypes that haven't been true since day one and are less true now. With attitudes like this being spread around, while ignoring tiny little things like facts in order to make a case, I can't imagine why you'd think that Stalkers will have a hard time getting teams. You're welcome to have the opinion that Stalkers are worthless on teams, but you may want to at least base it on something more than "I read it on the internet so it must be true" if you expect anyone to take you seriously on it. The only point you mentioned that's still true after the Stalker buff is that Stealth is irrelevant on teams. |
Stalkers get an increased chance to critical for every teammate within a certain radius (30', I believe?) for a maximum chance of 31% per attack. That's twice the highest Scrapper chance...Unless this change didn't go through on the Stalker changes? I'm not positive...
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
So educate me. You havent given one reason why anyone would want a stalker over any other class in the game. Please. Tell me. Im actually intrested to know what it is that they bring to the table. Again not hating on them as I love the class, I put 2 to 50 and i play them often but seeing as you so handily told me Im wrong prehaps you can tell me what it is they bring and what is it they will bring after GR comes live?
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
There were days when stalkers were pretty dominant in the pvp zones with attitudes to boot that some people learned to dislike them, from then on, stalkers tarnished and tainted had these same people exclude them from pve teams one way or another. They had no fun in pvp so stalkers can solo pve for all they care.
Long time ago that and stalkers have been buffed so a change of heart is due, not to mention people should be judged on their own merits rather than class. If I end up choosing one AT over another or a powerset over an other (as opposed to who asked first) then I would of become the type of person I dislike the most.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
So educate me. You havent given one reason why anyone would want a stalker over any other class in the game. Please. Tell me. Im actually intrested to know what it is that they bring to the table. Again not hating on them as I love the class, I put 2 to 50 and i play them often but seeing as you so handily told me Im wrong prehaps you can tell me what it is they bring and what is it they will bring after GR comes live?
The problem with your argument is that you assume that they don't bring that, either.
Here's an often-ignored fact for you - on a full team that has any +damage (or even just a few +damage set bonuses on the Stalker), Stalkers have the highest potential per-attack damage of any AT. Let's go with a typical scenario - roughly 110% damage through slotting and/or extra buffs, which is used for all of these ATs, and roughly 160% added on to the Brute for Fury.
Scrapper: 1.125 (AT modifier) * 1.1 (critical rate) * (1 (base) + 1.1 (+dam)) = 2.59875
Stalker: 1.0 * 1.31 (full team critical rate) * (1 + 1.1) = 2.751
Brute: 0.75 * (1 + 1.1 + 1.6) = 2.775
In this case, the Stalker is doing more damage than the Scrapper, but lags slightly behind the Brute with an average of 80% Fury. But due to how the criticals interact with +damage, +114% in damage (including slotting, set bonuses, and any additional buffs) will put the Stalker even with the Brute and anything above that puts them ahead. Unlike Scrappers, Stalkers stay ahead of Brutes, even once they both hit the damage cap.
Scrapper: 1.125 * 1.1 * 5 (capped damage) = 6.1875
Brute: 0.75 * 8.5 = 6.375
Stalker: 1.0 * 1.31 * 5 = 6.55
Yes, this higher critical rate - which you conveniently ignored - is what makes Stalkers more viable than Scrappers. These numbers are also completely ignoring the guaranteed criticals out of hidden status.
As for survivability, I haven't noticed any particular issues, but I tend to play defense sets and those are the only ones that I have at high level. That also lets me get off mid-spawn Assassin's Strikes, which is something else you just handwaved off (although for some sets it's a low DPA attack, for most it's middle of the pack or slightly above average - also ignoring the critical, which makes it an outright silly DPA attack). I do have a Regen and a Willpower on Guardian that I haven't gotten up high enough to really have fully slotted on anything, but even those are doing fairly well. The demoralize aspect of Assassin's Strike really helps - and if you really just don't want to deal with anything look at Shadow Meld, which is available to any Stalker. The first-strike aspect also helps, and I find myself dying far less on Stalkers than on Scrappers simply because I can pick and choose which mob I don't want to have to deal with through use of Assassin's Strike and/or Placate. It's all anecdotal and based on playstyle, though; the numbers will only tell you that they have fewer hit points and thus are "less survivable" because you can't quantify the effects of their first strike capability combined with Placate.
