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  1. My first 50 was an ill/kin/psi. Mind you this was before IOs, but I can tell you that an ill/kin is a great team toon (not too shabby as a soloist either). The nice thing about kin is that it doesn't take any time to set up--not only that, everyone is always at the damage cap, everyone always has a full blue bar, everyone is always healed, everyone has increased recharge, and everyone is always safe because phantom army is always out taking the aggro. Kin is also very clicky so you feel as though you are really doing something instead of just sitting around. Ill rules because of deceive (my personal favorite power in CoX), PA and Spectral Terror.

    Roll it and enjoy the ride.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyMage View Post
    Congrats! I've been looking into a beater of a machine for littlemage to play on. She loves making my characters jump. There was a thread on these forums about "What my 6 year old has learned from COH" and it was adorable.
    That is how mine started. It is amazing how quickly she is picking it up. She is now level 5 and she is totally gung ho.
  3. Got her one of the new 2nd gen i3 laptops; pretty low specs with only 3GB ram; it was only ~$380 ($413 w/tax). We're running the game at 1366x768 or something like that; low detail. It is running just fine. She's really excited about it.

    I'm excited by the fact that a) my wee one can game with me, and b) this really provides her with an incentive to work on her reading.
  4. Hey folks, my youngest (young) always like to hop on while I'm playing the game, and she is going to need a new computer for school so I was wondering if one of the new SandyBridge second generation i3 processors with on-die graphics would be able to play the game; I'm looking at getting her a cheap laptop and didn't know if the new Intel processors would be up to snuff in terms of playing the game. She doesn't need high detail graphics, just a fairly smooth game experience.

    Thanks for any feedback.

    Fat E
  5. FatElvis

    AA + WoC?

    Does domination affect AA, or is AA considered a pet?


    Fat E
  6. This would be incredibly fun on an ice/psi/ice dom....
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RiverOcean View Post
    I'm patiently waiting for the New Dom shiny s!. My guess is that Dom's are going to get customized versions of Illusion and Dark.

    May I even dare guess a "Darkness" and "Light" control/assault sets!

    Or a control set that would work for "Natural" or "Weapon" wielding characters.

    Or the long awaited Magnetic Control!

    And here's a way to think of it.."If everything happened now..you'd never have anything to look forward too.."
    This is what I don't understand: A lot of powersets would more or less mimic other existing powersets when you get right down to it (especially when you take into consideration "normalization"), so what I tend to do is use "power customization" as a proxy for desired "sets" that aren't released yet. For example, when I want a "water" based set, I typically use fire (if I am a tank, troller or dom) and just turn all the powers a shade of blue. Think hotfeet becomes a pool of drowning or fire imps become sea urchins. Plant control makes a fantastic dark control set if you use your imagination and turn the plant control powers an inky color; it really isn't even that big of a stretch as carrion (from carrion creepers) refers to the carcass of a dead animal.

    Sure, there are certain signature powers (phantom army) that you may not find in other powersets that you desire, but if people just use their imaginations a little bit, there really is a near infinite number of powersets already available to you. Don't let yourself be boxed in by the game.
  8. Why don't people like SS with dark? Rage is a great "build up" power, and Hand Clap + Oppressive Gloom = perma stunned bosses. Rage also means you don't have to put as much acc in your attacks so you can slot more end red.
  9. Pair it with oppressive gloom from DA and you have a boss level stun.
  10. Didn't know if ToHit Debuffs would be a way to surpass the 5% floor or not.

  11. I know, I know...the cottage rule.

    But...to really put gravity on par with the other troller primaries, something, as EVERYONE has pointed out, needs to be done to dimension shift and I think turning it into a "seeds of confusion" type power could fit not only the concept of a dimension shift (the curvature of space causes enemies to misjudge where their attacks land), it could also make Gravity a fun primary to play (again). It would be easy to implement as there wouldn't need to be a creation of a new game mechanic.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Sooo.... all those Darks, Rads and Trappers I keep running into are a figment of my imagination? I see a lot more of those three sets than I do Empaths although Empathy probably does come in 4th.
    I don't see a lot of Darks as primaries; I see a lot of darks as secondaries for Corrs and MMs, however....
  13. OK, I am going to say it. I am going to try and be polite, as well, since this a sensitive subject on this board: You can play whatever type of toon that you want, but in CoH, full support/healer builds just aren't necessary and are often viewed as excess baggage on a team if you aren't helping take down mobs. If you have fun playing a full support/healer toon, more power to you as above all else, this is a GAME and people should have FUN. Just be prepared for a lot of teams to kick you off of them if it is a PUG of experienced players. You simply can not heal back the damage as fast as it will come; you simply can't do it. The game isn't structured that way. Notice on empathy, the heals are the lowest level powers. The upper tier powers aren't heals, but buffs--buffs with long recharges. If you are waiting for your buffs to recharge before you do anything, people will think you are simply leeching xp and you will get kicked from teams.

    Good luck, HAVE FUN, and enjoy the game; "character classes" are pretty in depth compared to other games so make sure to try other archetypes. You just might surprise yourself at what you might find fun.
  14. Never dump Siphon Power-especially if you plan to solo a lot. Unless you plan on playing xx/+8 quite a bit, you will get a lot of milage out of siphon power since it recharges a LOT faster than FS. Siphon power not only increases your damage, but it also debuffs the damage of your target. There is nothing in the kin set that mitigates how many times you get hit, so if you are going to get hit, might as well cushion the blow, so to speak.
  15. You might also want to consider some of the other defender primaries as well. If you like "healing," kinetics and dark miasma provide better group heals than empathy. Kinetics is also available over on controllers. It is a fast action power set whether you play it as a defender or controller. My first 50 was an illusion/kinetics troller; while it could be played as a support toon, make no mistake about it, that toon could/can kick butt and take names by itself. Dark miasma is a very, very underappreciated primary for defenders; for me, however, it is far and away my favorite defender primary. With that primary, the defender can act as a tank on a team. Seriously. It does sooo much debuffing and it has its own pet, dark servant (or fluffy) that just piles on incredible debuffs on top of what you can offer. I think about what dark miasma can do and it makes me pee myself a little.

    Here is a great guide on dark miasma: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=127276
  16. Offender: Someone with bad breath
    Defender: A teenage girl that just clipped your fender while texting and driving.

    Well, I guess that would be a defenderer....
  17. How does Aim affect psuedopets like ice storm?


    Fat E
  18. Think of Seeds of Confusion as the best AoE hold in the game. It stops mobs from attacking you; it causes more damage than any other hold (due to mobs wailing on each other) and it clumps those mobs together so you get the most milage possible out of your other AoE attacks. To top it off, it has 1/4 the recharge and a higher base accuracy than any AoE hold in the game.
  19. Aegis,

    Do you see that guy with the purple hair in your avatar? That's you.

    Do you see that fist punching the guy with purple hair in your avatar? That is every other plant dom/troller hitting you for not taking seeds of confusion. It repeats itself ad nauseam for good reason.


    Plant Primaries
  20. FatElvis


    How does domination affect psuedopets, then? I was curious if domination affected the whole Synaptic Overload chain or just the first target. Also, how does domination affect procs such as the Confusion proc?

    Thanks for any clarification on these issues.
  21. I'd like to get in on this as well. My Global name is Dancing Shadow.