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If you are not in a supergroup yet start your own. It doesn't take much to add a workshop and put in salvage bins to allow you to store salvage until you need it. Between the market storage, vault reserve and your base you should have enough storage so you always have on hand what you need.
Quote:True dat, I stand correctedActually, most marketeers I know are the LEAST likely to pay very high prices for everything. The flippers are setting a floor and reselling to the 'BUY IT NOW!' crowd which is paying a premium so that they can just buy the IO/salvage/whatever and get on with the game. The marketeers who make their money crafting are not going to spend millions so they don't have to craft an IO themselves. That's what they DO to make money, why wouldn't they do it to save their own money?
I'm not filthy rich like some, but I probably have close to 2 billion inf and I still cringe everytime I spend even 10 million on anything that I don't plan on reselling for a profit. -
My opinion is that the in game story behind the alpha slot allows any character to get it regardless of their personal story. At some point they come to Ouroboros and meet Silos and Ramiel who will set them on the path to the incarnate abilities to stop the "Coming Storm". Now if your toon never joins Ouroboros then to stay in character you probably would not take the alpha slot, otherwise I think you can and still stay true to whatever back story your character has.
Now whether you want to take the time to unlock it and craft one for every 50 you have is another question entirely -
I won't dispute the math since it answers the question, however since Gr'ai Matter can be purchased for 150 Vanguard Merits and 2 common and 2 uncommon recipes use this you could save 16 shards off the count (assuming you have the 600 vanguard merits).
The prices may seem high to those of us with little money but these prices are set by vets or marketeers with billions to spend. For them buying an IO or salvage at what we consider very high prices is nothing. It is easier to spend a few million then try to craft it themselves. Most of this group has many lvl 50's to respec and they don't have time to run around crafting stuff so they buy it at whatever price it takes. Wait a while and the market will settle back down, in the mean time those of us with little money have other options and can make some money selling to those who have money
Quote:Hmmm, could it be the rent bug. If you don't pay your rent for a time you get locked out where they tell you there is no rent to pay yet the power is off in the base. To fix that I /petitioned it and support fixed it within a day.HEllo, I've been working on a base for a while, and just ran into something odd, None of my items needing power are working, it says 4940 power consumed. 0 produced. I have a ley tap + 2 aux for 5300 power, I also placed a power crystal for a additional 1000 +2 aux (1300 power, yet I have nothing showing as produced.
has anyone run into this issue or know a fix?
Thanks -
Quote:The recharge from Luck of the Gambler is global so it is not counted as a enhancement to any power for ED purposes. So yes you can put them in any power that accepts them and get the benefit. There is however a limit of 5 or 6 of them, after that the game stops counting them (same as set bonus limit, you can only have 5 or 6 of same set bonus before it stops counting them regardless of the set the bonus comes from). However the Luck of the Gambler is not considered a set bonus either so you can have 5-6 set bonus global recharges and an additional 5-6 Luck of the Gamblers.Hypothetically speaking, would slotting Luck of the Gambler +7.5 Global Recharge in the following slots be effective?
Concealment/Stealth & Invisibility
Or would Enhancement Diversification (ED) take into affect and not really give me 30% global recharge?
Also pay attention to the level of the Luck of the Gambler 7.5%. As a global enhancement it will only work if you are three levels lower then it or higher. Under three levels you loose it (e.g. a level 50 7.5% will only work when you are 47 and up). -
Thanks to 23x as well. Checked my e-mail yesterday and BAM another 100 Million in there. I will burn this and add another 200,000 prestige for my base. Thanks!
Thanks Fulmers, 200 million burned Vanquishers now has 466,953 prestige to play with!
Quote:Minor correction Vigilante and Rogue give you 30 the first time then 60 there afterNo, it just isn't referring to the right thing.
Hero and Villain Morality missions give you 50 merits the first time and an Alignment merit every time after that. Vigilante and Rogue Morality missions give you 50 merits the first time, and 60 merits each time after that if you want to stay a Vigilante or Rogue. Since you don't get Alignment merits for being one of the in-between alignments, they just give you a few more Reward merits instead. -
Most tip missions are pretty straight forward but some take some practice. The villain tips for the most part seem to mirror the hero tips so if you are familiar with the hero version it will help you. Some tips have a number of objectives that need to be completed in order and at first they can be frustrating as you run around trying to find objectives but once you learn them you know the order and where to find objectives and they can be completed easily.