What often gives the impression of "squishy Stalkers" are the noobs who take one with just Hide into a large crowd, Assassin's Strike something to kill it off (no demoralize), and then take the alpha from everything else. You never remember the Stalker that vaporizes the spawn in 6 seconds, but never forget the one that dies in 3...
Now before the Stalker buff, the case could be made (and often was, when talking about why they needed a buff) that they didn't do anything better than anyone else (except pick off complete noobs in PvP). Afterwards, though? Not so much. Brutes will still do more damage with a full Fury bar on small-mid-sized teams, and definately have the edge in survivability, but they're pace-dependent.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
So educate me. You havent given one reason why anyone would want a stalker over any other class in the game. Please. Tell me. Im actually intrested to know what it is that they bring to the table. Again not hating on them as I love the class, I put 2 to 50 and i play them often but seeing as you so handily told me Im wrong prehaps you can tell me what it is they bring and what is it they will bring after GR comes live?
Stealth: well this is kinda useless in a group, even the ability to 'scout out' the area is useless because it dosent mater in this game. people are just gonna wade in and kill everything. |
AS: Well thats good..once. Then you placate. Do it again. But how often do you actually DO that? Normally the mobs dead before you get the second one off or the groups already blown it out of the water before you can even get the first one off. Lets not forget the fear! oh wait, thats seemingly random and most of the time dosent trigger. Also lets not forget that if the mob DOES live you probably got the aggro. |
Crits: Woot crits! well they ARE helpful but scrappers also have this. Given the amount of scrappers hero side, when GR comes out we should have quite the flood of them villain side. So villains will get to choose between one class with 10% crit chance or another class with 10% crit but better survivability. |
Stalkers can do more damage than scrappers and there are several reasons for this:
-Stalker's melee dmg mod may be 1.0 while Scrappers is 1.125 (which isn't a huge leap) but Stalkers get far and above more critical strikes than Scrappers because Scrappers have a 5-10% chance and Stalkers just have a 10% chance
-Stalker critical chance goes up with every ally in (30ft) range, up to around 30% with 8 teammates
-Stalkers get 2 free crits with hide and placate which, when combined with Build up, will out burst a Scrapper excluding the ones that have Fiery Embrace, saturated Against All Odds/Soul Drain and get a pair of lucky crits during that period.
-Hide unsupresses faster (is it less than 6sec now) meaning even more chances for crits
Stalkers are good DPS!: True but many other classes get better DPS than stalkers do, and many of them do it from a distance and bring a secondairy that can actually HELP the group. Stalkers sink so much of their being into that AS that its not even funny. |
And not that sinking every fiber of our being into AS is true, but it can be extremely useful vs hard targets like AVs. It has a debuff that will outperform nearly the entire debuff platter of a Dark Miasma corruptor.
All in all after the slider and GR the only place I expect to see a stalker is on a pvp field. Unless the developers give stalkers something eles that no one eles has or some sort of group utility I see alot of stalkers getting dusty while this game becomes "City of Soloer's" |

Luckily you don't have to have an optimized team to play CoH. None of the content really need a certain type of team composition to get thru. Sure, some AT's make things easier, but if you got a healer or a tank, it doesn't matter what the rest of the team is made of.
And you don't even absolutely need those, either.
I've been playing in all kind of strange teams, with 5 trollers, 8 MM's and stuff like that. We've always had fun, and we've always completed our tasks.
So hearing stuff like "Stalkers do 0.2% less damage than scrappers!!", makes me just shrug. So? If the guy playing a stalker knows what he's doing, it doesn't matter one bit.
