Warburg Buster Toon




I'm looking to make a character who can both easily gain the Warburg Missiles and PvP in the zone effectively. Honestly, it's my favorite PvP Zone in the game, and I've yet to find a good character for muscling my way through those annoying Spiders and their stupid insane Toxic Damage.

In terms of powers and archetype, I'm pretty flexible. I'm almost to my 57 month Vet reward, and I've played more on than off since Issue 1.

I'm open to any and all suggestions (related to this subject).

Too many alts to list.



Stalker or VEAT (Fortunata or Bane)



the nukes i get....but i have yet to see many people pvp...in fact ive seen more teams running nukes and loud mouth people getting ganked than actual pvp in the zone



My recommendation would be a mind control dominator or a fortunata. A controller probably wouldn't be able to take down the arachnoids as quickly as the other two could.

I've taken my fortunata into Warburg a couple of times and had great success in getting my nukes.

The super arachnoids don't have any special resistance to confuse, so I could keep them under control to assist in taking down any other arachnoids about and just finish them off when the others are dead. With Mask Presence I can choose my fights and even avoid unnecessary groups. In addition, Psychic Wail is a brilliant tool at dealing with the larger groups.

If you're actually looking to fight against people in Warburg, mind control is fairly good for that too.

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My kat/SR scrapper farms missles like it's nothing. I kill the group with the lab tech and then I WALK out the front door. All that happens is I see the word "dodged" endlessly. I got the badge years ago, but I still grab new nukes once a week and pull up lab techs for friends. SR is the way to go.

As for PvP it's okay. Sucks chasing people around with a sword. My dad once said "never bring a knife to a gun fight". He had a good point.

Check out this!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/LastRoninCoH/featured



Thanks much for the insight! I think I'll go try out a Fort for now and see how it goes. I'm a little worried about defense in PvP zones against NPC enemies, since I have no idea how that works. If not...Well I've always wanted to roll a Widow AT!

Too many alts to list.