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  1. Fenrisulfr

    Game down?

    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    There's a new MM Exploit in AE. Probably patching for that...
    Man that's quick, I hadn't even heard of a new one.

    Last ones I heard of were the mastermind pets as bosses and the non-damaging, buffing allies.
  2. Fenrisulfr

    Why Virtue, WHY?

    Originally Posted by LD Avenger View Post
    Server keeps going down without warning >.>
    Normally I have to pay to get this kind of action.


  3. I can't think of any problems with the powerset combination.

    No real synergy, but no real conflict either.

    Pop the shields out, and then just blast away with the arrows.
  4. Fenrisulfr

    Virtue LFG

    I don't know, I've always been on Virtue LFG Alpha myself.
  5. I think it'd be fairly similar whether you rolled a villain on Virtue or Freedom.
  6. I wouldn't worry too much about transferring characters.

    I know the pain, (and pleasure) of altitus and I can assure you that unless you have a real attachment to a particular character, it'd be cheaper to start fresh on Virtue.

    Remember they've changed the epic archtypes to be unlocked at 20, and you'll find more people, teams and task/strike forces on Virtue.

    Especially the two Positrons. People are always running those, since they're shiny and new and fun.
  7. It's happened to me a few times, but there's been no specific cause that I've noticed.
  8. What level did you take Fly at?

    Level 14 is only when it first becomes available, (without the veterans reward) you might have taken it later than that.

    It's also possible that you selected No Travel Powers when you were setting up the flashback.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
    I'm done wiff this game, 'round 5 years, done deal.

    If anyone decides to play Heroes of Newerth, Demigod, Or League of Legends, look me up, I play them all :6

    (Although i leik HoN moar.)

    Bai all

    And kudos on your choice of alternate games; there's some good stuff there.
    Though I've never heard of League of Legends myself.

    Have fun.
  10. I liked them before they were popular!
    Or did I join Virtue after it became popular...


    Either way Firefist, I believe Virtue is the most populated.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Marrow View Post
    I Stopped caring after this.
    I have often considered writing a post explaining to a player that what they've written isn't really all that important or interesting to me.

    In almost 100% of these situations, I've decided not to respond at all, since any post stating that I don't care is immediately invalidated by the fact that, obviously, I cared enough to respond at all.

    Furthermore, if I truly cared enough about the players lack of care-causing, I'd more than likely include some tips on how to make a post more interesting/attractive. Perhaps a quick reminder to break a big block of text into paragraphs or a quick how-to on using the list function.

    To summarise; that was a bit of a fail-post, Black_Marrow.
    Though I do applaud the honesty.

    Re: Fistsnatch
    I don't quite get what you're getting at when you're talking about a shakedown in point 3, but I definitely understand what you're getting at with point 4. Their official marketing efforts haven't always had the greatest result in my opinion.
    Though this may be partly due to the fact that I already play the game, so I'm not really the intended audience.

    Just for your information as well, you might like to try breaking your post up into paragraphs, leave a gap between each point. Make it a little easier on the eye.
    The thread title was good however. It gave me a clear idea of what to expect.
  12. Wait, are you talking about VU2010?

    We're moving to VirtueUnited?
  13. On my claws/sr brute I have the Web Weaver day job, (Arachnos Agent + Demagogue) for the free and easy web grenades.

    My ice/kinetic controller is a Physician, (Professor + Caregiver) so that as well as being able to heal, buff and control, she can revive as well.

    But my personal favourite day job is Law Enforcer. It gives us extra xp after mission completion and is one half of the accolades for the Baton and Tear Gas.
  14. As far as I'm concerned if a character has a complete build and 1 billion plus, they've got obscene wealth.

    Of course for some people the money is simply a way of keeping score, and not a means to an end. In that situation it can't even be considered money. Simply just ... stuff.

    Obscene wealth is defined differently for each individual.
  15. In character phone call tends to cover most things.

    What, you think that a contact's telephone only works one way?

    I have one character who habitually pulls out a book while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive at the mission. She loses track of time while reading sometimes.

    Full out disconnects I tend not to try and explain IC. If I had to, I'd probably go with the unexplained blackout. "Woah...what happened?"
  16. Fenrisulfr


    Asking questions IS the most popular way of getting an answer.

    Other popular methods include:
    • Sulking
    • Waiting for someone else to ask
    • Finding the lowest, meanest scumbag on the streets and hitting them until they start talking
  17. My recommendation would be a mind control dominator or a fortunata. A controller probably wouldn't be able to take down the arachnoids as quickly as the other two could.

    I've taken my fortunata into Warburg a couple of times and had great success in getting my nukes.

    The super arachnoids don't have any special resistance to confuse, so I could keep them under control to assist in taking down any other arachnoids about and just finish them off when the others are dead. With Mask Presence I can choose my fights and even avoid unnecessary groups. In addition, Psychic Wail is a brilliant tool at dealing with the larger groups.

    If you're actually looking to fight against people in Warburg, mind control is fairly good for that too.
  18. Fenrisulfr

    CO immigrant

    I'd like to add my friendly welcome onto the pile and toss in a compliment on the costume in your avvy.

    Nice look.

    Can't help but think it'd look better with a miniskirt though.
  19. Though it is fairly off-topic, the /help channel thing DOES need to be looked at.
    I think I only found out about using /hc through one of my other global channels.
  20. All we'd need next is a tutorial on how to locate and click the tutorial button.

    I'll have to admit, I never had a problem in figuring out how the enhancements worked when I was new to the game, but then I have a nasty habit of reading the information provided in game.
  21. Fenrisulfr

    Commando ?

    Yeah. Commando still uses the Legacy Assault Rifle.
  22. I believe on heroside, the Eden Trial is bugged so that the team leader must be within the level range of the trial, (39-41) otherwise the trial will not start.

    It's a fairly unique trial so it's not a bad spot to stop at if you were planning on disabling xp at a certain point.
  23. With their superleap and AI pathing, mastermind pets are fairly effective at pursueing flying enemies up until the enemy flies beyond superleap-height and ranged attack range.
    (In some cases, beyond superleap-height and ranged attack range AND building height.)

    Web grenades are fairly easy to acquire, so it can't hurt to get them anyway.
  24. Fenrisulfr

    Are we hated?

    Personally, I've experienced no hatred on any of my masterminds.

    Whether I'm at the market, in a strike force or just on a regular team.

    The closest any of my masterminds have come to hatred is well-intentioned and accurate advice.

    On a side note Edgewater, what server are you on?
    I'm on Virtue.