In this case, the Stalker is doing more damage than the Scrapper, but lags slightly behind the Brute with an average of 80% Fury. But due to how the criticals interact with +damage, +114% in damage (including slotting, set bonuses, and any additional buffs) will put the Stalker even with the Brute and anything above that puts them ahead. Unlike Scrappers, Stalkers stay ahead of Brutes, even once they both hit the damage cap. |
Assuming people stay in the 30 feet range all the time isn't very realistic on PuGs in my experience, you often have one guy lagging behind or going forward, or sometimes team splits ; let's not mention the AFKs, the deaths/hosps, people stealthing, and so on.
Stalker damage being the best is more of a "if the stars align perfectly" scenario... It's certainly possible to get to that point, but staying there constantly for a sustained amount of time is more of a theorical exercise unless you and your whole 8 man team have a very specific playstyle that just isn't representative of the average team I've seen.
I think being a bit too optimistic with those calculations is more than justified considering that factors like guaranteed crits from Hide were left out. Keep in mind that - even in those "plain without extra crits" calculations - just because one team member is lagging behind or afk or whatnot stalkers crit chance is not reduced so much that scrappers would suddenly omgwtfpwn them dps-wise.
And the problem with additional overkill damage by the higher crit chance is well taken care of by the fact that the very same crits lead to more cases of "premature kills" where your crit saves you another attack.
So, following the calculations and personal experience stalkers are still able to out-dps and most definitely out-burst scrappers in many, many team situations.
The main difference is that stalkers have to consider more variables to reach those numbers than scrappers who basically just have to stick to their attack chain.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Well, in a best case scenario crits don't save you two attacks. They save you one attack. That's already considered in the math. So, yes, overkill does matter in actual gameplay, leading to lower numbers than the above math. It's simply not possible to never overkill on an extended period of time.
Now, I can't really understand why would someone talk about "best damage" and a specific team with all 8 members standing in 30 feet - variables that you can't just *consider*, by the way, unless you mean "take the star and kick everyone who doesn't conform to the very specific playstyle you need to have to obtain maximum offensive output"... and then mention Hide crits. If you're taking 8 seconds to travel between each group you're losing a lot of time. I like Hide, but in any competitive comparison it won't be much more than one additional crit per mission, unless in a cave map or something where you will have longer travel times. Placate is a net DPS loss in most situations as well (assuming it works - if it fails because of being hit, it's a complete disaster in terms of DPS).
This isn't even going into the unrealistic notion that everyone is going to be in a 8 player team at all times. That's the truth for some people (although somehow nobody mentions the time they spend sitting around waiting for a full team), but not everyone. Another point I can't agree with in Siolfir's math is using a 80% fury brute. Staying at 90% Fury is much easier than making your 7 teammates stay in a 30 feet range all the time, and this isn't to say maintaining 90% Fury all the time is easy, it's just easier than the stalker alternative.
I mean, I'm sure there's possibly a few folks who only login with 7 of their friends all at the same time, who then all stand in a 30 feet range all the time without anybody AFKing, getting killed, whatever, but when you look at the level of coordination required to do this you might as well go with 8 controllers and wreck everything ; in either case, it's simply not representative of your average PuG and I doubt the average stalker will have anything like this experience most of the time.
You may think you can handwave these concerns away, but the difference between the top melee damage dealers isn't that large on paper with everything stacked to the stalkers' advantage. Stalkers have the highest burst, and they have the highest potential DPS under perfect conditions, but that doesn't translate to highest actual, effective damage ingame.
To the person who wanted educated on why to invite a stalker:
Im not trying to be snarky, but, how about fun as a reason? If the person playing the stalker is fun to have on the team, has fun playing his character, uses interesting tactics and strategy you don't always see, finds a way to use an underused power to full effect, helps you to complete your missions and stays around to help you complete multiple tasks, how is this not useful in a team? These are all just general attributes I would love to see everyone who plays this game have. It matters not really what archtype the player is, if he plays it well and has fun and lets you have fun, isn't that a good teammate?