Quote:Careful on that. It can be done but remember you lose the Alpha at 45 or less so in which case you will have tremendous end issues if you rely to much on the Alpha. For the most part it is better to have a solid build and use the Alpha to make it better or to alleviate small issues. But ultimately it is your build so do it the way you wantThis actually gave me another thought. Currently I have stamina 6 slotted with Efficacy Adapter and Physical Perfection 4 slotted with Performance Shifter (including the chance for +end). Since IOing, I have had ZERO endurence issues, and have often felt I was over slotting stamina. Perhaps with the freed up power selections as a result of inherrant fitness I can take an extra attack power (chain induction which I skipped in favor of more defense) and move some slots from Stamina into the new attack. The Cardiac Tree should make up what im losing from reallocating those slots, and another attack in my attack chain would make recharge less of an issue. Not to mention the extra damage resistance in the later tiers. Thoughts on that?
The thing to keep in mind with the Alpha is that they are not global enhancements, yes they affect all powers but they function like slotting the powers and are subject to the Enhancement Diversification (ED) penalties (except for the portion that is specifically exempted).
So if all your powers are maxed on Damage through slotting then putting in Musculature won't help you much other then the exempted portion. If your damages are in the 40-60% range then adding the Musculature will help boost them all to 70-90 so you will see a difference.
However, also keep in mind that the rare (1/2) and very rare (2/3) Alpha have greater exemptions from ED so even though now you may not get much from it you may still want to start down the path on the tree because the rewards will be greater later. -
Quote:I have found there are good times and bad times for tips. Sometimes they drop fast an others I can go for 15-20 minutes with none. During the bad I just do other things or give up. There are times where I have done the three tips I had and random killing for 10 minutes with no tips dropping. Other times I come in and three random mobs - three tips.I usually try and run a couple tip missions each day, this includes cruising through Portal corp parking lot and taking out some COT. Usually within a couple minutes or less I get my TIP mission. While doing this first TIP mission I usually get one or two more. I spent 35 minutes in portal corp parking lot taking out lots of COT as well as jumping the fence and taking out groups of nemesis. No TIP yet??? keep grinding through the bad guys....hmmmm.....nothing yet. Do two radio missions.....No TIP yet.
Has the Drop rate changed??? Anyone else experience this??? Did I miss something in I19 patch notes??? -
Quote:Unless I am mistaken all Alignment powers are click powers not automatics. I think you are confusing the countdown to alignment power (1 week I believe) which was automatic but not a power with the actual power that is a click.To add to the list...
And on some of my characters who have earned alignment powers. The alignment powers were originally all automatic powers. Some of them after respecing have turned into click powers that dropped into my tray. I thought it was just part of the update at first but then I noticed that several of my characters who have the same rouge alignment have both the new and the old versions of the same power after doing their respecs. -
Quote:There was a new I19 update that came out Tuesday. I think you will need to run the updater again. They fixed some bugs so the i19 you did weeks ago is not good enough anymore you need to patch again if you haven't.What are you talking about? I updated the client weeks ago with I19 and it was applied this morning. This was my first login since I19. I do not mess with updater. I have enough problems as it is.
I signed on at 6:30am when the servers were online. They went into maintenance at 7:00am during the software update. I tried to login after that. -
This is very generous of you. I have a private supergroup (Vanquishers) that can use an infusion of prestige. I am willing to put in 100 million if you are willing to match that it would be much appreciated.
Global is @The Flower
I play on Triumph -
Quote:I started with an all salvage storage base but found that is not optimal. For my private supergroup my current allocation of the 18 is: 9 Salvage, 6 Enhancement, 2 Inspiration, and the Personal Storage Vault.I guess I have the maximum number of storage in my smallest possible base. I have no teleporters. I have no med bay. Whatever else is possible; I don't have any of those either.
I do have:
1) Portal in. Purple thingie that lets you enter and leave via the base portals out in Paragon.
2) Workroom. 8 salvage bins. 1 enhancement bin.
3) Workroom. 6 salvage bins. 1 enhancement bin. Vault/Safe that magically connects to Vault Reserve.
4) Control room. 1 abstract art thing that provides control. 2 bookcase. 2 desks. 1 salvage bin.
