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  1. Too easily circumvented. But I suppose it's a nice option for some...
  2. Da Big Bug welcomes back Da Big Bull.
  3. Although I won't be able to participate in DXP... I'll be happily enjoying a Board Game convention with my best friend (who is not a regular on our Vent server that is...) so it's not all bad.
  4. Escher

    Avatar Help

    I like my avatar... it is just fine at 80x80.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    BABs said:
    I've done a bit of poking around on the forums and there appears to be conflicting reports on how much of an impact this is having. Some are saying it's now impossible, others have said that it's noticeable, but still manageable. Bottom line is, we're aware of it now and we're looking into whether or not anything needs to be changed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Count me in as someone who noticed it, but didn't think it made the TF unmanageable or unbeatable. Yeah, it takes a bit longer to take down the towers, and you really need to make sure none of the already defeated towers get noticed by the repairmen, but it's not that bad.

    Honestly, I thought it might have been a deliberate change to add some challenge to what has become a rather routine defeat strategy.

  6. Escher

    Chili Recipes

    [ QUOTE ]
    Around these parts, chili is a ground meat and tomato based topping for spaghetti. Pinto style beans are an optional topping, as are diced onions and shredded Cheddar cheese.

    The chili itself is seasoned with seasonings that include a healthy dose of paprika and smaller amounts of cinnamon, cumin, and powdered cloves as well as ground chili peppers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You must be from Cincinnati... because what you are describing sounds exactly like the Cincinnati style chili we used to make at World Class in Seattle.
  7. Happy Canada Day a few late...
  8. I wouldn't trust something that important to anyone who only charged 10 dollars...
  9. I actually already have a Villain version of my main. Onus Vox became 0nus Vox.

  10. Would be happy to run with your PvE crew sometime Baroness.
  11. Well damn... I guess I'll have to hold Belltown from the Rikti by myself from now on...

    Take care Coz. You know where I am if ya need me.
  12. Escher

    500 Badges

    well, now that they are removing about 89 of them... you'll be back under 500 soon...

    And I'll be back under 700...
  13. If the SG does exist, then at least one person must be in it. The trick will be finding that person.
  14. /e Points to his .sig

    That IS my story.
  15. I just love how they have basically said "Well, these NEW badges that encourage farming are bad, but... those earlier ones? Yeah, they can stay."

    As if there is any reasonable way to earn Immortal or Empath without farming damage / healing...

    And for Synapse to say "We want badges to be something anyone can earn <cough cough> BUG HUNTER <cough>" No casual player is ever going to earn that one - you're not even guaranteed to earn it if you regularly submit bugs. Don't even get me started on Passport...

    Meh, I'm not too upset I suppose, but this does smack of inconsistency.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Whenever I see the name "Sister Psyche", I'm immediately reminded of Juke Joint Jezebel" by KMFDM:

    I can't reject this empty hole.
    I cannot count this bloody cost.
    I can't believe this wretched soul.
    Come Penetrate all this loss.
    Come on and kill this sense of life,
    And be the one who is denied.
    Now show me one more upturned knife,
    And fill the emptiness inside!

    Be mine, sister salvation.
    Juke-Joint-Jezebel is coming for my cremation
    Be mine, sister salvation.
    Closer now - see the revelation.

    If I could leave my burning skin,
    That has been used up in your skin.
    Is there a tiny part of me,
    Untouched -- unsoiled by misery!

    I am the city that will lie.
    You are the one that blame passed by.
    This is the place where I will weep.
    The lonelisness of sweet conceit!

    The revelation.
    See the revelation.
    The revelation.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  17. Happy Birthday, and if the cake turns out to be a lie, I shall find a way to make it up to you. Also a Cigar... must have a birthday Cigar.
  18. I certainly hope that the health issues with your wife work out, HB...

    No idea on the alliance situation with villains. It seems that there has been a drop off in PvP, but there are still some folks out there. I ain't one of them, but they are out there.
  19. Yeah, I got all the VOX Vodka you could possibly need.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I believe I understand your position. However I see no reason to attempt to dissuade ANYone from helping others enjoy their time on our home server.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No one is trying to dissuade you from having fun on Victory (I think we all like our server and want other quality players to hang out with us). However, what everyone is saying is that what you are proposing already exists. If you have an event planned, post it on the forums. If it's a "Mega Event," work with PERC, the community mods, and the weekly newsletter to get the word out there.

    And if you're doing something impromptu, use Victory Badges, Victory Badges 2009, and the Victory Forum channel to get things going. The best thing to do with any event is to use already established forms of communication (only making new ones when there is nothing already in place), as this guarantees that the biggest audience will hear your message. By trying to create new channels of communication when ones already exist, you're setting the bar for your communication to get out to your audience too high.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There. That's what I was trying to get at with my post, but it came out rather more negative sounding than I would have liked. Resources exist to accomplish the goals of Victory United, and I feel we could be better served as a community if we worked to make the existing resources work better rather than trying to create even MAOR resources.
  21. I don't see a reason for this. PERC exists, VB and VB09 exist. Maybe I'm just too observant, but I see more events happening on this server than I could possibly attend even if I wanted to attend them all.

    Yet another channel for me to have to monitor? No thank you.

    Use the forums to organize events - that is what they are there for. I fail to see what creating some mega-alliance of supergroups is going to accomplish except to make the organizers feel important.

    This smacks of a solution looking for a problem.

  22. Cien Fuegos... yeah I smoke that brand of Cigar...
  23. Well, look, I very well might be wrong about it, but at the beginning of CoV, you had to make all new characters at Level 1 so I don't see why it is stupid they would do that again.

    After all, if I can just arbitrarily switch sides, what would possibly motivate me to create a "new" character?

    I'm sure we'll see soon enough, and I certainly hope that I am wrong - but if not, well, it wouldn't be the first boneheaded thing the Devs have done.

  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think one thing that is being overlooked is the following possibility:

    Yes, you may switch sides, but ONLY WITH CHARACTERS CREATED WITH THE NEW RELEASE. Sorry about the caps, but it just seems like opening too many cans of worms if they were to allow fully tricked out fifties to switch sides at launch.

    I expect that this will be very similar to the CoV initial launch - there may be a small handful of zones that allow interaction between Praetoria and Paragon, but other than that, existing characters and Praetorian characters will be in two separate worlds.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not to go off topic Esch, but a few weeks ago I was watching "The Phone" on MTV (or VH1 I forget which) the last scene was in Gasworks park there was a huge graffiti tag "Esch" in the background. Approx 35:51 into the episode, my question Esch; seeing that it took place in Seattle, do you have another hobby we don't know about?
    Episode 1 The Bomber

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. My tag is actually an
    impossible triangle.