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
To address the points:
Everyone staying within 30' isn't an abberation on a competent team, especially with a /Kin along - everybody wants that large FS bonus, and guess what the radius is?
Overkill exists on every AT, and you're a liar if you say you've never wasted damage on a Brute or Scrapper. Overall, I'd say Brutes probably waste the most damage.
As for it being on a team environment or someone lagging behind - true, sometimes that happens. But you also don't need all 7 people to have the highest damage: Stalkers pass Scrappers with 5 others in range and Brutes with 6. Since the whole point was "team performance", I just went with a full team.
The differences aren't that large: uhm, true? That's called balance. And not everything was stacked to the Stalker's advantage - the only "advantage" I was giving was assuming a competent team.
"Competent? But not every team member is going to want to melee!" Dominators will so they get their harder hitting attacks, as will Brutes and other Stalkers. Corruptors will likely be close by for two reasons: first, to scrape off inadvertant aggro; second, to minimize time needed for a heal/rez/etc. Yes, they'll likely be a bit further back so they don't get hit with splash AoE damage, but you don't exactly need to be on top of everybody to stay within 30'.
As mentioned previously, I'm completely ignoring hidden criticals. You may like to pretend that in your own little world that there isn't any travel time between spawns, but the rest of us deal with the game as it's coded, and outside of the AE and setting up repeated ambushes, that means time between spawns. You think I'm handwaving team competence, I think you're handwaving extra damage over what the calculations show.
"So what? I don't believe anything you say anyway!" You don't have to. But you shouldn't be lying to everybody about Stalkers and their usefulness either. If you want to be completely frank about it, a good AoE-oriented Brute with a Kinetic along can clear a map spawned for 8 in roughly the same amount of time with or without any other teammates, so everything is irrelevant at that point and nobody ever needs to team with more than a duo at most. But for people who like teaming, and want to team on Stalkers, people who won't shut up and lie about the usefulness of Stalkers should just stop answering any questions related to them and go off in their own little world to solo to their heart's content.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
It seems you have a very binary way to think.
I never said other ATs don't do overkill. I said stalkers do MORE overkill damage.
I never said travel time doesn't exist. I said taking 8 seconds to travel from one group to another is LONGER than what competitive teams going for speed would take.
I never said stalkers weren't useful on a team, I said their damage wasn't AS high AS your math would imply.
You're completely living in your little forum bubble if you think everyone can stay within 30' all the time. It's possible MOST of the time, for a competent team, NOT the average PuG. NOT all teams are competent. The ingame teaming reality is you will team with incompetent players unless you leave / kick them / play with friends only.
A team isn't ALWAYS a 8 man team. A team is compromised of 2 to 8 players - and many teams have LESS than 8 players.
I could go on and on, but arguing with someone who sees everything in 1s and 0s is a pointless exercise, as you won't be able to understand any of the capitalized words above. You really shouldn't be participating in forum discussions if you're not able to discern nuances between "best" and "worst", it's misleading to people who actually play the game and come here looking for information.
Did you just ignore everything Siolfir just said?
It seems you have a very binary way to think. |
I never said other ATs don't do overkill. I said stalkers do MORE overkill damage. |
I'll say Stalkers waste the LEAST damage. Why? Because they have the most control of their damage output. Brutes just run around hitting things as fast as they can, so they probably waste the most damage but they have damage to waste (an no time to ration that damage). Scrappers do nearly the same with alot more randomness. It's far more efficient to KNOW you're going to crit so you can hit Build up and either focus that damage with one powerful strike, use it in a series of crits (that you're over 80% sure will occur) or spread it in a series of AoE crits that will have a 50% chance to occuring.