5) Power room. 1 glowie crystal thingie on the floor that provides power. 1 small crystal thingie on the wall that provides aux power.
2 salvage bins for Orange (rare) - gets you at least 1 of each kind stored.
3 salvage bins for Yellow (uncommon) - one for each tier gets you at least 2 of each
4 salvage bins for white (common) - for tier 1 and tier 3 one bin each gets you at least 2 of each. For Tier 2 I use two bins so I have 5 of each (most used level).
In addition each toon in my supergroup uses their personal storage vault for additional orange, yellow, or white salvage that I want to keep for replenishment of the 9 salvage bins as needed.
Tier 2 salvage I hoard everything else I keep the bin full and sell everything else on the market. Tier 1 is hardly used so you don't need that much of it. Tier 3 can be easily obtained by playing your lvl 50 toons. Tier 2 is what you need since that seems to be the optimal crafting level and can't be obtained easily (except through flashback arcs or AE tickets).
6 Enhancement bins gets me 600 enhancements allowing me to craft and store anything I might use or sell later (currently my library has 401 enhancements). Might seem excessive but with 15 + toons in the group you need a lot of enhancements to outfit them later.
2 Inspiration bins for EOE's, winter presents, and other miscellaneous inspirations that I can share among all toons. -
Quote:Either you made an error or somehow got the advantage of an exploitI could swear I have 19 storage units. Is there an SG badge or something that adds one?
I will have to confirm the number of storage units when the servers come up.. The max is 18 no matter how big the base is.
Quote:If you are talking supergroup beacon badges then you can unlock those as a Vigilante for the supergroup. Yes you (more specifically your supergroup) keep them no matter what alignment you are.Just curious...if I go villain can I unlock the badges there, including the beacon badges?
And when I go back to hero, will I still have those badges?
And btw, I think Issue 19 (today I hope) is merging all the transport systems, including base portals.
As the others have stated though the base is either hero or villain so no matter what beacons badges your supergroup earns hero bases only get hero beacons and villain bases only get villain beacons. -
Quote:Start here http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Base it has links to editing tips and all kinds of info on base rooms and items.Blueside SG,and I might need EVERYTHING.I just created the SG,and tried to create the telepad area(no success).I just suck so much at base building that I thought I should try to get some help here
To create a teleport room you first need either an oversight center with a combo unit or real control and power rooms with control and power items (telepads use 50 power and 25 control each, beacons use 10 control each). You need to craft the basic telepads using a worktable or forge (workshop item but can be placed in oversight center). The telepads are personal items so you need to use "add personal item" rather then "edit base" to get them added once you craft them. Beacons are teleport items that can be purchased once your supergroup has earned the beacon (visit all exploration badges for the zones while in supergroup mode). -
Hmmm... I would say that depends. Most of the clicks are pre-battle for me (Dull Pain 120 seconds and Instant Healing 90 seconds) The only click in battle are Reconstruction (the regen self heal) and Moment of Glory (pretty much invulnerable for 15 seconds. So I would say that for the most part once in battle you are using attacks only with the occasional heal or popping of moment of glory so the answer would be no. However if you need to activate Dull Pain and/or Instant Healing while in the midst of battle (forgot to activate, inconvenient timing, or long battles) then yes your DPS may suffer. However all the activation times are 1 second or less for these except for Moment of Glory that is 2.5 seconds.
I have a Kinetic Melee/Regen scrapper and like him very much. I agree with most of what you said, Moment of Glory and the heals make for a very tough toon. I've played tanker on teams lacking them and done very well at it.
That said the tankers are right, tankers are better at soaking up damage then any scrapper (its what they are built for). Scrappers can survive and at times out perform a tanker but tankers are still better at it.
Sappers are deadly to Regen I've found. I can counter them with Moment of Glory but if I don't have that they take my endurance, shut down my toggles and hold me; then I am done for.
However for most enemies with 2000+ HP (from Dull Pain), 100+ heal per second (instant healing), and Moment of Glory when needed a regen scrapper can come through where others would fall. -
Quote:Now that is one of the funniest things I have read in a whileI fought evil Baba Kanoosh, my evil twin grav/empath. We just held each other and stared longingly dreaming of real life time travel so we could go back and select more entertaining AT sets. In the end we both just popped RA and said it would be best to auto-complete this embarrassment.