I never said travel time doesn't exist. I said taking 8 seconds to travel from one group to another is LONGER than what competitive teams going for speed would take. |
You're completely living in your little forum bubble if you think everyone can stay within 30' all the time. It's possible MOST of the time, for a competent team, NOT the average PuG. NOT all teams are competent. The ingame teaming reality is you will team with incompetent players unless you leave / kick them / play with friends only. |
But you also don't need all 7 people to have the highest damage: Stalkers pass Scrappers with 5 others in range and Brutes with 6. |
A team isn't ALWAYS a 8 man team. A team is compromised of 2 to 8 players - and many teams have LESS than 8 players. |
I could go on and on, but arguing with someone who sees everything in 1s and 0s is a pointless exercise, as you won't be able to understand any of the capitalized words above. You really shouldn't be participating in forum discussions if you're not able to discern nuances between "best" and "worst", it's misleading to people who actually play the game and come here looking for information. |

I am not comfortable with calling other people liars or saying they speak part truths. People speak from the heart with how they see it. They're are telling their truth. I also feel that things are heated from not quite getting eachother's meaning and so with that you can understand I am not communicating with anyone directly. Things are looking too personal.
From this thread so far one should gather that Stalkers are viable in teams and that is all that is needed. Really, it is a game in which people overly optimize to get things done anyway.
We are all players behind a character logging in to have some fun with hopefully, the knowledge that there is more than one way to play and that a team is essentially a group of people who work together. Most people should know that by now.
Half the people who play are looking to relax after a days work not know the ins and outs of the CoH/CoV encyclopedia. No need for numbers. A great player should in theory be able to get the content done with practically anyone on board. Making optimized teams excludes people, they may sometimes achieve speed runs, but half the time they're making up for peoples, namely the team leaders lack of experience, lessening the challenge and making things a damn sight easier.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Has anyone else noticed an increase in invites to their stalkers? |
In fact, I got rejected several times when somebody advertise for Brute/Melee DPS for AE and I PMed the leader and they said "no thanks" to my Spines Stalker. T_T Ugh, they don't know what they miss!
I usually PM leaders when I am interested in teaming and I can honestly say my Stalker gets the most "no thanks" of all ATs I have. Hell, even my Dom doesn't get rejected as much because Dom can bring something that other ATs lack (controls). Stalker brings "damage"... HELLO?? 4/5 Villains have Damage as Primary?

The only problem I have with Stalker in PvE is ST damage set like Energy Melee and Marital Arts (and to some degree, Dark Melee). I prefer other sets or ATs simply because of Stalker's lack of aoe damage. And I also don't invite more than one Stalker, same reason I don't like having two Tankers on my team. I do like having Spines, Claw, Dual Blade and Elec Melee Stalkers (assuming they all take AoE attacks).
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I am not comfortable with calling other people liars or saying they speak part truths. People speak from the heart with how they see it. They're are telling their truth. I also feel that things are heated from not quite getting eachother's meaning and so with that you can understand I am not communicating with anyone directly. Things are looking too personal. |
But then if you think, the people bringing issue about Stalker's viability are coming in with the perspective of min/max, perfect team, speed SF, AE farmers or whatever. If you're going to be talking in the voice of a min/maxer, you have to know the numbers to min/max and it's obvious these people don't. It's like someone throwing around advice about money yet they don't know anything about taxes, investments, pension or anything that involves money.

Lately, it has seemed to me that the majority of the redside player-base has been involved with AE stuff. Occassionally I will see a SF or respec form but for the most part a lot of the population is on Cap. Just today I was searching for a team and excluded from the search window the Cap's map and saw significantly fewer villains.
Anyways, being that i run primarily PvE missions and prefer teaming (it is an MMO afterall), I am finding that the invites to missison teams have really picked up. My impression is that those who want to run missions have less to choose from and so stalkers are just as desireable as any other person.
Once i am on a team I more than pull my weight so I figure these teaming moments where I may have been little more than a warm body initially are an opportunity to show what a stalker can do.
Has anyone else noticed an increase in invites to their stalkers?